Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Taking a break  (Read 951 times)

Offline Crazydave

Well fellow my East Midlanders, I've been punting for over 20 years and always had fun. However, for the last year or two, I've been leaving punts physically satisfied, but not emotionally satisfied, leaving me going out looking for the next punt as soon as possible. This has been a vicious cycle. A couple of the lovely East Midland girls over the last few years have been able to get close to satisfying my emotional needs (Pippa Knight, Chelsea Hart and HollyGoLightly being the main three and before them, the lovely Yazzmin), where it felt like I was having sex with a friend, rather than a WG, but these exceptions are few and far between.

Because of this, I'd recently joined Seeking Arrangement and I've managed to find myself a sexy little 20 year old fuck buddy that does everything and more that a WG does and we get on like a house on fire. I'm looking forward to going on the journey of discovery with her that every new relationship promises.

I've therefore decided to take a break from punting (although I'm not ruling out an occasional visit to Pippa or Chelsea, haha) to see where the journey takes me. I'll still check in from time to time and drop in my ten pence worth, but I'm not planning on visiting any WG's for the foreseeable future.

I hope you'll wish me luck in this brave undertaking  :D.

Catch you all soon and happy punting everyone.

Offline _Bender_

 :thumbsup: Fair play Dave, sounds interesting, I've actually took a look myself, You'll have to come back and give us updates on how it going, good luck!  :hi:

Offline chandlerhandler

Because of this, I'd recently joined Seeking Arrangement and I've managed to find myself a sexy little 20 year old fuck buddy that does everything and more that a WG does and we get on like a house on fire. I'm looking forward to going on the journey of discovery with her that every new relationship promises.

I hope you'll wish me luck in this brave undertaking  :D.

Catch you all soon and happy punting everyone.

Good luck mate, hope you survive!!!!


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Good luck Mate
Hope it works out for you :thumbsup:

Offline Owwhatanight

CD I have been reading your posts on the SA thread and you do seem to be enjoying yourself and that's what it is about.
I too have a fuck buddy in Norfolk but i still like a Wg in my hotel room when I get the horn  :D
Good luck and remember not to under estimate your other half.  :lol: because I can feel the love man  :hi: ask Raddy he's on remand
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 09:34:50 am by Owwhatanight »


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I must admit, you got me looking as well and i signed up last night looked interesting and some nice young girls on the site
But i have realised that working with the missus and not going out in the evening i will be sticking to WG's.  Less of them but more intence meetings

Offline Bigowl

CD I have been reading your posts on the SA thread and you do seem to be enjoying yourself and that's what it is about.
I too have a fuck buddy in Norfolk but i still like a Wg in my hotel room when I get the horn  :D
Good luck and remember not to under estimate your other half.  :lol: because I can feel the love man  :hi: ask Raddy he's on remand

Where is this other thread

Offline Crazydave

CD I have been reading your posts on the SA thread and you do seem to be enjoying yourself and that's what it is about.
I too have a fuck buddy in Norfolk but i still like a Wg in my hotel room when I get the horn  :D
Good luck and remember not to under estimate your other half.  :lol: because I can feel the love man  :hi: ask Raddy he's on remand

Got over 20 years of hiding punts under my belt, so I'm playing it cool with Mrs CD. And I've learned my lessons from previous posters such as Raddy (sorry mate, I'm sure the heat will die down soon, although I am glad that you're not giving SA a go, as it leaves some girls for us!)

The thing that plays into my favour is that Mrs CD underestimates me! Because I'm an overweight, average-looking oaf she doesn't think that I stand a chance with another woman. Little does she realise that though the man is meek, the wallet is powerful!  :D

I'll keep you up to date with how I get on. I do have a dilemma already though. The 20 year old wants to meet up next week a couple of times as she's gagging for it, but before I'd met up with her and we'd got on so well, I'd lined up a meeting with a sexy little 30 year old blonde. Just wondering whether I should blow the blonde out and have away with the 20 year old, or try and be greedy and fill my boots? Not sure if I've got Raddy's stamina so I don't know which way to jump  :P

Offline Crazydave

Where is this other thread

In the Off Topic section. You only get access from admin if you've been an active member for a while I think.

Offline Stickitin

Interesting, can't say it ever occurred to me to try and be emotionally satisfied by a punt....


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Interesting, can't say it ever occurred to me to try and be emotionally satisfied by a punt....

Happiness is an emotion.  :D

And happy is me emotionally satisfied !

Good luck anyway Dave !

Offline Crazydave

It never bothered me tbh, as I always used to get that need fulfilled by Mrs CD, but the last few years, the affection from her has pretty much dried up, so although we still speak and get on, there's no kissing, hugging, holding hands or anything like that (as well as no sex of course), so it's been something I've been missing and something that most punts can't provide.

SA, has helped to fill that gap. My first meeting with a lady off there had about two hours of kissing and cuddling in the four hour meet (as well as some top class DT blowjobs with CIM and some nice sex).

Then when I met my SB the other day, we just spent twenty minutes of really passionate snogging and apart from a bit of intimate touching, no sex - it took me back to my youth. Picking a girl up in my car and just kissing and wandering how far they would go. It was a refreshin change.

Offline CoolTiger

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Where is this other thread

Hope you're allowed access to it, as not all newbies are. Also it's 74 pages long!!

Offline CoolTiger

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CD, all the best. I have also followed that thread from the beginning. Great pickings there, if you have the patience and time to trawl through all the profiles.

I have no doubt that you will succeed and have a great time. I am aware of x2 other EM based members on here who are using SA to great effect, but not posting anything on that thread.

I assume you are meeting up with EM based SB's?

Offline Crazydave

The 20 year old is about 15 minutes drive from me, which is good when she texts me for a quickie. The first lady I met was from Cheshire and we met in Stoke on Trent. I booked a Holiday Inn for the day through

The blonde I'm meeting with is from Hull way and we're meeting near Sheffield. Again, hotel booked for the day.

I've just found a nice unattended apartment for cheap on airbnb which you can rent by the day so might have that as my shag pad. Haha

Been speaking to loads of EM's based girls though - there are definitely plenty out there looking for a genuine guy. It just requires a lot more legwork than AW, but tbh it's the chase that I'm enjoying as much as the actual conquest!

Offline Bigowl

Hope you're allowed access to it, as not all newbies are. Also it's 74 pages long!!

I haven't got access, really wanted to read it!)


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I haven't got access, really wanted to read it!)

That will come with profile age, off topic a privileged not a right, If you post here like a punter good things come to those who contribute.

Offline Buttons

Just watch out with the fuck buddy thing, which is essentially what an SB is. I had a fuck buddy for about 18 months, but had to bin her off a year ago. It's all fun and games at the start, but then the EAS sets in (her, not me) and it all went very bunny boiler very quickly, even though rules were clearly set and agreed on at the get go.

My advice, cycle the SB's regularly. Don't let anyone get too comfortable for too long, especially if you have a significant other, assuming a divorce is something to be avoided.

In retrospect, a good warning sign is when they start doing things with you that they claim they have never done before to please you. Anal, prostate massage etc etc.

Other than that, dip yer bread..... :thumbsup:

Offline Bigowl

Is it possible to get a free trial of sa?

I messaged someone I like but can't read the reply, I'm not sure if the site is for me.