Sugar Babies

Author Topic: "Post Review Button" Missing on my profile  (Read 179 times)

Offline 01ellie2015

Hi all,

Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong area but I'm hoping a mod or another user may be able to help me. 

I have been a member for a few years and had posted reviews in the past which were disconnected from my profile following an upgrade to the UKP System last year.  Since then, I haven't posted/visited as much, as I kind of lost my mojo, feeling that all my efforts had been lost.  However, now hoping to get back into the spirit of things, and wanted to add a couple of reviews.  I haven't had much time due to work and life generally but here's to hoping!:-)

Just wanted to know if there's a reason why there's no "POST REVIEW" Button on my profile.

Hope to hear from someone soon with possible ideas.  Please note that it's sometimes difficult to login so do not be offended if I am not able to reply in a timely fashion.

Many thanks in advance.
