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Author Topic: WGs - the back story..  (Read 6973 times)

Offline dubs

I don't mind the bullshit back stories so much, its when they tell you they were raped by their step-dad at 13 then then spent the next few years in care homes and druggie squats that kills the mood.

Offline goodtoknow

Realistically for me it is fair to say that I have meet a significant number of eastern European (EE) ladies whist punting. There are a lot of them in this business, and I would suggest without them, supply of services would be more limited.

Back on track, the motivation seems to be to make money, simple as that. Comparing EE incomes with being a WG in the UK, there is big money that can be made here.

Mainly I have meet younger ladies who have had some significant education in EE, (in law, forensic science etc.) If they can earn big money here, say £200 - 500 per day, for a year or two. On return to home with said high income earned, their life in EE could be highly enriched for whatever they do in latter life.

Offline LanceVance

I'm not in the habit of asking intrusive questions during downtime, but I do find that when this topic comes up, EEs are here to make a quick buck before going back to the old country. I remember meeting a couple of Eastern Europeans who said they were working in the UK for the summer before going back to University.

Offline rubric

I tend to take these things with a pinch of salt. I've known girls who claim to be students across well over 10 years of continuously working.  I think there is a mix of fakery, and then on the other hand the girls who do have the genuine desire to do something else eventually who find the lure of easy money too attractive.

Though are a fair few EE girls who are over here in constant short stints either to earn money, or just raise cash to buy houses back home (seems less common now) many of whom are single mums, or slightly younger girls who are supporting themselves whilst doing a masters or whatever - as they tend to disappear after a short while I'm more inclined to believe them.

Offline Colston36

I too have been struck by how many work in the "caring professions" - nursing and similar. Natural progression I guess.

Suddenly remembered (the older I get the less I remember) a few things besides the fact that there is no single reason why we - or WGs - do things.

My first marriage came to an end when i met a retired WG - ot Party Girl as she called herself ("I wasn't a prostitute") she claimed. She had made a phonomenal amount of money - all pissed away on drugs. She only quit because the Old Bill fitted her up and she was on probation. She was just in it for the money and she hated her clients. She was quite proud of the fact that one - very famous - died of a heart attack when taking poppers in the bath, a habit she introduced him to. After we split (because, believe it or not she was insanely jealous) she went back on the game.

More recently I became friends with three girls. (I only started punting i8 months ago). One from Romania does it to help her family -- she showed me lots of pictures, and you could see they were her family as she was in some of them. I never asked her what else she had done for a living but she told me she startd as a WG at 16, is highly educated, extremely attractive and very funny, though not the best I ever had by any means.

One who is English works and loves doing it. So much that so although she has a SD who pays her good money every month NOT to work whe does it but keeps it secret from him. She insists her clients don't rate her on AW.

Another, also English, tells me she loves "the idea of not knowing who's going to come through that door". She works part-time in admin in a hospital. Recently she had a bust-up with her partner who owned the flat she works from, and ws really upset when she couldn't work - they've made it up now and she's back on the game.

It takes all sorts in this as anything else. Right now I'm in a "normal" relationship which has convinced me not for the first time that punting is cheaper. Admittedly the gf does almost anything kinky with me but it takes up a lot of time. It's cheaper and just as good by the hour.


  • Guest
I don't mind the bullshit back stories so much, its when they tell you they were raped by their step-dad at 13 then then spent the next few years in care homes and druggie squats that kills the mood.

Seriously?! Fuck sake. I just enjoy sex! I genuinely am a student too, contrary to popular belief!!!  I know we all escort/punt for various reasons but I can't imagine doing what I do if I had a horrific childhood. Ughh...I'm short on words here for to say here, I just can't imagine putting myself through escorting if I had been through a horrible childhood...

Offline Horizontal pleasures

I too have been struck by how many work in the "caring professions" - nursing and similar. Natural progression I guess.

badly paid is the reason

Offline nervous1

Was talking to a WG on one of my first punts ages ago.  Said she came to the city from a smaller town for Uni.  Got sick of being skint so tried prostitution and ended up just ditching her studies because she saw it as easy money compared to any other possible career path.  The thought of working a boring job for rubbish money appalled her.


  • Guest
I don't mind the bullshit back stories so much, its when they tell you they were raped by their step-dad at 13 then then spent the next few years in care homes and druggie squats that kills the mood.

Not had quite as horrific a story, but have had a girl tell me she'd been raped...twice. Not by punters i think-i was kind of zoning out by just looking at her fabulous tits, trying to decide whether another round would be appropriate. The way she was so free and easy with the information, in the middle of a punt, was very concerning. Like, what did she expect to achieve!?
Had also mentioned the "things she'd gone through" to me, so could well have a more horrific backstory. Great reg punt though, until I realised she was on hard drugs. :(
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 11:42:41 pm by WhattheFlip »

Offline NigelF

Seriously?! Fuck sake. I just enjoy sex! I genuinely am a student too, contrary to popular belief!!!  I know we all escort/punt for various reasons but I can't imagine doing what I do if I had a horrific childhood. Ughh...I'm short on words here for to say here, I just can't imagine putting myself through escorting if I had been through a horrible childhood...

That makes sense for you (and me) but actually it's more common for someone with a bad childhood to end up doing something like escorting/porn/stripping etc. You'd think if you'd been sexually abused at a young age you'd avoid sex but actually it means you're much more likely to have "normal" sex at a much earlier age, often with older boys. Only if you've actually had the bad experiences would you really be able to say what you'd do. If you take a look at psychology literature/journals you'll find plenty of evidence to support this, same if you talked to a few counsellors.

Having said all that, he was of course joking although it works on quite a few levels so is a little profound than it might appear. Also I should point out that just because it's more common, I don't think for a second that anywhere near a majority have had a really bad childhood. It is of course, money, that it is the most important factor.   

Offline MirabelleMagic

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I think it is fair to say that most of us escorts don't like being asked prying questions such as what got us into this.

I don't answer it now I skirt around it as I don't ask guys why are they visitiing me.  Works both ways ....

Am always happy to have a general chat mind.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 09:34:26 am by MirabelleMagic »

Offline ralhar

having punted almost exclusively foreign women and mainly in west end walk ups... the pattern of the type of regular I would frequent is she tries it for a month or 2 for some badly needed quick cash (usually family related problems)... then disappears off to do what ever then a short time later decides they could do with some more of that fast money and makes an indefinite commitment that lasts between 2 and 5 years...

sometimes they are paying their way through college or higher education, sometimes they are feeding hungry mouths back home, sometimes they save the cash until they have enough to start a business or buy a house (usually back home) or solve what ever the problem is...

some get stuck in a rut and lose the confidence to get a proper job... others are getting high and buying louis vitton handbags and shoes... some are pimped but they are usually a bit off key which means I won't click with them and don't become a regular...

only once in 20 years have I been surprised to find out a regular of mine had a pimp - I saw her getting picked up and she saw me see her and she knew that i knew - awkward.

another girl I knew was talked into it by her "boyfriend" who quietly managed her until she had £13K in the bank and a pile of designer clothes and accessories... he told her it was time to head back home with the loot and got her to gather her things and draw the money out... she worked one last shift and while she was out he took the lot and fucked off never to be seen again... leaving her in London with no other means of income than whoring. I suspect its quite a common story...

I knew one girl that couldn't face the thought of letting her father down by not going home and throwing money around... he was all like "thats my girl I know you can you make something of yourself"... if only he knew...

sometimes they tell you straight away and are very honest and open... others you have to get to know... some I have found out their story through gossiping with other girls and the maids...

but its none of my business really... i think its safe to say they can't see any other way of making that kind of money.


  • Guest
I dont often ask. However, ive met a few students (or even mature students), mothers, lazy girls who like sex (all the classic scenorios) but those who have other jobs, ive punted with hairdressers, one who was a sort of product material scientist (just left a job) but most common is some kind of freelance job. One ive met works in film so lots of back and forth  :thumbsup:

Offline pewpewpew

Slightly off topic but i hate when they pry into my life so i generally don't pry into theirs. I hate it when they ask if i have a girlfriend. I always say no so i don't look like a cunt but now she has me thinking that I'm a cunt it kills the mood

What's your fake name?
What services do you want?
Fuck sake is it raining again?

That's enough chat for me