Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Advice please, AdultWork email system is it usually a good way to communicate.  (Read 976 times)

Offline sigmund

Gearing up for my 1st punt I decided on a girl that I thought most fitted my wants for a 1st time punt but just to check something unclear from her profile I fired off a simple question via the AW email system a few days ago.

Despite having logged on since it would appear that the email's not been read which leads me to wonder if the AW email system is something they don't bother with and expect everything to be done by text and calls if a mobile number is listed?

Or do I simply say sod it and find another one who does read her emails?!?!


  • Guest
Many girls ignore people with zero feedback for what ever reason, maybe if you want to go down this road fire a few mails out.

Possibly best to book by phone, once you have had your meet ask if you can get feedback if all goes well and fire a belated booking through.

You may get on fine with phone calls which i do for most meets these days and decide to stick with that method, what ever endss up working for you.

Hope your first punt goes well for you, when someone answers !  :hi:


  • Guest
I agree phone calls get a response e.mails for some girls just not read or deleted

Offline Hariputter99

If they got phone no displayed on their profile then ring them or text them.

You just need to confirm all the services you require and the fee over the phone.

Offline Bangers and Gash

No phone number means no wedge from me. I try to steer clear of the hoop jumpers and feedback merchants. Most pro$$ies don't read emails because they simply cant read - pressing a button on a mobile phone is something they can just about cope with. :hi:

Offline Silver Birch

I will often email 2-3 on my hotlist (that I have not seen before) when I have a window of opportunity and usually get a reply from at least 2. Despite the scepticism on here, I do believe having solid AW feedback myself is significant in getting replies.

However, if I pinpoint one single wg for a booking, a phone call is always the most succesful way to get a response and booking. I don't mention my AW profile if I book by phone, so my feeback does not play a part, proving newbies do not need AW!

Offline smiths

No phone number means no wedge from me. I try to steer clear of the hoop jumpers and feedback merchants. Most pro$$ies don't read emails because they simply cant read - pressing a button on a mobile phone is something they can just about cope with. :hi:

Same here, no number, no business off me. All this hoop jumping and needing feedback bollocks clearly suits some WGs but it sure doesn't me on principle. NO WG is worth compromising that for.

Offline Bangers and Gash

Same here, no number, no business off me. All this hoop jumping and needing feedback bollocks clearly suits some WGs but it sure doesn't me on principle. NO WG is worth compromising that for.

Unfortunately, not all punters are like yourself, smiths. Some plonkers go to extreme lengths to make sweet love to the object of their delusions, then brag on UKP about how they met her strict criteria and feel almost honoured to of breathed the same air.  :crazy:


  • Guest
I find loads of WGs either don't read their AW e-mails, or they read them and don't bother to answer them. There could be all manner of reasons why that is.
But I am coming to the realisation that it's probably better to phone or text them in the first instance, if their number is displayed. If you get fucked about, given the run around, spoken to in disrespectful way? Then hang up and move on to another one, there's plenty to choose from.
But it's always better to check on this forum first to see if the WG has had any Reviews, which will give you a better chance of finding a good punt.

Offline sigmund

Looks like I need to put some credit on the punting phone then.

Unfortunately, not all punters are like yourself, smiths. Some plonkers go to extreme lengths to make sweet love to the object of their delusions, then brag on UKP about how they met her strict criteria and feel almost honoured to of breathed the same air.  :crazy:

Not looking to brag anywhere, simply looking to have some fun and empty my balls, preferably into some pretty girl's mouth  :D


  • Guest
The trick is not to obsess.  Personally, I prefer writing to speaking so I'm happy to send an e-mail and am only really bothered about the lack of a phone number if I want a same day booking.  Once I send the mail, if I haven't heard back in a reasonable amount of time I just move on.  As AW lets you see if and when your mail is opened, it's easy to know where your request stands.  With regard to jumping through hoops, I just don't bother with that shit.  Writing is fine, as long as the response is quick and focussed.


  • Guest
Always best to look at what their profile says. If they say call you are probably best off doing that. Obviously emails and texts are more convenient since you can leave her a message even if she's "occupied" with another punter, but you might also want to consider that many of these girls have pretty poor spoken English and their written comprehension will most likely be worse. Also some girls like to hear you because they think they can tell what you are like.

In brief, phone though the least convenient for you, is probably the best bet.

Offline Marmalade

There's no "they" when it comes to thousands of hookers on AW. Each one has their own way or working, their own standards of laziness, their own computer skills or utter lack of them, and their own 'respect' for punters or utter lack of the same.

If she doesn't reply, move on. Or find one with a phone (not that all of them will answer a phone call or even return a message). If you are just starting out consider whether you want a punting phone (separate sim) or the Swytch app for some privacy (either from prossies or from other people). Most prossies won't answer a call from a blocked or weird number, so disguising it by using Skype is a waste of time.

Enjoy the jungle.

Offline sigmund

Thanks for the advice guys, booking now sorted. Not for a few days so plenty of time to let the anticipation build.  :cool:

Offline RedKettle

Thanks for the advice guys, booking now sorted. Not for a few days so plenty of time to let the anticipation build.  :cool:

Has it happened??  Let us know and post a review.   :hi:

5th Musketeer

  • Guest
Thanks for the advice guys, booking now sorted. Not for a few days so plenty of time to let the anticipation build.  :cool:
Just following up your question, though I think you probably know by now.  When you send an email through the AW system, the WG gets it through her private email that she has linked to AW.  Not sure how that affects her "login" (in other words adding to her number) but suspect that if she deletes your AW message without reading it, she may show up as logging into AW - though some of the WGs who are on UKP might be able to answer that.  But if she reads or deletes it after reading you will know by looking at your sent mail in AW.  There is a note at the bottom that states: "highlighted rows denote messages that have not been read by the recipient."  I have always been notified by my linked email when I get a message from a WG I have emailed through AW.  :hi: