Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: What makes a bad punt  (Read 3080 times)


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Nothing like her pictures
Bad hygiene
Limited stuff you can do to her
Not giving you the full time and cutting it 10-20 minutes early
"Cum baby"

Trying to cut me short is a one of the most annoying things for me!!!
Too much chatter and not enough action!
Bad attitude/ unfriendly

to name but a few!! :unknown:

Offline l4at

Terrible attitude
Demanding for money
A list of don't do this, or don't do that...i understand they may have certain things they don't provide, at least do it in a subtle way
Using their phone mid punt
Having sex without a condom
Having Sergei present (in the building or being aware of his presence)
Seeing another punter arrive/leave
Advertising something on their website however then not providing that service
Any form of false advertising (prices etc)
Lying there like a sack of spuds and not engaging or participating
Not being able to give head properly
Making exaggerated sex noises, please don't give me an earache!


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Me. Have you got stockings?, I need you to wear stockings as its my 'thing'
Girl. Yeah, no probs, I got them.
Me. You sure, if not I will get you some on way.
Girl. Its ok. I got some.
Arrive at punt. No stockings!!!!! :dash:


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Unfulfilled promises, lies and other deceptions
Lack of manners
Lack of experience 
Poor communication   
Excessive clock-watching

Any hooker who sticks to the time limit is a crap punt for me. I've had enough punts over the years that went well beyond the paid for time and they are the only girls who would get a repeat booking off me and positive review.

Eastern Europeans never go over time and increasingly now English girls are more clockwatching than before. I think a lot of the better English hookers are on SA now.


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Not focussing on me & what my needs and desires are.

Yes, it is all about me; I am the one paying for her time.

Having the TV on

Having her phone on, so that it rings during our time together

Being 'mechanical'

Offline mrfishyfoo

.....I think a lot of the better English hookers are on SA now.

I've had a couple of "number" of SA lasses who have told me whoring pays them more money.


  • Guest
Agree with all of the above but am surprised no one's mentioned keeping the TV/radio on, or interrupting proceedings to take a phone call.

I quite like the TV/Radio on for a bit of background noise.   

Taking a phone call has not happened yet but they generally have their mouth full and can't talk.....