Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Any recommendations for escorts who enjoy fisting, PSE  (Read 7393 times)

Offline thehoodman1

A year or so prior to that I attended one of Debbie's parties in the West Midlands. A local sub woman attended as a casual and went largely unnoticed until one of the other party goers discovered that she loved a good fisting. This piqued my interest in her and when she later became free I introduced myself and asked if she was happy for me to fist her. She sat back in a chair and spread her legs, revealing the meatiest looking pussy I have yet seen. "Help yourself", she said. Within a few seconds my left hand had slid into her hole with ease and room to spare. I was in well past the wrist. Sensing the opportunity to try something generally unthinkable I then cupped my right hand and pushed it slowly into her gaping pussy. It too slid in with ease and there I was, in a room full of people, double fisting a complete stranger! What an experience!  :D

I too have been to those parties and partaken of I believe the lovely sub 'anna', vaginal fisting whilst banging her arse. :yahoo: no mean feat in a room full of party goers. memories...

Offline Blackpool Rock

Within a few seconds my left hand had slid into her hole with ease and room to spare. I was in well past the wrist. Sensing the opportunity to try something generally unthinkable I then cupped my right hand and pushed it slowly into her gaping pussy. It too slid in with ease and there I was, in a room full of people, double fisting a complete stranger! What an experience!  :D
Takes me back to a joke from 30+ years ago when I was a teenager that went along the lines of -
A prostitute says to a guy to insert his finger in her vagina then another and another until his whole hand is inside her, then she tells him to insert his other hand which he duly does before her telling him to clap.
The man says "I can't" and the Prossie remarks "See I told you I was tight"  :drinks: