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Author Topic: Tazz Has Gone! Thoughts?  (Read 5437 times)


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What I found peculiar was whenever he was arguing with someone he would make thinly veiled threats about how admin had done a good job banning keyboard warriors and they had better watch out or they could be next.

In the end I think Tazz just got too big for his own boots, he had developed a reputation on here and on Adult Work, he no doubt thought of himself as being a bit of a punting celebrity. Maybe he was under the impression that he was untouchable and could behave anyway he wanted and nothing would happen because he is 'the famous Tazz'.

A think the forum will be better off without him to be honestm

Offline Clattypats

I only ever seen one girl he raved about and by fuck did he call that one right, I probably wouldn't have risked it had it not been for seeing his post.

It looked way too good to be true, don't think she's ever been around again.

Why ban after all this time, would have thought if had been that much of an issue he would have got the heave ages ago as by the sounds of it he was pretty consistent.
I'm in the same boat...I seen about three or four he raved about and he certainly found a gem in one of them.. :thumbsup:

I certainly didn't feel intimidated by his presence on here, or would stay off the forum because of him..i Took his fluffiness with a pinch of salt..never let it bother me in the slightest..That was the way he was so you could either let it bother you or let it fly over your head...I chose the latter.

Think he should have realised (to his own detriment) he was maybe going a bit too far in my review of Brooke though :wacko:
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 03:49:14 pm by Clattypats »

Offline Matrix

If Tazman was giving his favourites white Knight support I would like to think he had a warning first- I don't know. I'm always sorry to see long term members banned when they have been good contributors to the site. :unknown:

He could do no wrong in his mind. There are dozens of examples of him hurling unsubstantiated bile at anyone who had a different opinion or took him up on any challenge he'd thrown down.

I've actually seen at least 2 of the girls he has (before he did, I might add). They were, at best, totally average and definitely misrepresented with regards to age and looks.

If you're interested, read through his posts and threads. Judge for yourself whether you think he'd been reasonable and a "good contributor".

Offline spud jizz

fuck me, reading this yed think the man had died  :cry:
he'll be back unfortunately
Banned reason: Racist comments
Banned by: daviemac

Offline henry brubaker

Admin is pretty strict in that respect, so he'll get banned again.

Offline Uncle Buck

fuck me, reading this yed think the man had died  :cry:
he'll be back unfortunately

Exactly..... Stop talking about him and increasing to his already huge ego. He's gone let's move on!