Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Poppers  (Read 3308 times)


  • Guest
Can anyone recommend any London based escorts who really enjoy poppers? ideally prefer someone slim, naughty and between 25-30 years old who can host?
The more services they offer the better. Also very open to girls who "party".



  • Guest
That's code for hard drugs abuse right? And with that name you've picked for yourself can we assume you're a city banker? Good luck re-enacting the Wolf of Wall Street :)
You might be better asking for PMs on this since I don't imagine that any WGs with a drug habit would want that talked about in public.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 06:00:23 pm by LL »


  • Guest
Sorry about my indiscreet query.
Not sure if it's a taboo subject or not, esp given the number of profiles that openly mention it and also agencies that list it as a service.

But agree with your suggestion, and if you can recommend someone then please send me a PM.

Thank you


  • Guest
Try Maxes Angels. Most of the girls there will meet your chemical requirements.


  • Guest
Do you use a hanky for the poppers or from the bottle.  The former is my preference, haven't done for a few years though !


  • Guest
Mostly from the bottle. Have tried them on a hanky a few times but never got on with it. Did have one girl once offer them to me using her gas mask!!!!!! That was the most effective method, but not so easy to go out with a gas mask. Would possibly scare a few WGs.

But hard to find girls who actually really really like poppers. That what my original message was asking for.


  • Guest
Not so easy to go out with a gas mask. Would possibly scare a few WGs.
But you set your own bar in life, always do the best of your ability I say.  But who am I ?


  • Guest
Once upon a time maybe. Not so easy now when too many office buildings have security scanners around London.  Hard one to explain...


  • Guest
Once upon a time maybe. Not so easy now when too many office buildings have security scanners around London.  Hard one to explain...
Have you never watched American Psycho, if Patrick Bateman my hero can do it a SuitedandBooted surely can !


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just buy an old one and say you are an amateur historian.


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Curiously, I had my first ever ‘private party’ with two girls last Monday.
I knew one well and the other was a charming stranger.
We had Great fun but, obviously, they wanted to be paid for their “time”, albeit at a reduced rate.
I ended up doing all the DJ’ing on her iPad YouTube thingy!
For reasons of discretion, I obviously can’t mention their names here.
Neither of them mentioned a preference for poppers.
I think most girls advertise “Party Girl” as a ‘punter hook’.
What I would say however is that “chemicals” (other than Viagra and derivatives) do seriously interfere with sexual performance.
It’s a very ‘sensual’ experience, as opposed to ‘sexual’.
I was totally unable to even get an erection - quite embarrassing and I did apologise.
In my humble opinion, sex is best done straight.
Years ago, I was very happy to sniff poppers from the bottle but that was mixed with another “chemical” – dangerous territory, here.
The gas mask sounds awful!
I am not a city banker and have nothing to do with the financial industry.


  • Guest
Just a reminder for any punter who uses or is thinking of using "poppers" that it's very dangerous to do so if you've taken ED meds such as Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra).


  • Guest
Thank you Sir David for your openness and honesty. I salute you!

Yes I totally agree about girls using the tag as a hook sometimes. Some of the worst offenders are the girls who publicly condone the subject and yet it private have real issues....

My enquiry was for any recommendations (PMs please).



  • Guest
Thank you Sir David for your openness and honesty. I salute you!

Yes I totally agree about girls using the tag as a hook sometimes. Some of the worst offenders are the girls who publicly condone the subject and yet it private have real issues....

My enquiry was for any recommendations (PMs please).

why say pm's as you cannot recieve them


  • Guest
Yes I was wondering about that. I assumed it was because I am a newbie. Or do I have to activate some feature?


  • Guest
Yes I was wondering about that. I assumed it was because I am a newbie. Or do I have to activate some feature?
think its an account age and number of posts thing


  • Guest
 Thought it might be...did not see any mention of it in the rules etc?


  • Guest
What I would say however is that “chemicals” (other than Viagra and derivatives) do seriously interfere with sexual performance.
I don't dabble but I can imagine that.  E.g. you see somebody stoned on weed and they can barely hold a conversation so how would they be able to get it up and perform in a punt situation?!

However, when I go to the GUM clinics in Soho - 56/34 Dean Street I'm sometimes asked if I indulge in chemsex.  I had to look it up!  This is where people specifically take certain drugs to enhance their sexual experience.  And we're not talking ED meds, nor typical recreational drugs but one or more of three specific drugs.  It's most often gay men though - haven't heard of any WGs offering chemsex - and not spotted it on the AW likes list yet!

I found it all very interesting and quite shocking at the same time, here's a snipet from the first link I'm about to post below...
ChemSex commonly refers to sex that can sometimes last SEVERAL DAYS. There is little need for sleep or food. The heightened sexual focus enables more extreme sex, for longer, often with more partners and with less fear of STIs including HIV and HCV. Sharing injections is common.
(External Link/Members Only)

Makes the reviews of forum darling Lindsey et al where the richer punters here try to outdo each other with lengthier and more extreme scenarios seem very vanilla indeed!


  • Guest

I've tried to PM but you can't receive.
Try natural!
Forget poppers.
As mentioned, they're popular in the the gay community.
Not my scene!
But fun when clubbing.
I agree about the dangers of mixing.


  • Guest
Coke ruins punting,makes you want to but performance and enjoyment wise its fucked up


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Offline mattharding

Thought I'd revive this thread to see who else enjoys poppers and could advise on WGs who like too (PM if necessary).

Personally I find them lovely and can really heighten the senses. They can also make you feel properly filthy too. And because they're very short lived highs, you can function quite normally after a session.

Offline Jonestown

Do you use a hanky for the poppers or from the bottle.  The former is my preference, haven't done for a few years though !

A staple in the BDSM community is to use a cotton bud bent in half, dip each end in the bottle then insert one end in each nostril, gives you a short term supply ,its self supporting, and leaves your hands free for other things. Just doesn't look very attractive in the photos though.

Offline mattharding

A staple in the BDSM community is to use a cotton bud bent in half, dip each end in the bottle then insert one end in each nostril, gives you a short term supply ,its self supporting, and leaves your hands free for other things. Just doesn't look very attractive in the photos though.

That's a pretty good tip (Q-tip?)


  • Guest
A staple in the BDSM community is to use a cotton bud bent in half, dip each end in the bottle then insert one end in each nostril, gives you a short term supply ,its self supporting, and leaves your hands free for other things. Just doesn't look very attractive in the photos though.


I used to think I was worldly wise, but now I find I know nothing.

Offline Lp1975


I used to think I was worldly wise, but now I find I know nothing.

I was under the impression that one should avoid making direct contact with poppers - would it not "burn" your nostril if you instead a q tip soaked with the stuff??

Offline Jimmyredcab

I was under the impression that one should avoid making direct contact with poppers - would it not "burn" your nostril if you instead a q tip soaked with the stuff??

That is correct, you should avoid direct contact with the skin.

So I am told.     :music: :music: :music: :music: :music:

Best quality poppers seem to be "Jungle Juice"

Offline Jonestown

I was under the impression that one should avoid making direct contact with poppers - would it not "burn" your nostril if you instead a q tip soaked with the stuff??

That's is quite right, but what's a little burn on the nostril ?

Offline mattharding

Tried the cotton bud thing, it didn't really do it for me. Felt burny on the nose. Not like taking a hard sniff direct from the bottle.

I also imported some original Amyl Jungle Juice from Canada, but I see to get a better high from 'English' which is the non-amyl stuff. I love the head rush but I don't feel any loosening of the anal area. Not really what I use it for anyway but I expected I'd get more sensation there.


  • Guest
Poppers seems to be getting more popular outside of the gay community these days.  I remember at school everyone saying they were used by gay men because they loosen the anus or whatever, which is true, but there's more to them than that.  Basically they heighten your sexual arousal, so if you take them while doing something sexual it turns you on even more and gives you more of a rush.

Don't know of any WGs who take them themselves, but I guess you can always ask if they mind you taking them.  Since they're not illegal they might be less likely to be bothered.

Offline Londonpunter30

Tried the cotton bud thing, it didn't really do it for me. Felt burny on the nose. Not like taking a hard sniff direct from the bottle.

I also imported some original Amyl Jungle Juice from Canada, but I see to get a better high from 'English' which is the non-amyl stuff. I love the head rush but I don't feel any loosening of the anal area. Not really what I use it for anyway but I expected I'd get more sensation there.

I think they relax the muscles in general, rather than just acting on the anus.  How would something you sniff just work on one muscle when it goes into the blood stream and around the entire body

Offline mattharding

I think they relax the muscles in general, rather than just acting on the anus.  How would something you sniff just work on one muscle when it goes into the blood stream and around the entire body

I guess I had wrongly assumed it might have more of an effect on your anus because of the gay-association. But given it seems to have a positive effect for the whole body,  I wonder why it was not embraced by the straight community for so long.

Offline Jonestown

About 30 years ago I lifted from a WG's bedside cabinet draw a glass fial of the real thing Amal nitrate and snuck it home to try out. Have to say it blew my head off, like sitting atop a Saturn rocket, had to hold onto the walls to steady myself, absolute magic.

In comparison the stuff available now is shit and probably very bad for you. WG's don't like it because it stinks the place out and gives them headaches from passive use. Your body quickly build up a tolerance and then all you get is the first blast that lasts not very long, maybe a few minutes, then it's the law of diminishing returns, the more you take the less you get. Can make it difficult, or impossible to come as well. I stopped using it because it just stopped working for me.

Offline mattharding

wierdly I found the amyl didn't do much for me at all, and smelled like old socks, so went back to the isobutyl nitrite which was more powerful and rushy. Each to their own I guess.