Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Winning the Lottery  (Read 6607 times)

Offline Jerboa

Aren't the gold diggers at these clubs just hookers on a night out?

Well in my book they are the same species, hookers are just more honest, and usually work out cheaper, there are some professional gold diggers to be seen out in exclusive central London clubs, it's a big game to them on not spending a penny whilst out.


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Well in my book they are the same species, hookers are just more honest, and usually work out cheaper, there are some professional gold diggers to be seen out in exclusive central London clubs, it's a big game to them on not spending a penny whilst out.

Indeed. I'd probably hate these clubs, as much for all the Tarquins and Ruperts as for anything, but if I were in one, I wouldn't shout drinks for any group of girls until one of them had blown me atleast. As you say mate, it's a game to lots of girls to not spend a single penny on what should be a pricey night out. They'll act like your best mate, or they're desperate to fuck you, and as soon as the Champagne bottle's empty, they're gone. They'll even try and blag cabbies too. Despicable really. Not the kind of game I'd particularly want to play. Same rules as with SA (or indeed meeting WGs): Don't pay a penny until you're pretty damn certain you're getting a shag out of it! Even if, as a lotto winner, you could.


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oivey..........I woz gonna reply but I beat my PB of +/- 17 secs (as only I know how) and now I cant remember wot i woz gonna say !!!

....other than...... I vaguely recall 1.....2.... or was it 5 "genuine open minded......yikes.....when will I learn " 19yr old (or maybe 22, I dunno) proper bi hotties, dreamy fairy cakes.....(Polish, Columbian, Japanese, St. Barts &  of course magic fairy land)........on aboard me fat yacht me mateys with loads of ...............................everything I guess

.......or maybe I just got clipped for that £300+ per hr romanian in some skanky bait n switch basement in Croydon who bit my cock and gave me herpes, pinched my pin and stole my ticket :wacko: