Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Reviews: Extra Points for Original Language  (Read 416 times)

Offline PatMacGroin

I love reading the reviews and posts on UKP. Maybe too much, resulting in time spent browsing here when it would be better spent elsewhere.

After a while you notice that much of the language used can become repetitive. That's why I enjoy it when something totally originally appears. It doesn't matter if I agree or disagree with the sentiment. It's the way it was said that brings about a chuckle or a raised eyebrow.

Which is why I would like to start this thread which celebrates those unusual or original uses of language in a punting environment.

If this has been done before, please point me to to the threads and I'll enjoy a fresh chuckle at those  :D

Offline PatMacGroin

This description of supping from the furry cup by the UKP resident sommelier inspired this thread:

... loves receiving as well as giving oral (covered but not a problem for me). Her juices have a distinct slightly bitter taste more like a dry wine than a sparkling but you will want to go back for more.

Offline nigel4498

Think the general consensus was that this was written by the prossie herself and not a punter.