Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Anyone seen american scarlett?  (Read 2568 times)


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Saw her about month ago. She's put some weight on since i first saw her some 4 or 5 years ago - she was petite back then which is my preference. But at least this time she wasn't as obnoxious or pissed as that first occasion. She was ok this time, but she is a little bit nuts - not sure if its her personality or years of smoking something less than legal.

I wouldn't say no don't go, but be open minded when you see her and let us know what you think


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Plenty of reviews of her mainly negative

Upper Brunei

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I saw her a couple of months ago and was highly unimpressed! She was twitchy and constantly gabbling her words, repeating herself and was frequently distracted. This, combined with her making several trips to the bathroom during our time together, led me to believe that she had had rather too much of the Colombian marching powder and I ended the session 15 minutes early.

Upper Brunei

  • Guest
Oh, and I forgot to mention the saggy belly, weirdly aged hands and general lack of cleanliness.....

Offline PlasticGeordie

I'm glad this came up as was seriously considering her for next week. Another case for as many reviews as possible from those who have see her I feel.


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Saw her about 3years ago. She was a very average punt even then and I think that was before the negative reviews on here about her. She didn't appear to be on anything when I saw her but I wouldn't like to take the chance now.  There are plenty of better girls to chose from now.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 04:27:45 pm by GeordieBadass »

Offline PlasticGeordie

I saw Scarlett today and thought she was really good. Regular material in fact. I will review in due course. Really nice girl and perfectly focussed on the job in hand. Must have caught her on a good day.

Offline jarrovian

I saw Scarlett today and thought she was really good. Regular material in fact. I will review in due course. Really nice girl and perfectly focussed on the job in hand. Must have caught her on a good day.
Glad you had a good time pg, but just wondering why you would take a chance on a girl with so much negativity written about her. I must admit to being tempted to see her some time ago, but have been put off by poor feedback on here.

Offline Tiger63

Iam aware there is a couple of girls using the name scarlett.......just wondering if you ve seen a different one to the girl getting the negatives

Offline PlasticGeordie

Glad you had a good time pg, but just wondering why you would take a chance on a girl with so much negativity written about her. I must admit to being tempted to see her some time ago, but have been put off by poor feedback on here.

Just done my review and I did have concerns about some the neg feedback. For various reasons my options were limited today and I took a chance. Im glad I did. As my review says I found her to be really good. Can only go on my own experience today of course.

Offline PlasticGeordie

Iam aware there is a couple of girls using the name scarlett.......just wondering if you ve seen a different one to the girl getting the negatives

Definitely the girl in the pics and the American accent is unmistakable !

Offline bigkstyle

Was thinking of making the short trip up to Geordieland to see her but after reading this I think I'll give her a miss


  • Guest
Was thinking of making the short trip up to Geordieland to see her but after reading this I think I'll give her a miss

She's defo not worth crossing regional borders for. Locals only if she's their last resort