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Author Topic: Beauty Or Beast?  (Read 1194 times)

Offline Corus Boy

What's best for you?

The thread title is an exaggeration but you'll get the idea.

This week I've had two punts, who doesn't matter, but checking my reviews reveals all.

First punt;

Not so pretty but not ugly, age difficult to judge, good English, nice body, unrestrained DFK, no OWO and enthusiastic throughout.

Second punt;

Very pretty, young, fit body, very poor/no English, DFK was lacklustre, OWO good but overall enthusiasm was also lacklustre.

So I ask, "Is beauty, good looks and a good body enough?"

Or is attitude and conversation more likely to bring you back?

Offline charlie-mott

I rarely go to the same girl more than twice, some recent exceptions are Yaya, Coco, Hannah (HNDF). None of them beasts, but not beautiful. The best looking girls I have seen over the past 6 months have all been Romanian. Most were good, but I can't remember any of their names, so I guess that tells you something.

It's nice to spend time with a beauty, but if the service is poor, then usually I won't go back unless they are exceptional. I tend to avoid the beasts, but an average girl with a good body and good service is usually enough to get me back.

My best punt of last year was Karnjana. She is probably the best looking girl I've ever seen, great service. Poor English, but enough to get by.


  • Guest
They don't have to be a stunner but no munters either, (Im no Brad Pit myself by a long way). I look for good service & enthusiasm first but they have to pretty too.

On the one hand if she was Miss World & gave a crap service I wouldn't return, on the other if she ticked every one of the boxes service wise but she wasn't pretty then that would be no good either.

I realise I am a very fussy punter, that's why I punt less & less frequently these days.


  • Guest
As Freddie mercury once sang , I want it all, in an ideal world who would't, I'm still quite new to this ( 13 months )  but in my time  I've tried to find girls with good slim fit body's and great service  (  service being the number one priority )  that suits my wants and desires, I'd struggle with truly ugly but anything above that and I'm ok, but if Thay happen to be good looking that's the icing on the cake , I love d f k and to d f k with passion a good looking woman is top shelf for me, I've got a couple of regular's that now tick all my boxes . always looking for more but don't we all, it's a bloke thing no matter your age, but I do like going back as the experience gets better , but this then leaves less time to see new girls which has happened with myself recently .

Offline mashit1

Id always pick quality of service over looks, but would probably draw the line on really ugly. I probably would say a girl of average looks with good service is my type, I tend to find the really good looking ones think that they are doing you a favour even thought it's our hard earned cash that keeps them going

Offline Sticky

On the one hand if she was Miss World & gave a crap service I wouldn't return, on the other if she ticked every one of the boxes service wise but she wasn't pretty then that would be no good either


Although if she had a nice enough personality and there was some sort of 'click' there then I'd return if she wasn't conventionally pretty.

Offline smoochewhooche


So I ask, "Is beauty, good looks and a good body enough?"

Or is attitude and conversation more likely to bring you back?

Definitely attitude, good service and a warm happy nature are paramount for me. I do not really care what they look like as long as they are not too big or fat. I like the type of woman that is sensitive to my needs, you know the sort that likes to please. The orientals are definitely my favourite, treat them with respect and humility and they often reciprocate.

Offline sealover

Service and attitude outdoes a prettiness every time for me.  I while ago I was a regular with a girl up country and saw her so often I actually stopped noticing her looks.  I looked her up recently and realised she is has a beautiful face and a knock out body.  But it was her style and friendliness which kept me going back.


  • Guest
I'm more of a parlour guy myself - infact, I've not actually experienced time with a pre-booked escort yet, only parlours. During my early days, I would always go for the pretty ones with mixed performances. After a few bad punts in a row, I decided to change my approach. These days I don't tend to rely on looks so much but the attitude and 'cheekiness' of the girls. Like if one of them has a sexy smirk or gives me a little wink. I know these girls will be in a good mood, rather than the stone faced pretty ones. I'm not saying I'd go for the 60 year old fat one just because shes given me the eye but I no longer default to the hottest girls. If the hottest one looks the most up for it - great!

Offline WelshMichael

I suppose we all want a beauty that fucks like a beast but they are few and far between:

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Not that Blackie and the boys were ever beauties....

Offline cymrobach

Quality of service always wins for me (unless they are really fugly!!!)

If they are awesome at what they do and stunning at the same time then its a far for me only Goddess Karolina has ticked both boxes!


  • Guest
Saw blackie lawless ( wasp ) about 25 years ago, don't remember them being any better looking, a lot a fake blood I recall , and yes goddess karolina's damned good with looks, service and attitude, but she's another one never coming back to Cardiff, luckily, when not in Greece she only lives in and works out of Bristol , I can live with that trip.

Offline Licketysplit

Been reading this and had a punt earlier with Jessybee (review completed) which is a perfect example. She's not really a looker at all but her service was as good as I've had so far although I'm not exactly the most experienced punter on here.

When I compare JB with Angella Anal (I can't remember who described her as being able to 'eat an apple through a tennis racquet' which was brilliant!), and the silly service I got there along with the insults, I'd go for JB every time.

Offline HughJardon

Same as Sexy Amy, Hannah from the bollock draining establishment, not conventionally the greatest looking girls but my repeat visits speak volume, agree with Jess Bunn thats a great service level, and wish she had'nt up sticks for Swansea.


  • Guest
Jessybee is another with great service, she likes having sex more than you want it sort of experience and yes great sham for us down here she upped and went down there, but that's punting.

Offline Mil 34

Been reading this and had a punt earlier with Jessybee (review completed) which is a perfect example. She's not really a looker at all but her service was as good as I've had so far although I'm not exactly the most experienced punter on here.

When I compare JB with Angella Anal (I can't remember who described her as being able to 'eat an apple through a tennis racquet' which was brilliant!), and the silly service I got there along with the insults, I'd go for JB every time.

That quote was mine  :thumbsup: lol
I also like to use the term.
She would be a nice girl if she got the railings fixed for girls with wonky teeth ha ha


  • Guest
That's another thing I like, nice set of stones, d f k is a favourite  must of mine, so if the boat race is gorgeous and got good stones and their all original and not imported, oh happy days !

Offline mikeyboy1984

Has to be service first for me. I've had some really good looking women and the service has been really bad. If she was really bad I'd walk because you can get that for free on pof and tinder

Offline Licketysplit

That's another thing I like, nice set of stones, d f k is a favourite  must of mine, so if the boat race is gorgeous and got good stones and their all original and not imported, oh happy days !

That was one of the issues with Jessybee. She has a couple of teeth missing which was part of the initial shock to me. Luckily, the ones missing weren't the front two or I'd have definitely walked away!  :D


  • Guest
My last punt was a 30 something year old fat bird about size 18 to 20, not what I would usually go for but she was the first to reply to my last minute booking and at 70 quid for the hour I thought it was good value, arrived at her place and she wasn't very good looking either, not horrendously  ugly but not very pretty either, answered the door in her pyjamas! I considered walking but... Turned out to be my best punt ever!
I put this down to
A. I felt very comfortable with her, much less inhibited than I usually would be with a stunner
B. What she lacked in beauty she made up for with charisma enthusiasm and skill.
C.she told me her hubby had left for work half hour before I arrived and he had no idea about what she was doing...whether or not she just said that to get me to buy into the bored housewife image or whether it was true I have no idea but it got me off!