Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: This is how you know you've been blocked on AdultWork...  (Read 7154 times)

Offline CatBBW

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Just a heads up really, hopefully it will help someone.

If someone has blocked you on AW, your SENT message will IMMEDIATELY show as 'deleted' under the Date Read column, and the message will still be highlighted in purple.

This is different to the recipient receiving it and deleting without reading a short time later. If the recipient deletes your email without reading when you AREN'T blocked, it will show in your SENT items exactly as above, BUT you would have previously seen it as highlighted in purple with a BLANK SPACE in the Date Read column.

So. When you send a message to a WG via AW, immediately check in your Sent items folder. If there's a blank space in the Date Read column, you aren't (currently) blocked. But if it says 'deleted' then you are (prior to sending that message) blocked. If that blank space eventually changes to 'deleted' then she has deleted without reading.

Hope this makes sense and is of help to someone.

(ps - I found this out last night, when a "23 yr ol" said he wanted to be my "sugar daddy" all in txtspk, who then got offended and blocked me when I told him to email me and he couldn't even do that, so I said I wasn't interested in "sugar daddies" who weren't able to write clearly or follow a simple instruction. My final reply showed up as immediately deleted. I tried again and it did the same. He'd blocked me. His last message to me? "Ur los". Pahahahahaha!)
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 11:49:00 am by CatBBW »

Offline akauya

Thanks for that Cat. Good to know  :hi:


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Just a heads up really, hopefully it will help someone.

If someone has blocked you on AW, your SENT message will IMMEDIATELY show as 'deleted' under the Date Read column, and the message will still be highlighted in purple.

Have you seriously just found that out?


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What about booking requests; can you still make them if you're blocked?

Offline CatBBW

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What about booking requests; can you still make them if you're blocked?

This I'm not sure about.

Offline stevedave

What about booking requests; can you still make them if you're blocked?

Would you put in a booking request to someone who has blocked you? I only ever put in a booking request once I have confirmed via email, text or phone...?

Offline Rose_128

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If the girl additionally ticks the box 'block booking requests' then I am afraid you can't go ahead.

However, this option is only visible if you scroll through the block list again and manually tick it and press update.

So often times you are blocked but can still send a request as many people are not aware of this extra step.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Have you seriously just found that out?

Yes, it is very helpful indeed. Seriously helpful. Stop whingeing please.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

I keep sending messages to ladies who have logged on and not read a message from me, and one can see from their profile that they were logged in, and I worried that I had been blocked by them. Now I know not blocked, just idle, rude or lazy ....

Offline threechilliman

I've been blocked by a couple of SP's - one I have no idea why as we'd had a good meet and the other because I asked her to wear sexy underwear (!). Strangely, the girl who refused to meet me hasn't blocked me as a recent email was read and still remains in her inbox. I live in hope rather than expectation with that one :(


Online mexicola

A related question....  the date / time an email is read is sometimes in italics and sometimes in normal font, what is the difference ?

Offline threechilliman

A related question....  the date / time an email is read is sometimes in italics and sometimes in normal font, what is the difference ?

She's deleted the message.



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I think that if a girl gets 20 plus messages a day they look at the ones they like the look of first
and dont look at others
Its the bird in the hand worth 2 in the bush thinking.
No more no less!

Offline Gordon Bennett

I keep sending messages to ladies who have logged on and not read a message from me, and one can see from their profile that they were logged in, and I worried that I had been blocked by them. Now I know not blocked, just idle, rude or lazy ....

Thing is, being logged on or actually being sat gawping at laptop are two different things..... Lady could be busy with a client or such like but is content to just stay logged on rather than faffing about re-logging on every  10 mins or so? She might also be aware that chaps like yourself deliberately look for "logged on" ladies so it's her way of getting on your radar (and cheaper than paying for the green available flag to be displayed).

Offline CatBBW

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That's what shows up in italics.
My fan-girls were telling me mine shows up in bold red and flashes with the priority client alert feature !

Offline threechilliman

My fan-girls were telling me mine shows up in bold red and flashes with the priority client alert feature !

Is that to avoid you?


Offline bluefinger

My fan-girls were telling me mine shows up in bold red and flashes with the priority client alert feature !

The italic writing with numbers next to the name is how many aliases they have and if in red then they have negative feedback. Only people offering services have this service not punters.