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Author Topic: Sophie Walker, anti-male sexist out to criminalize punters  (Read 622 times)

Offline JayEZ2K

Randomly came across this article, which happens to be written by Sophie Walker, an anti-male sexist who leads the Women's Equality Party.  External Link/Members Only

Note that her recently listed articles include the following statements. See a pattern?

July 2018    "Overconfident men brought us Brexit. It’s not too late for women to fix it."

May 2018   "Let’s criminalise the men buying sex, and spare the women they exploit"

Hopefully she won't find much political power, although I fear she might. It's good to know who the allies and enemies are. Does anyone know who any other major opponents are? And if we get an opportunity to keep them out of power?

PS At least we can see her get crushed (IMO) in a discussion here: External Link/Members Only

Offline Squire Haggard

I think that Sophie Walker should be congratulated. Never before, has anyone managed to compress so much crap into such a small space. Her ''article'' has been comprehensively shredded below the line.

Sophie Walker is the leader of the Women’s Equality party. Rather than attacking men, do something that makes you ''equal.'' Except that you cant because you are too fucking stupid.  :)

Offline plums

It's got to be the feminist equivalent of a slice of buttered toast strapped to a cat's back - which lands first?  The howwible men who pay women for sex versus the empowerment of women who choose to work in the sex industry.  Men who pay for sex and willing sex workers can't be mutually exclusive.

Offline peter.witless

There are two separate issues in this whole debate which seem to get conflated time & time again ... sex-work is done by unwilling women, and women are targets for human trafficking.

I do not know of anyone (other than those who profit from it, of course) who does not think human trafficking is abhorrent and that the perpetuaters should pay the maximum penalty our laws allow. Our police and legal resources should be mobilized to this end.

"Unwilling" women:
The single huge fallacy of all the drivel about sex workers being "driven" to it by financial necessity is that 99.99% of working people are "driven" to it by necessity. Do you think builder Bob WANTS to stand out in the rain getting his knuckles all arthritic from the hard manual labour of building your house? Do you think cleaner Sue WANTS to clean out the toilets at your office/nightclub/whatever? We work because we HAVE to in order to survive and have a reasonable standard of living.

The difference is in the CHOICE of what work to do ... and this choice is dictated by a whole host of things. Ability, education, opportunity, economics, etc. Some have less options than others, so they will naturally gravitate towards the economic opportunities within their reach. This is an inescapable law of life and human nature.

It is a fact of life that human females have a financial opportunity when it comes to sexual services ... males in general want more (quantity/variety/kink/whatever) than is available to them normally, so they are prepared to pay ...

Are most women in the sex industry unwilling? Of course they ARE! Let's face it, your average punter is no catch ... however, do you really think the young chap/chapette who serves you at McDonalds is WILLING? Hell, no ... they'd much rather be ANYWHERE else.

... and finally:
My only question (morally speaking) is did the lady enter this industry of her own free will? If yes, then she deserves no more (and no less) pity and protection than the people who work in any other menial job. If no, by all means ... get her help to get out ... but do NOT confuse the two.