Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: How difficult is this game?  (Read 1440 times)

Offline Fra66le

Chaps I’ve had a nightmare today, had appointment in Doncaster but whoever scheduled the day left a 2 hour window. Excellent.  So I send out some feelers through AW to see what was happening. One promising so I left it at that. First mistake, always had a backup. That promise disappeared this morning as the WG in question had to change her availability. To plan B, send out a few messages with little response even if the green light was on. This doesn’t come as a massive shock but as it was this morning, no response by the afternoon even if is was a sorry would have been nice. So I ended up chasing my tail all afternoon with cash on my pocket and nowhere to spend it. Did I catch Donny on an off day? On a positive I may have some pints lined up over the next few weeks for which I will report once they happen. The day could have been worse I did even drop a message to a certain WG that is well documented on here. Thank Christ that didn’t happen, would have been a case of cock leading the brain. So I’m left with the conclusion that either it was just a slow day or I need to get more organised in the future. Has anyone else had similar issues?

Online Moby Dick

Yep, that's punting.
Stick to well reviewed girls who don't have any time wasting comments. Even so have a plan B (because even WG have emergencies). Put all the parlour numbers in your punting phone as emergency swollen ball releif.

Offline JayEZ2K

This game is not difficult, but it can be very time consuming if you punt a lot. If you have certain regions that you punt in, I recommend keeping a growing list of WGs, with your notes annotated directly onto a snapshot of their AW profile. Positives, Negatives, services they perform, whatever notes are relevant to your interests. Because all of the key info is already there, you can quickly browse these profile snapshots to determine your backup punt: plan B, C, D, etc. Because I travel about 1.5 hours to get to London just to punt, I keep about 10-20 of these in my punting phone, so I not only have several backups, but I can chose a girl based on my mood. A little later I will write a detailed guide to researching and summarizing punting options, and also get others' tips and tricks for this.

Also, as you gain more experience, it's good to mix in some slightly risky, unreviewed WGs to take one for the team. But that's another area to estimate risk from unreviewed profiles.

Offline wildman

If you need a Plan C, there's always Katie's Moulin Rouge at Kirk Sandall (External Link/Members Only if you need to just "drop in".  Decent selection of girls, although best to check with reception what they don't do - eg report suggests Marnie doesn't kiss.  I'm intending on going back soon (currently out of action due to "circumstances").  Previous experience at Katies was positive, although the girl I saw is no longer there (reviewed just over 2 years ago).

Offline hullad

Thats the game alright  :wacko:

If its any consolation to you, in my experience when plan A has got 'pete tong ' plan B or C has ended up being a disaster. I dont do the research well enough, dropping standards and going for those available is no good. Save your money for a better planned punt with a more reliable bonk.

Offline Grenadier36

If you are time-restricted OP then making phone calls is the fastest route to getting a booking IMO rather than relying on WGs answering AW messages or even texts  :hi:

Offline yorkieyorkie

If you are time-restricted OP then making phone calls is the fastest route to getting a booking IMO rather than relying on WGs answering AW messages or even texts  :hi:


I look for profiles with numbers showing. Saves time

Offline Adoniron

Hi just joined first post. I try to plan well in advance and do my research. However we all know what can happen with the best laid plans. The problem then is we try to find someone - anyone - else in the area when the sensible thing to do would be to call it off. Sometimes we get lucky but other times we have an unsatisfactory experience and wish we hadn't bothered. It's the nature of the game I'm afraid.

Offline Fra66le

Cheers for the replies guys, I guess I need to up my game in the research deptartment. More often than not I’m time restricted as my work diary is pretty fluid so if I think I have a cast iron time and meet hot to trot I get a work call and have to bugger off.

Keep the cash in the pocket is key I think rather than punt at all costs!