Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Have you ever declined a WG meet & walked away at the door? (or even later!)  (Read 4381 times)

Offline Gent74

Yes just the once so far (fingers crossed it won’t happen again) .... booked through AW , she had ok feed back but what opened the door had obviously hit bad times ! I was greeted by her stumbling and trying to put her knickers back on at the door . As I walked through some sort of almost crack den I noticed the awful smell and some sort of tide mark on the wall around the whole flat !! I made my excuse of leaving my wallet in the car and tried to leave which at that point she kicked right off , haha I left but it’s a very strange world we find ourselves when you turn round and see a half naked mess running after you screaming at you ..... I picked up the pace and got out of there ....... please note she’s luckily not on AW anymore


  • Guest
Walked too many times...tofft can lead to that.

Even walked from some well reviewed tip avoid any girls that hide their face, take pics of them selves while laying down, have glossy pics.


  • Guest
Walked too many times...tofft can lead to that.

Even walked from some well reviewed tip avoid any girls that hide their face, take pics of them selves while laying down, have glossy pics.

Amen to that.

Offline Mr_Shins

I have walked when the woman didn't have the right shoes. More than once. And I had messaged what I was after but they don't always read them.

Once where the woman I saw pictured on Adultwork wasn't the one I was going to see (bait & switch, but I just left).
Also from a smokey bedsit where there was clearly no attraction towards her.


  • Guest
I hear ya! The vast majority of sub twenty five year olds don’t need much encouraging to cop a vile attitude, I don’t know if this industry is proportionately any worse than the national average!!

Offline merseyrob

I do it more than I used to but it is still fairly rare. Usually if it doesn’t feel safe or they are not as described. Most recent one was a punt where the WG phoned up just as I was outside her apartment block and bollocked me for being two minutes late. I apologised and took the room details but reflected on her attitude after the call endedand walked away as she had soured my anticipation.

Offline PatMacGroin

I've walked a few times. Probably not as often as I should. There have definitely been times when the warning signs were there in the build-up, but I decided to ignore them and follow through on the punt.

On the flip side there have also been a few occasions where something gave me a bad vibe going in, but the punt turned out fine or even great. There's usually a bit of tension between punter and WG in those first few minutes of a visit, both sides trying to suss out if this stranger is going to cause problems.

I usually do a lot of prep for my punts and try to arrange them in advance, which I think contributes to most of them working out well. Often the time I'm arranging will be my only window of opportunity that month. Which makes it even more frustrating if my prep was flawed and can make me reluctant to abandon the plan. My most recent review is an example of me wanting the punt I've anticipated so much I was willing to ignore red flag after red flag until I finally had to accept it was time to walk part way through (

If I didn't have another window coming up the following week I probably would have carried on regardless.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2018, 11:29:43 am by PatMacGroin »

Offline year99man

í´ve walked away a couple times after having seen a WG. i don´t think that´s unusual.
it´s just like any service provider, i check out what they have to offer and then decide to go for it or not.
on the other hand, i would also accept if a lady refused me as a client. would be better than giving a minimal service.

Offline TTGR

Sadly i should have walked in at least 50% of my punts. Had an uneasy feeling about February's one - but went thru with it anyway.

Its not John Thomas that overrules my commonsense. More a sense of despair that it just takes so much faffing around to get to the point of the meet - i just dont want to repeat it all over again. So you go ahead in a kind of forlorn hope.

February's punt made me question ever punting again. There were no surprises that it turned out to be a usual disappointing pump and dump session. But when i saw the wg interact with 2 other people after the punt was over, i realised that i had just fucked a Downs Syndrome kid. Cant do a review as i think it will be all too easy to take advantage of her - which is probably what her pimp/wg friend is already doing.
Punting seems to lead you down some dark paths.

Fairfield that's seriously very disturbing  :(
I hope you reported to police, crimestoppers is anonymous for instance.

Offline Jock D

I've walked numerous times...mainly pre internet, 1990's in Glasgow. The bible back then was the Daily/Sunday Sport, and the ad's/descriptions were ridiculously inaccurate. In recent years, not so much as I take a little helper pill...and can't be arsed chasing around for a short notice booking, when the clock is already ticking.

Offline bushman

I've walked numerous times...mainly pre internet, 1990's in Glasgow. The bible back then was the Daily/Sunday Sport, and the ad's/descriptions were ridiculously inaccurate. In recent years, not so much as I take a little helper pill...and can't be arsed chasing around for a short notice booking, when the clock is already ticking.
As accurate as vivastreet. :dash: :dash: Hate false advertising.

Offline fairfield

Fairfield that's seriously very disturbing  :(
I hope you reported to police, crimestoppers is anonymous for instance.
Maybe she wasnt exactly Downs - i'm no doctor. But no offence to downs people but she had the right face, eyes and body shape for it. Her movements slow, and what little speech she had was flat and toneless. Her breathing wasnt right too. She had trouble talking on the phone and later a taxi driver initially refused to take her because she could not make herself understood. I stepped in to help out and she got her taxi.

I know i really should have walked, i really should have - more so in this punt than any other. My only defence is that i had been watching her AW profile for some time and when her rate came down to my £100 budget, i rushed in (£140 at its height). None of the glowing AW reviews mentioned the reality of a punt with her and her photos were cleverly posed (and prolly from a few years earlier.) The expectation of the punt overrode what i saw before me and the full extent of her 'problems' only hit me post-punt.

Luckily she hasnt been on AW for a month now. And would it really have been a matter for the police? In hindsight i can see that it is immoral and despicable 'exploiting' her, but the kid was 'managing' after a fashion. What right would i have to stick my oar in? She laid naked on the bed without asking for the money. And when i handed it over, she didnt count or stash it. All i felt i could do is not review her and not expose her vulnerability further. Apologies for wimping out.       

Offline Noiexpectyoutodie

Maybe she wasnt exactly Downs - i'm no doctor. But no offence to downs people but she had the right face, eyes and body shape for it. Her movements slow, and what little speech she had was flat and toneless. Her breathing wasnt right too. She had trouble talking on the phone and later a taxi driver initially refused to take her because she could not make herself understood. I stepped in to help out and she got her taxi.

I know i really should have walked, i really should have - more so in this punt than any other. My only defence is that i had been watching her AW profile for some time and when her rate came down to my £100 budget, i rushed in (£140 at its height). None of the glowing AW reviews mentioned the reality of a punt with her and her photos were cleverly posed (and prolly from a few years earlier.) The expectation of the punt overrode what i saw before me and the full extent of her 'problems' only hit me post-punt.

Luckily she hasnt been on AW for a month now. And would it really have been a matter for the police? In hindsight i can see that it is immoral and despicable 'exploiting' her, but the kid was 'managing' after a fashion. What right would i have to stick my oar in? She laid naked on the bed without asking for the money. And when i handed it over, she didnt count or stash it. All i felt i could do is not review her and not expose her vulnerability further. Apologies for wimping out.     

Mate, yes, it WOULD be an issue for the police, same as if it was an eight-year-old girl.

Offline Thecunninglinguist

Mate, yes, it WOULD be an issue for the police, same as if it was an eight-year-old girl.
Good comment. I hope TTGR has a burner phone because l think this is the time to get rid of it. IF and it may be a big if, the authorities get involved and she has learning difficulties or other issues and is being pimped out, they could well investigate her/pimps phone records to prove it?

Offline Sa69

I walked once from a B&S, big flashy house in Central London, bunch of Brazilian girls in there. Girl in the photo answered the door, took me to a room then left, then a different one came in to fulfill the booking.  TBH she wasn't bad looking but I didn't like the setup or the deception. Felt good walking out and have never regretted it.

I did however regret not walking from one years earlier, maybe my 3rd or 4th punt so I was still a bit green . She was much older than billed, likes didn't match profile, just awful overall. I keep meaning to leave her a bad review, will get round to it one day...

Moral of the story - remember this is the service industry, you are a paying customer.  If you don't like the girl or the setup then just turn away, you can do it any point up till you're naked / inside her lol. Don't be shy or worried about upsetting them if they have deceived you in order to get you in there!