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Author Topic: Do you find punting increases your confidence around civvies?  (Read 1816 times)

Offline kingmg

I always feel buzzed and more confident the same day after a punt but go back to my shy self soon after

Offline Metalgear2018

KingMG I'm sure that is a YouTubeer who reviews the UK and Grime music scene. So why are you using his name on here?

Offline winkywanky

Yes, I was a late starter and learnt my chops from paid encounters.

Now in my later years I'm a sex machine (albeit with a fucked prostate  :scare:).

Offline Knicks

Not really.  :unknown:

I've worked in an area for years where I've got loads of female friends, go out with them all the time, laugh and joke really laid back, get invited when the Ladies do lunch a lot!  :rolleyes:

Not exactly an adonis so never been that confident about just chatting women up.

I know the score in punting I'm handing over cash for sex to a woman who wouldn't give me a second look in real life.

Offline The Owl

Punting has made me care less about civvy women. Dating seems like a lot of effort and the last woman I bothered with cost me a lot of money but never even got close to serious enough for sex before I'd had enough of her leeching ways.

Offline JonasG

I don't see why it would tbh.

It's just sex and then you leave.

I'll say this, it's improved my sex skills when I've been with a normal girl, due to the variety of girls you see.

Offline rathbone

Dating seems like a lot of effort and the last woman I bothered with cost me a lot of money but never even got close to serious enough for sex before I'd had enough of her leeching ways.
I had a similar experience a few years ago, and trying to take my mind off that indirectly got me interested in Adultwork.

Offline marcello

The fact you go at the restaurant doesn't make you any more confident with your cooking, so no IMO.

That said, (1) you get a boost of confidence after you shagged a beautiful thing, I don't know what it is but everybody else walks in a ditch all of sudden, but it's temporary. (2) Also, cognitive dissonance at play, how can you be hesitant around women and at the same time shag hot chicks, your brain doesn't process it properly and maybe this has an effect on you. (3) You just stop trying hard with civvies as in why would you want a diesel bmw as a daily when you can just rent a lotus on the weekend and have more fun.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 11:19:07 pm by marcello »

Online lewisjones23

It makes you care less about pulling civies, women can then pick up on this, seem less desperate etc

Offline Jimmyredcab

Not in the slightest, I am a balding old minger, no 20 year old would look at me unless they wanted a taxi.  :hi:

Offline rickyponting

I'd say yes it has,but it's also made me more cynical and cold towards civvie women.
It makes me think why bother being in a relationship ,when you can just pay for sex whenever you feel like it.
Everything has its pros and cons I suppose.

Offline rustpoacher

Punting has made me care less about civvy women. Dating seems like a lot of effort and the last woman I bothered with cost me a lot of money but never even got close to serious enough for sex before I'd had enough of her leeching ways.

spot on, civvies are all too reliably disappointing then if it does work out, they get lazy, smelly, lingerie disappears then they strip your assets bare... by contrast a lot of research can bring forth a handful of skilled, decent, WGs. As regards sex skills, I'm a natural :-)
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Offline JonasG

It makes you care less about pulling civies, women can then pick up on this, seem less desperate etc

Good point.

Same when you have a wank before a night out or when you're in a relationship.

Offline fallentrees1321

For me personally it killed my motivation to bother with the chase with civvie women , I used to enjoy pulling and then getting into bed with civvie women but at that point would lose interest . Knowing I can get what I want with no inhibition just makes me less interested in trying to date or pull women on civvie street .

Its not really changed my confidence or skills in pulling women because pulling a women on civvie street and sleeping with a prossie are completely different . But as someone above said seeming less desperate when pulling civvie women can have its benefits , it drives some women crazy because they think that they are the best thing since sliced bread and all men everywhere should be beside themselves trying to chase them .

Offline shagmore

Most definitely, have no issue issue with going up to a babe in the pub and talking to her, if she says no, then not an issue as have just shagged a real hottie.
It lowers your inhibitions, I am much more forth right now with civvies, no bull shit and no messing around.
They also seam to sense when you have just had a fuck

Offline Chorley

Of course it doesn't.  :rolleyes:
Pulling hot women in civvy street would be confidence boosting
With punting you're paying to fuck hot women wouldn't normally piss on you if you were on fire.  :sarcastic:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 01:54:00 pm by Chorley »

Offline GreyDave

Of course it doesn't.  :rolleyes:
You're paying to fuck hot women who in civvy street wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.  :sarcastic:

It does increase my " I dont care how beatiful and young you are I ve fucked better and cheaper"   attiude  I dont go gooey eyed over women, one 40 something the other week told me that "men like you just go wobly at the knees at the sight of big tits on a cuvey young girl"  I asked why? "cause you`d like to do what you didnt do when you were 20 years old" ....I kept my head down shugged and walked out of the office took out my Oystercard and after a 30 min tube ride started my slow walk around soho`s walk ups a coffe and 25mg and 30mins later ...
I was as the technical phrase says "Balls Deep" in a 23-25 yearold Romainian girl for 20 quid and 2 quid tip as they say in Rome I stiffened, I spunked, I scarpered.  :dance: :dance: :cool:

Offline JamesKW

No,I haven't got the gift of the gab with women even though I punt and I have an O/H whose not bad looking for her age.

Online lewisjones23

It does increase my " I dont care how beatiful and young you are I ve fucked better and cheaper"   attiude  I dont go gooey eyed over women, one 40 something the other week told me that "men like you just go wobly at the knees at the sight of big tits on a cuvey young girl"  I asked why? "cause you`d like to do what you didnt do when you were 20 years old" ....I kept my head down shugged and walked out of the office took out my Oystercard and after a 30 min tube ride started my slow walk around soho`s walk ups a coffe and 25mg and 30mins later ...
I was as the technical phrase says "Balls Deep" in a 23-25 yearold Romainian girl for 20 quid and 2 quid tip as they say in Rome I stiffened, I spunked, I scarpered.  :dance: :dance: :cool:

what I find hilarious is when women of a certain age lose that appeal they have for men, when they are used to walking in to a room and then all of a sudden find that no one gives them a second look

desperation for them then sets in and in most examples they havent got the personality to make up for the loss of looks

Offline django0700

I find it helps clear my head and gives me a confidence boost if I have a punted a day prior to any business meetings, especially if there is a  pretty/sexy woman present in the room during the meeting.

Offline Landscape

I lack confidence when trying to pull women and this way I'm guaranteed a shag. Not fussed whether or not if it makes me more attractive to civvies as long as I'm getting a shag that's all that matters.

Offline m4rmite

I don't know whether it makes me more confident or more likely to imagine a hourly price tag on their ass, booking and fucking them.
It's a slippery slope :crazy:

Offline marcello

I find it helps clear my head and gives me a confidence boost if I have a punted a day prior to any business meetings, especially if there is a  pretty/sexy woman present in the room during the meeting.
A shag for every meeting, that'd be a great society.

Offline oversexed

The hot ones? Yes. it makes them less extra-ordinary.

i used to put them on a pedestal but now with punting. All i have to do is shag a similar looking woman and i'm all  "been there, done that".
Banned reason: Your review is just fucked up, telling others to rough her up?
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Punting has made me care less about civvy women. Dating seems like a lot of effort and the last woman I bothered with cost me a lot of money but never even got close to serious enough for sex before I'd had enough of her leeching ways.

This. I mean, in an ideal world I'd be that guy from the start of Belle du Jour's first book, the one who is dating the nympho MILF that first hires/seduces Belle into having a threesome with her. But IRL I have proven to be the male equivalent of the fat chick with the bad hair, skin, eyes and attitude. I last tried dating 2013-15 and found to my surprise that I'd gained enough social skills to actually get dates, if I spent a million years sending out messages online/asking women face-to-face first.

But after slogging through all that, all the dates themselves were without fail a failure (i.e. things progressed no further), regardless of how I thought they went, and I've not bothered since. Now, I was shagging prossies throughout that time, so I wasn't desperate for sex, more companionship. In any case, the minute I stopped asking civvies out 2016-17 I had a couple of ones who sounded interested (probably because when we met I showed no interest in them, which must have been a novelty) and even boffed two of them. From that I concluded once more that women are erratic and have all the power in dating, and that if I absolutely must operate in a society that heavily constricts men's sexuality (and does so more each year with this #MeToo shite being just the latest moral panic about men), I'd rather shag a prossie. At least that way I know how much I'm getting screwed by. Or not, as is usually the case when you're dating, and have invested far more effort and time than you do into a punt.

Not everyone's situation will be the same as mine, as all sorts punt, with all sorts of prospects. Doubtless for some punters, a bit of P4P is just the occasional treat (and indeed, I knew an American who could pull women quite frequently, having even had his then-wife's best friend's booty on a platter) rather than the main way they get laid, etc etc. And I would certainly say that punting helped me get better in bed and out of it with civvy women. But you have to understand that in my case it is from a very low base, and doesn't generally mean more than I've reached the social development stage that most people my age passed through 5-10 years ago.

Still, it's the married guys who could still pull civvies but who are trapped in a dead bedroom that I feel sorriest for, as if they have an affair the judicial system with RAEP them right up the arse, without lube. Yet they are expected to either blow up their marriages or live a life of secrecy and deceit. No wonder marriage rates have collapsed across the West with that kind of deal.


Offline bearcat69

I would say I've probably become a bit more self assured, a lot less frustrated, a fair bit more sexually experienced, a lot more desensitized, quite a bit more paranoid and distrusting, probably a bit more assertive... But I'm not exactly sure I'd put it like I'm more confident though.

Thing about confidence is that there's confidence that comes from inside of you, and there's confidence that comes from other people. I think it's good to have a balance of these two things, however, the confidence that comes from other people does quickly fade when those people aren't near you anymore, but confidence that comes from inside doesn't quite work like that. So I'd always advocate working on your internal confidence over your external. There's no harm however from having a little pick me up to your external confidence from a hot warm body every once in a while though. :D

Online tictacs

It has given me confidence in that I'm no longer overly shy around extremely attractive women. Not sure how much of that is down to punting and how much of it is due to getting older.

Still don't attempt to pull in the civvie world though.

Offline winkywanky

This. I mean, in an ideal world I'd be that guy from the start of Belle du Jour's first book, the one who is dating the nympho MILF that first hires/seduces Belle into having a threesome with her. But IRL I have proven to be the male equivalent of the fat chick with the bad hair, skin, eyes and attitude. I last tried dating 2013-15 and found to my surprise that I'd gained enough social skills to actually get dates, if I spent a million years sending out messages online/asking women face-to-face first.

But after slogging through all that, all the dates themselves were without fail a failure (i.e. things progressed no further), regardless of how I thought they went, and I've not bothered since. Now, I was shagging prossies throughout that time, so I wasn't desperate for sex, more companionship. In any case, the minute I stopped asking civvies out 2016-17 I had a couple of ones who sounded interested (probably because when we met I showed no interest in them, which must have been a novelty) and even boffed two of them. From that I concluded once more that women are erratic and have all the power in dating, and that if I absolutely must operate in a society that heavily constricts men's sexuality (and does so more each year with this #MeToo shite being just the latest moral panic about men), I'd rather shag a prossie. At least that way I know how much I'm getting screwed by. Or not, as is usually the case when you're dating, and have invested far more effort and time than you do into a punt.

Not everyone's situation will be the same as mine, as all sorts punt, with all sorts of prospects. Doubtless for some punters, a bit of P4P is just the occasional treat (and indeed, I knew an American who could pull women quite frequently, having even had his then-wife's best friend's booty on a platter) rather than the main way they get laid, etc etc. And I would certainly say that punting helped me get better in bed and out of it with civvy women. But you have to understand that in my case it is from a very low base, and doesn't generally mean more than I've reached the social development stage that most people my age passed through 5-10 years ago.

Still, it's the married guys who could still pull civvies but who are trapped in a dead bedroom that I feel sorriest for, as if they have an affair the judicial system with RAEP them right up the arse, without lube. Yet they are expected to either blow up their marriages or live a life of secrecy and deceit. No wonder marriage rates have collapsed across the West with that kind of deal.

What a wonderful, insightful post  :hi:

Offline bigboy

It doesn’t increse my confidence around civies because i can and have shagged hottie women. I also use to chase civies on a night out etc bow time has changed ever since I have been punting and dont care about civies as much.

Online hendrix

Not really no. My chances of pulling in the civvie world are zero, but I'm fine with that as civvie women/relationships are clearly disasters waiting to happen, unless you actually enjoy the bullshit and compromising your behaviour.


  • Guest
Everytime I go for a punt, all horny and excited, when I see hot women on the way I wonder how much they would do it for and it excites me more.

Offline davison

Most definitely, have no issue issue with going up to a babe in the pub and talking to her, if she says no, then not an issue as have just shagged a real hottie.
It lowers your inhibitions, I am much more forth right now with civvies, no bull shit and no messing around.
They also seam to sense when you have just had a fuck

All this exactly.


  • Guest
What a wonderful, insightful post  :hi:


(Incidentally, this site needs a 'like' button to stop people like me cluttering up the threads).

Offline JamesKW

Still, it's the married guys who could still pull civvies but who are trapped in a dead bedroom that I feel sorriest for, as if they have an affair the judicial system with RAEP them right up the arse, without lube. Yet they are expected to either blow up their marriages or live a life of secrecy and deceit. No wonder marriage rates have collapsed across the West with that kind of deal.

Yes I am glad I am not a youngster nowdays, online dating etc. sounds so complicated,also a lot of the civvies I see in my local town seem to be piling on the pounds.Women today seem to be more particular or they will go it alone so there is not much hope for a person like myself nowdays.

Personally I am glad I haven't got the gift of the gab with women as it would cause me a lot of hassle and likely be very expensive.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 12:54:02 pm by JamesKW »

Online Jindybandy

In a way both yes and no for me.

I’ve always been a socially awkward person, never been comfortable around strangers in general, but around even reasonably attractive women I was hopeless. I used to just shut down and not be able to string more than 2 words together.

Being around my colleagues at work brought me out of my shell with strangers, but I still had the problem around women. It wasn’t till a while into my punting ‘hobby’ that I’ve somewhat gotten over this and find it easier to talk to attractive women. It’s been mentioned before on this thread, but when you can think “I’ve shagged some absolute stunners” it does enable a certain empowerment in your own confidence.

I know I’ve still a ways to go though, still find it hard to move off of general ‘chit-chat’ to be more flirtatious and still have no style or technique to chatting a girl up. Recently I’ve made what I guess you’d say is a ‘train friend’ with this gorgeous blonde who gets the same train as me. She’d caught me eyeing her up a few times during the preceding months but I’d never talked to her. Then one day a while back, when our trains got moved platforms I ended up walking besides her and got to chatting about how shit the trains had been. When we got on board she put her headphones away and started talking with me. A few years ago I never could have chatted with her like that but I think the experience of a post-fun chat with different beautiful WGs has given me that confidence to try. We now sit and chat together now and again.

I still am shit at the flirting though - I tried to offer to take this girl out for lunch one time, I was so nervous when doing (I remember my leg was actually physically shaking, ha) but I’d said in a way that was more a passing comment rather than asking her out, so she didn’t have a chance to respond. I guess punting also hasn’t helped me to ‘read’ this girl either. She’s about 25 or 26, so 10 years younger than me, a slim size-six or so blonde who’s really attractive and genuinely a nice, sweet girl. We later got to talking about our Work passes and when she showed hers I saw her full name. I did a quick Facebook check and it seems she’s got a Boyfriend. Thing is, she’s never once mentioned having one in all the times we’ve spoken, so I don’t know what to make of it.

I guess punting has helped me be more comfortable rather than confident around women. One thing I suppose it can’t help with is the ability to chat-up and seduce someone. I think there’s definitely a psychological thing with the male ego to know you’ve ‘talked’ a woman in to bed rather than paid her, which is not something you can really get from escorting. Take my train buddy, I always think that a more ‘experienced’ seductionist in the civvie world would have at least got a dinner date with her, boyfriend or not. That part of the confidence thing is still something I lack.

One thing I do know is I’m a much different person to what I was previously around women because of all the WG’s I’ve seen, and it’s definitely for the better.

Offline Ali Katt

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Of course it doesn't.  :rolleyes:
Pulling hot women in civvy street would be confidence boosting
With punting you're paying to fuck hot women wouldn't normally piss on you if you were on fire.  :sarcastic:
What about if you're not on fire?

I always feel buzzed and more confident the same day after a punt but go back to my shy self soon after
They're called endorphins.

This. I mean, in an ideal world I'd be that guy from the start of Belle du Jour's first book, the one who is dating the nympho MILF that first hires/seduces Belle into having a threesome with her. But IRL I have proven to be the male equivalent of the fat chick with the bad hair, skin, eyes and attitude. I last tried dating 2013-15 and found to my surprise that I'd gained enough social skills to actually get dates, if I spent a million years sending out messages online/asking women face-to-face first.
Secret diaries is as believable as Harry Potter.

Offline Ali Katt

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In a way both yes and no for me.

I’ve always been a socially awkward person, never been comfortable around strangers in general, but around even reasonably attractive women I was hopeless. I used to just shut down and not be able to string more than 2 words together.

Being around my colleagues at work brought me out of my shell with strangers, but I still had the problem around women. It wasn’t till a while into my punting ‘hobby’ that I’ve somewhat gotten over this and find it easier to talk to attractive women. It’s been mentioned before on this thread, but when you can think “I’ve shagged some absolute stunners” it does enable a certain empowerment in your own confidence.

I know I’ve still a ways to go though, still find it hard to move off of general ‘chit-chat’ to be more flirtatious and still have no style or technique to chatting a girl up. Recently I’ve made what I guess you’d say is a ‘train friend’ with this gorgeous blonde who gets the same train as me. She’d caught me eyeing her up a few times during the preceding months but I’d never talked to her. Then one day a while back, when our trains got moved platforms I ended up walking besides her and got to chatting about how shit the trains had been. When we got on board she put her headphones away and started talking with me. A few years ago I never could have chatted with her like that but I think the experience of a post-fun chat with different beautiful WGs has given me that confidence to try. We now sit and chat together now and again.

I still am shit at the flirting though - I tried to offer to take this girl out for lunch one time, I was so nervous when doing (I remember my leg was actually physically shaking, ha) but I’d said in a way that was more a passing comment rather than asking her out, so she didn’t have a chance to respond. I guess punting also hasn’t helped me to ‘read’ this girl either. She’s about 25 or 26, so 10 years younger than me, a slim size-six or so blonde who’s really attractive and genuinely a nice, sweet girl. We later got to talking about our Work passes and when she showed hers I saw her full name. I did a quick Facebook check and it seems she’s got a Boyfriend. Thing is, she’s never once mentioned having one in all the times we’ve spoken, so I don’t know what to make of it.

I guess punting has helped me be more comfortable rather than confident around women. One thing I suppose it can’t help with is the ability to chat-up and seduce someone. I think there’s definitely a psychological thing with the male ego to know you’ve ‘talked’ a woman in to bed rather than paid her, which is not something you can really get from escorting. Take my train buddy, I always think that a more ‘experienced’ seductionist in the civvie world would have at least got a dinner date with her, boyfriend or not. That part of the confidence thing is still something I lack.

One thing I do know is I’m a much different person to what I was previously around women because of all the WG’s I’ve seen, and it’s definitely for the better.
This is actually really interesting and you sound like you've got your head screwed on straight. You're totally right, the way I see it is each time your rejigging the formula, in conversation you find what works and what doesn't little things like tonality and body language. Too aggressive you scare people away, too nice and you're seen as unsexy. The men I've seen who have the most success with women tend to be fun guys who girls would like to take to a party; I can't really do that naturally, so I just play to my strengths which is sort of being aloof and a bit moody and it's one of those things where some women do find that appealing if they are intune with me, the same as I don't like girls if they are too nice\too tarty\too ordinary.

Online Jindybandy

This is actually really interesting and you sound like you've got your head screwed on straight. You're totally right, the way I see it is each time your rejigging the formula, in conversation you find what works and what doesn't little things like tonality and body language. Too aggressive you scare people away, too nice and you're seen as unsexy. The men I've seen who have the most success with women tend to be fun guys who girls would like to take to a party; I can't really do that naturally, so I just play to my strengths which is sort of being aloof and a bit moody and it's one of those things where some women do find that appealing if they are intune with me, the same as I don't like girls if they are too nice\too tarty\too ordinary.

Yes, I think that’s what I’m starting to realise too. My younger brother has always been the opposite of me in terms of being able to engage with anyone and having a natural charisma. He’s had a few long term girlfriends but he’s not really a ‘ladies man’ per se (maybe we both have childhood issues with being able to flirt, ha-ha) but I always notice how relaxed and open people are when conversing with him.
I think there’s a middle ground like you say of being too nice and then too forward and ‘obvious’ in what you’re after. It’s a hard line to find, but if you think about on a punt what you’re like before and after the fun stuff, that communication phase after the deed where you and the girl have a little chat I think is the level you need to engage with civvies - not quite horned-up, but still trying to impress and remain attractive. That’s the part I think punting is helping me with most in terms of my confidence.

Offline Ali Katt

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Yes, I think that’s what I’m starting to realise too. My younger brother has always been the opposite of me in terms of being able to engage with anyone and having a natural charisma. He’s had a few long term girlfriends but he’s not really a ‘ladies man’ per se (maybe we both have childhood issues with being able to flirt, ha-ha) but I always notice how relaxed and open people are when conversing with him.
I think there’s a middle ground like you say of being too nice and then too forward and ‘obvious’ in what you’re after. It’s a hard line to find, but if you think about on a punt what you’re like before and after the fun stuff, that communication phase after the deed where you and the girl have a little chat I think is the level you need to engage with civvies - not quite horned-up, but still trying to impress and remain attractive. That’s the part I think punting is helping me with most in terms of my confidence.
I think most people have charisma, just to certain degrees. I can draw people into me quite easily, I just can't keep them. I agree I said aggressive the word was probably obvious as you say; there's also the element of being too needy which is probably worse than someone who makes loads of overt sexual comments.