Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Mia, Marble Arch - SexAsianEscorts threatened to me with police for cancelling  (Read 2112 times)

Offline samtor

Thanks to Jeffe's review, Mia had been on my HL for a while - External Link/Members Only.  Finally found myself in the West End with a spare afternoon so I called SexyAsianEscorts at 11:30 to book her.  The agency texted me that she was available at 1:00 pm and I confirmed by reply.  At 12:30 pm I got a call from the boss saying I was needed so there went my afternoon plans.  I text the agency immediately "Sorry. Boss called.  Have to cancel."

I immediately got a message back "Cancel time waster will send details to police and twitter."  This was still 25 minutes before the appointment so I read it as a threat that if I cancel my appointment they are going to go to the police (Whatever for I don't know.  I hoep they wouldn't be crazy or stupid enough to concoct a fake accusation against me) and out me on Twitter.

I tried to telephone several times (always good to try to clear up misunderstandings), but it always went straight to voicemail so they are obviously blocking me.  I sent a follow up text to confirm that I had cancelled 30 minutes in advance.  So far no reply.   Also, I don't see anything on their Twitter feed. 

Also, as background, I had had two other punts with them that went smoothly.  So the bookings should have still been on their text history and they would see I am a reputable customer who has given them (repeat) business.

I understand their frustration with real time wasters.  I get pissed at SPs who blow me off (not in a good way).  But sometimes sincere problems have come up and if they get to me with a basic apology and clarification, then I am understanding.  Shit happens.

I would be wary of using an agency with a who would make such threats.  Even when the punter comes to them, clarifies what happens and tries to apologize.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2018, 06:12:32 pm by samtor »

Offline bhudda

From your description of events i would conclude they are immature, stupid cunts. Ignore their silly threats and take your business elsewhere in future.

Offline Sinz

Why have you rated the review Positive ?

I am guessing that was an error.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2018, 06:12:25 pm by Sinz »

Offline samtor

Why have you rated the review Positive ?

I am guessing that was an error.

Sorry Sinz - oversight. 

Offline Sinz

Offline Wozel

I wouldn’t worry as I’m sure the police will tell them to fuck right off ( in a kind and professional manner of course). The amount of times WGs and agencies have wasted my time in the past I would hate to think.

Offline last_days_of_logan

I wouldn’t worry as I’m sure the police will tell them to fuck right off ( in a kind and professional manner of course). The amount of times WGs and agencies have wasted my time in the past I would hate to think.

i'm not sure how this is even a starter?

what are they sending your details to the police for? whats the criminal offense?

and putting your shit on twitter is one way traffic to them getting shut down.

its actually irritating me right now just reading over what they did  :D

Offline The Film Director

Sounds like a good reason BL this agency  :thumbsdown:

Offline pewpewpew

By outing you on Twitter, do you mean that they have your details or just your punting name and punting number?

Offline evg

I hoep they wouldn't be crazy or stupid enough to concoct a fake accusation against me) and out me on Twitter.

Welcome to the club. :cool: They won't do anything, it's their standard message. They did the same thing to me once after I told them that I've waited 15 mins outside the door and that I've bolted when I saw a copper coming down the stairs. The owner, Chloe, is a cunt.

I tried another booking with them after a while, with the same number, and guess what? It worked.

Offline samtor

By outing you on Twitter, do you mean that they have your details or just your punting name and punting number?
Punting name and punting number (I guess...I quoted their text word for word in my post).


  • Guest
From your description of events i would conclude they are immature, stupid cunts. Ignore their silly threats and take your business elsewhere in future.
It’s the way Asians do business. Full stop.

Offline Muzmuz

Thanks for sharing your experience OP.
I wouldn’t and haven’t used this agency for years. They treat us the customers with contempt. We all know they have to deal with time wasters but if you have to cancel and give them reasonable notice there’s no way they should be threatening to out you or involve the police.

I hope you used a punting phone? They’re probably empty threats but it’s always best to be careful with this hobby.

Offline punk

Thanks to Jeffe's review, Mia had been on my HL for a while - External Link/Members Only.  Finally found myself in the West End with a spare afternoon

I immediately got a message back "Cancel time waster will send details to police and twitter."  This was still 25 minutes before the appointment so I read it as a threat that if I cancel my appointment they are going to go to the police (Whatever for I don't know.  I hoep they wouldn't be crazy or stupid enough to concoct a fake accusation against me) and out me on Twitter.

Report the Cunts for blackmail threats and wasting police time.

The shit will fall on these wankers.

Offline Muzmuz

It’s the way Asians do business. Full stop.

I haven’t used this agency for years so I don’t know who deals with the bookings now but it used to be an English woman named Chloe. She was always the problem. She used to talk to you on the phone like she was doing you a favour. If you ever dared to ask a question the replies could be quite sarcastic at times. She also used to post on the forum prossienet as well and came across as a right stuck up old cow.

Offline Jeffe

OP glad the recommend was helpful (shame you didn’t actually get to see her) she’s also on a couple of other Asian agencies so perhaps try one of them. Bizarre response by the agency, a good way to lose customers with an attitude like that  :unknown:


OP glad the recommend was helpful (shame you didn’t actually get to see her) she’s also on a couple of other Asian agencies so perhaps try one of them. Bizarre response by the agency, a good way to lose customers with an attitude like that  :unknown:

Agree. Bad attitude indeed. As stated above though, she is with other agencies. Olina, for example. They should, at least, be more user friendly I would have thought. 

External Link/Members Only

Online LLPunting

It’s the way Asians do business. Full stop.

Plenty of Asians do business just fine.  Your statement is bollocks.

OP didn't do his research, SAE has been infamous for its shitty service for years.  Would've been oh so easy to use any of a number of other agencies to book this SP, perhaps even track her down in AW/VS.

Offline samtor

I hope you used a punting phone? They’re probably empty threats but it’s always best to be careful with this hobby.


Offline samtor

OP didn't do his research, SAE has been infamous for its shitty service for years.  Would've been oh so easy to use any of a number of other agencies to book this SP, perhaps even track her down in AW/VS.

Fair point.  In 30 years of punting, I've never had a problem like this with the agency itself so when Jeffe made his recommendation (which included the SexyAsianEscorts selection first), I didn't go into research mode to check out whether the agency was any good.  Might do a bit more agency level digging in the future.

Offline Dicky

If anything, they are the ones who should be more scared of the police given the way Thais have been driven out of London over the last few years and afency owners being arrested over the last week in Chelsea Cloisters. If I were you, I would threaten them right back.


  • Guest
Your statement is bollocks.

In your opinion...... which is irrelevant.  :hi:


  • Guest
If you read the OP's recent review where he tries to pass off fucking a misrepresented transexual as a positive punt...

...perhaps they thought he was a cunt?

Offline samtor

If you read the OP's recent review where he tries to pass off fucking a misrepresented transexual as a positive punt...

...perhaps they thought he was a cunt?

Wow, that's pretty harsh language for simply disagreeing with someone's rating.  I'm pretty new to this forum and am trying to help folks with useful information.  Is that how things work around here - one posts a detailed, honest review and one can expect to be abused for it?

Offline Dicky

Wow, that's pretty harsh language for simply disagreeing with someone's rating.  I'm pretty new to this forum and am trying to help folks with useful information.  Is that how things work around here - one posts a detailed, honest review and one can expect to be abused for it?

Dont mind him....he's the resident idiot, talking about himself in the last line there.  :D

Offline winkywanky

Wow, that's pretty harsh language for simply disagreeing with someone's rating.  I'm pretty new to this forum and am trying to help folks with useful information.  Is that how things work around here - one posts a detailed, honest review and one can expect to be abused for it?

I wouldn't worry about it, the experience was Positive for YOU, so you chose to give it a positive.

And you were at pains to clearly point out that as far as you were concerned, this was a post-op TS: you made sure everyone knows.


  • Guest
Crazy, especially if they do this on a regular basis.
Thanks OP for reporting this.

Offline SomTumFucker

Plenty of Asians do business just fine.  Your statement is bollocks.

OP didn't do his research, SAE has been infamous for its shitty service for years.  Would've been oh so easy to use any of a number of other agencies to book this SP, perhaps even track her down in AW/VS.


Asians and especially Thais are among the easiest to do business with and the least inclined to involve the Old Bill for obvious reasons.

Seasoned Asian fanciers have blacklisted SAE for many years now for passing off post op’s as female and the smug arrogance of the vile Madam Chloe who IS banned from this site - thank fuck!

Offline SomTumFucker

In your opinion...... which is irrelevant.  :hi:

And the opinion of many seasoned punters - which is relevant.  :hi:

Offline The Film Director

And the opinion of many seasoned punters - which is relevant.  :hi:

Does that include you?  Maybe share some of your valuable experience.  :hi: