Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Becoming "friends" with a girl  (Read 8021 times)

Offline winkywanky

A few years ago I went on holiday with a rather expensive (and well-known) London WG.

We'd had about 5 meets and I always stayed beyond time. We liked talking about all sorts of stuff and had a fair bit in common. The sex was also very good. She'd had issues with the heating in her flat, and I helped her with that - we seemed to get along very well in all sorts of little ways. Age-wise, although she looks very good (at least, she did then) she's only a little younger than me.

Anyway, I was already going on my regular 3-week annual trip to this place, and asked her if she fancied joining me for 5 days in the middle. To my surprise and delight, she said 'yes'. There was no payment as such involved on my part, I just had to pay her return airfare (about £100). As for the hotel, I'm a regular and the rooms are all double (2 double beds)- there was no extra fee involved for that, although I did pay a little extra for her to have breakfasts/evening meals.

So, the big day arrived and I drove to the airport in my hirecar to pick her up. She was very dressed-down and seemed quite different from when we'd had bookings. She seemed to want to smoke all the time (I don't) and she announced very firmly in the evening that she'd be sleeping in the other bed (there were 2 doubles) - she was tired.

Now then, I wasn't expecting a shagathon or anything, but I'd expected a little tenderness - there was none. It quickly became apparent that I'd made a big mistake in asking her to join me. On her last evening with me we had a few drinks and a bottle of wine back in the room. I had my ipod with me and was playing old movies on the hotel TV. As we lay on our separate beds watching them, she intimated that a cheeky BJ might be on the cards, as it was the last night. By this time, I was so pissed off, I told her I had a headache!  :D

The next day I drove her back to the airport, relieved that she was gone, and that I could get on with the rest of my holiday.

I was a silly old fool here, and I learned from my mistake. Which was this: a WG when she's with you in 'working mode', may be TOTALLY different from the real person. Infact, from her point of view, maybe you - the punter - are too?
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 06:56:10 pm by winkywanky »

Offline winkywanky

...and NO, I'm not going to tell you who it was!  :P

Offline LoneWolf2020

this guy will just have to learn the hard way as he seems hell bent on ignoring the advice.

Offline PLeisure

As we lay on our separate beds watching them, she intimated that a cheeky BJ might be on the cards, as it was the last night. By this time, I was so pissed off, I told her I had a headache:D
Generous, wasn't she.....  :sarcastic:

Offline AnthG

Anyway, I was already going on my regular 3-week annual trip to this place, and asked her if she fancied joining me for 5 days in the middle. To my surprise and delight, she said 'yes'. There was no payment as such involved on my part, I just had to pay her return airfare (about £100). As for the hotel, I'm a regular and the rooms are all double (2 double beds)- there was no extra fee involved for that, although I did pay a little extra for her to have breakfasts/evening meals.

So, the big day arrived and I drove to the airport in my hirecar to pick her up. She was very dressed-down and seemed quite different from when we'd had bookings. She seemed to want to smoke all the time (I don't) and she announced very firmly in the evening that she'd be sleeping in the other bed (there were 2 doubles) - she was tired.

Now then, I wasn't expecting a shagathon or anything, but I'd expected a little tenderness - there was none. It quickly became apparent that I'd made a big mistake in asking her to join me. On her last evening with me we had a few drinks and a bottle of wine back in the room. I had my ipod with me and was playing old movies on the hotel TV. As we lay on our separate beds watching them, she intimated that a cheeky BJ might be on the cards, as it was the last night. By this time, I was so pissed off, I told her I had a headache!  :D

I have read your post a few times to see if I have missed something. I say this as on reading it I don't actually think she did anything wrong and she was quite reasonable.

The way it reads is she went with you as friends. She didn't charge anything except asking you to pay her return fares and for meals.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline winkywanky

I didn't say she had done anything wrong.

I said I was a silly old fool for thinking the meeting might be any different  ;).
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 07:22:19 pm by winkywanky »

Offline Cuntminion

It's a big mistake trying to be friends with anyone when the business bond was built first in any walk

I have higher/different expectations of friends than I do of people I conduct business with

The two rarely mix well

Offline cueball

We might not be friends with the lasses we meet but that doesn't mean we can't be friendly, punts work much much better in a friendly atmosphere

Offline Cuntminion

We might not be friends with the lasses we meet but that doesn't mean we can't be friendly, punts work much much better in a friendly atmosphere


Offline Placebo88

We might not be friends with the lasses we meet but that doesn't mean we can't be friendly, punts work much much better in a friendly atmosphere

Nail hit firmly on head !

This applies to most human interactions.Whilst being served in a shop there may be a brief friendly exchange and smiles , both people feel good about it - the friendliness is often genuine but does not equal potential friendship - you would not ask the shop assistant out for a drink ; unless you were Alan Partridge ( great comedy moment ! ).Same applies with escorts , they may well like you and friendliness within a booking can well be genuine but understand that that is the extent of it - out of work messaging and EAS are something most good WGs hate and many will drop clients if there is too much of it!

Offline Boundless

Hi guys

Something weird has been happening recently and i haven't really given it much thought until this weekend.  I havent seen many new girls recently (a couple of 30min punts) but there is this girl i first saw in july and had a great time, then i kept seeing her every 1/2 weeks for 1hr/30min, she is genuinely the most kind hearted person iv met (yes there will be some scepticism from this forum e.g shes putting it on) but i am a good judge of character

Each appointment has involved more and more chatting and getting to know each other to the point where the last 3 meetings i havent even taken my clothes off  :timeout:  she has hinted at some action every time looking back but it felt natural at the time and i enjoyed chatting to her, she really opened up and told me personal shit

I have also been buying small (non pricey) gifts as i see something and think of her.  She also hinted she wants to come away with me soon (non paid) , we are a similar age and common interests. 

Im not sure how to proceed, it almost feels wrong now to initiate any intimacy as shes like a friend so i dont know what to i ask her to meet outside? I don't want to make it awkward if she says no...or do i wait still for her to trust me as its been a relatively short time frame?

That does sound weird indeed.
Don't like to burst your bubble, especially as you're not wet behind the ears and you've got a few reviews in.
However, if you're paying her to chat and then she's hinting that she'd like to go away with you soon, then there's 2 possible scenarios.
1 She's playing you, after all, who wouldn't want to chat for half an hour for 60 quid.
2 She genuinely likes you, but even so she still doesn't mind you giving her money to listen to her shit.

It's your life mate and your decision. I'm a pretty suspicious cunt myself and if I wasn't getting my end away I don't think I'd be paying.
Be careful of the EAS monster creeping up on you and even if she is genuinely fond of you, do you really want to have a relationship with a girl who sucks fat, old, ugly bloke's cocks for a living?

Offline Boundless

Stop being a cunt. If you want someone to talk to get married.

Surprised by that advice Sir F!

You must have a good relationship with the Duchess.
My Mrs only ever bollocks me, "You've used the wrong washing program" "You haven't done this, that or the bleedin' other!"

Offline Horizontal pleasures

We might not be friends with the lasses we meet but that doesn't mean we can't be friendly, punts work much much better in a friendly atmosphere

Offline riskytimes

leave him alone poor chap , hes in love ahhhhh !!!!!!.....................................and in cuckoo land


  • Guest
Please both of you stop, it will fuck with your head.  Dating an escort will drive you insane, you will be problem gamblers or off your head on drugs with in months to block out what she is doing at work.

@OP and anyone else with such thoughts...heed these words...they are a window into your future, no matter how capable you now think you'll be at coping with such a situation.

Offline Colston36

I read your comments with a fair bit of pleasure. Often funny and perceptive