Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Anyone know what's happened to Sam(BerkshirePlaymate) in Bracknell/Ascot?  (Read 5667 times)


  • Guest
Hey chaps, Anyone know what's happened to Sam? Most recent AW name was BerkshirePlaymate. She was in Ascot when I saw her a few months ago, had been in Camberley for a bit (was SurreyPlaymate on AW then) before that. Was between Bracknell and Ascot before that (think she was firstclassgirl then).

I know she appeared to come on here pretending to be a punter for some silly reason. But I'm sure many others will attest to her quality. I'd hate to think she's retired without a farewell shag from me. It's been nearly 10 years on and off i think! I do know that when I saw her a few months ago, she seemed a bit annoyed at a surprising lack of punters (think a regular-regular had dumped her which didn't help), and had had a dry spell in Camberley too, hence the move back to Berks. Would love to know if she's moved elsewhere or just left the game. not showing up on my area searches and the links on here don't work. Any info appreciated. Cheers.

Offline Danj89

I had seen her a few times and always enjoyed myself. Would be good to see her again for one last booking.


  • Guest
I had seen her a few times and always enjoyed myself. Would be good to see her again for one last booking.

Indeed. Always a bit of class. Would really like to know if she's gone into retirement after having a little struggle (tho she should have a shitheap of savings after her time as a professional and normally popular provider). If memory serves she was annoyed at the no. of cheap foreign girls too, but I don't recall any mention of retirement or moving location again.

FWIW, I don't really think the foreign girls were really competition. With Sam you always knew what you got, something that foreigners just couldn't provide, even if I would've liked a slightly lower price for longer appointments, and a more extensive service (always a dream to give her a facial instead of the CIM finish!). I could've died happy after anal with her too :D

God, this is much fluffier than I intended.


  • Guest
No-one knows anything then? Well that's disappointing :(
She used to share flats too, don't spose any girls who shared with Sam are lurking and have any info?
I know she commuted to work a fair way, just wondering whether she changed to working a distance away from home in another direction?
Oh well!
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 10:04:15 pm by WhattheFlip »

Offline sensualencounter

I don't know her but maybe she is on holiday or a break? I've always fancied a go with her but never got round to it. If anyone finds her working again, I'd be interested to know as she's well reviewed and English - works for me!!!


  • Guest
I don't know her but maybe she is on holiday or a break? I've always fancied a go with her but never got round to it. If anyone finds her working again, I'd be interested to know as she's well reviewed and English - works for me!!!

I don't recall her ever shutting down her AW when she's been away before, that's the thing. I did notice the other day that all her reviews off prossienet have disappeared actually too. So guess she really has retired and got them to remove all of them or something, don't know how it works. Damn Shame, you don't fully appreciate some things until they're gone! I'm just interested to know what's led to the retirement as much as anything. Even if it's not really our business.


  • Guest
I recall that she was having dental work ( she had a brace put in ) and had plans for further stuff.

Don't know if she went ahead with it and thus this has taken her out of action for while


  • Guest
I recall that she was having dental work ( she had a brace put in ) and had plans for further stuff.

Don't know if she went ahead with it and thus this has taken her out of action for while

Well, when I saw her a few months ago, I think she'd fairly recently had a spell on the sidelines after some dental work-I think she had to have her jaw broken or something grizzly! But she was back at work, and I'm not sure if she took her AW profile offline when she was off before, that's the thing! I think this was about April. Maybe Sam's had to have more stuff done. Hope she's ok anyway.

Offline Cunning Punt

I do know that when I saw her a few months ago, she seemed a bit annoyed at a surprising lack of punters

If memory serves she was annoyed at the no. of cheap foreign girls too

I don't have much sympathy with escorts at the best of times, certainly those charging £150 and then whingeing.

Each to their own, but I would hardly call £100ph "cheap" and if an escort is charging £150ph then a lack of punters isn't surprising, good though she may be.

If she had reduced her prices from £100/£150 to £80/£120, then she would have got more custom but still made a decent living.


  • Guest
I don't have much sympathy with escorts at the best of times, certainly those charging £150 and then whingeing.

Each to their own, but I would hardly call £100ph "cheap" and if an escort is charging £150ph then a lack of punters isn't surprising, good though she may be.

If she had reduced her prices from £100/£150 to £80/£120, then she would have got more custom but still made a decent living.

That is very true, and whilst she wasn't being nasty or anything (don't think she really had a nasty side tbh), it was just us chatting really, I still soo nearly told her that at the time. Just didn't really wanna spoil the punt-mood, y'know!? :lol: Kind of wish I had though if a wake up call had kept her around :(
It was hella tempting to just say:

 "Look darlin, I like you a lot, you're very good at what you do, very professional and yet genuine blah blah blah, BUT £150 is a lot of money for the vast majority of people, and whilst you're good at what you do and very, very attractive, it isn't an extensive service you provide. For £150, you should really be swallowing when you do CIM, not running off to the bathroom before I've fully finished cumming, and you should definitely do Facials, and should probably consider offering Anal on longer meets atleast, as well as bringing down your prices for longer meets too. There are some very attractive EE girls, and even some very attractive British girls who do more services, with a smile like you, for the same price or significantly less. You also need to be more honest about your age, as you've been in your mid-late 20s for about a decade, even though you still look great and have a body that puts 99.9% of people younger than you to shame! But yeah, the main thing is price and services. This is an industry/business like any other in that regard, and if you want more punters, something has to change."

But I didn't say that :D

I still presume no-one has any word on what happened to Sam tho? :lol:

Offline luthor

Agree with WTF, Sam was always good but sadly for the money, we boys like a bit more filth than what she offers. Drop the price to £120-£130 and maybe a 45min option and would definitely see more regular action.

Also she only fairly recently got new headlights installed too didn't she? I only saw the older ones which were great but new ones looked rock solid.

Hopefully she comes back.

Offline Elmer.fudd

Missed the boat with her as she was on my list. Any recommendations in these areas? Seen Classey21 and definately going back.


  • Guest
Agree with WTF, Sam was always good but sadly for the money, we boys like a bit more filth than what she offers. Drop the price to £120-£130 and maybe a 45min option and would definitely see more regular action.

Also she only fairly recently got new headlights installed too didn't she? I only saw the older ones which were great but new ones looked rock solid.

Hopefully she comes back.

Yeah, she had 'em done a fair while ago actually, 'cause she was worried they might've been PIPS. But she had them made bigger for some reason and they were a bit too firm. The old ones were a top pair of implants, just the right size for her body shape, felt great etc The new falsies were a little big and had virtually no give in them! Still ok, not a butcher's job or anything, but not as good as the previous ones. It was weird because they were very much a 'porn star'-style pair of tits, which just didn't match, as you say, the level of filth on offer. Previous ones suited better, imo.

Offline bluefrog2

Just wanted to give this thread a bump, does anyone know is Sam is back in business and working, or is she retired and gone?

Offline Old Spice

Last time I met Sam she had just signed up to train as a nurse.
That was August 2016.


  • Guest
Hope she's doing well.  Sam is the best.
Please post if you hear that is ever back.


  • Guest

Anyone hear from Sam or know if she moved to another part of the country.

Hope she is well.


  • Guest
Hey chaps, Anyone know what's happened to Sam? Most recent AW name was BerkshirePlaymate. She was in Ascot when I saw her a few months ago, had been in Camberley for a bit (was SurreyPlaymate on AW then) before that. Was between Bracknell and Ascot before that (think she was firstclassgirl then).

I know she appeared to come on here pretending to be a punter for some silly reason. But I'm sure many others will attest to her quality. I'd hate to think she's retired without a farewell shag from me. It's been nearly 10 years on and off i think! I do know that when I saw her a few months ago, she seemed a bit annoyed at a surprising lack of punters (think a regular-regular had dumped her which didn't help), and had had a dry spell in Camberley too, hence the move back to Berks. Would love to know if she's moved elsewhere or just left the game. not showing up on my area searches and the links on here don't work. Any info appreciated. Cheers.
I have joined the site now but I’ve certainly not been in this site before, just to clear that up x

Offline Lema

Why have you brought up a topic that's 2 years old?  :unknown:

Offline DrConners

Why have you brought up a topic that's 2 years old?  :unknown:

Obviously a vacuous narcissist who loves reading about herself - Going by the profile looks like an out of shape munter anyway.

Not for me but sounds like she has 'fans'  :dash:  :sarcastic:  :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
Obviously a vacuous narcissist who loves reading about herself - Going by the profile looks like an out of shape munter anyway

Harsh!! Very harsh.

Offline DrConners

Not for me but sounds like she has 'fans'  :dash:  :sarcastic:  :thumbsdown:

As if by magic one of them pops up to defend her  :sarcastic:

Offline nigel4498

As if by magic one of them pops up to defend her  :sarcastic:
He’s gon now.


  • Guest
Why have you brought up a topic that's 2 years old?  :unknown:

Because I am back to escorting after a break and have seen claims that I came on this site posing as a client? So was asking someone to explain this?


  • Guest
As if by magic one of them pops up to defend her  :sarcastic:

Wow, God forbid a client actually has something nice to say about a working girl...if they do they are ridiculed and kicked off the site but it’s fine for nasty trolls to stay!  :thumbsdown:

Offline Lema

Wow, God forbid a client actually has something nice to say about a working girl...if they do they are ridiculed and kicked off the site but it’s fine for nasty trolls to stay!  :thumbsdown:
your really not doing yourself any favours with these aggressive replys.  :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
Obviously a vacuous narcissist who loves reading about herself - Going by the profile looks like an out of shape munter anyway.

Not for me but sounds like she has 'fans'  :dash:  :sarcastic:  :thumbsdown:

What’s wrong with that? I’d rather have fans then haters like you!

Going by your attitude I’m guessing you don’t look like Brad Pitt?
It doesn’t matter what I look like, there is a market for everyone. Lucky for me looks aside I have a good personality and don’t need to sit on forums slagging people off to make my day better  :P


  • Guest
your really not doing yourself any favours with these aggressive replys.  :thumbsdown:

I don’t call outing trolls being aggressive, I’m calling a spade a spade. Anyway time to say farewell, I came here to correct false information but all I’ve had is internet bullying  :thumbsdown:

Offline Lema

What’s wrong with that? I’d rather have fans then haters like you!

Going by your attitude I’m guessing you don’t look like Brad Pitt?
It doesn’t matter what I look like, there is a market for everyone. Lucky for me looks aside I have a good personality and don’t need to sit on forums slagging people off to make my day better  :P
Why don't you just fuck off then! Because your not doing yourself any favours with your shit attitude.

Offline Cunning Punt

Why have you brought up a topic that's 2 years old?  :unknown:

Because she's back working and is giving herself I free advert, I thought - and yep, sure enough she is.

Anyone considering seeing this arrogant, ageing prossie should read all her posts on this thread and another.

Why would you sit and moan about my rates?! ..if you are happy to partake in an activity that costs £x an hour, and it’s to expensive, you can always have a wank...and I encourage you to do just that ;) might cheer you up as you sound like your sucking on a lemon right now

Going by your attitude I’m guessing you don’t look like Brad Pitt?
It doesn’t matter what I look like, there is a market for everyone. Lucky for me looks aside I have a good personality and don’t need to sit on forums slagging people off to make my day better  :P

Going by your attitude, you seem to have an inflated opinion of yourself and a dismissive attitude towards punters. Given that and the fact there was one review of you in eight years, I also reckon you would be an average, overpriced punt.

And you're having a laugh by saying you're 30. Nearer 40, I'd say.  :rolleyes:

Offline sensualencounter

Looks like I won’t be seeing her then! Shitty attitude as well as her age! I love this forum for coming up with an answer one way or another  :drinks:

Offline DrConners

I don’t call outing trolls being aggressive, I’m calling a spade a spade. Anyway time to say farewell, I came here to correct false information but all I’ve had is internet bullying  :thumbsdown:

The only accurate part of your post - You won't be missed here  :sarcastic:

Offline orallorx

I may be wrong but think she has been doing threesomes with Sweet Little Jessica, in BracknellWokingham. She is on AW under:
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Hope this helps. Don't know her myself, but have reviewed Jessica

Offline sensualencounter

Offline orallorx

Just trying to help, but may be putting 2 + 2 together and getting 7. Just seems a strong coincidence in the names Sam, Playmate and a recent return to work. You can discern a fair bit from recent AW feedback