Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: PLEA TO ESCORTS  (Read 7372 times)


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I refer of course to the claim by Marty to have never received satisfactory communication

It depends on how you define satisfactory communication.

Offline Bigus Dickus

It depends on how you define satisfactory communication.

Marty I think you need to manage your expectations about your interactions with the girls! They all have a vastly different level of ability to manage their workload, communications and their lives around the demands of us punters.

If you treat it a bit like fishing you won't get too stressed about things! Cast your net wide and you will find fish! Select areas where you will have a better chance of a catch or which have produced good results in the past. It is punting after all.

You sound like you are getting frustrated. Don't let it get to you! Maybe a doctors visit would help!


Offline Happyjose


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Marty I think you need to manage your expectations about your interactions with the girls! They all have a vastly different level of ability to manage their workload, communications and their lives around the demands of us punters.

If you treat it a bit like fishing you won't get too stressed about things! Cast your net wide and you will find fish! Select areas where you will have a better chance of a catch or which have produced good results in the past. It is punting after all.

You sound like you are getting frustrated. Don't let it get to you! Maybe a doctors visit would help!


BD, thanks for the input. My punting life would be barren without such words of wisdom. Truly appreciated sir.

Yes, frustration is an issue I have. A doctor's visit is not the cure. It is in my genes. But I am learning that all good things come to those who wait. It's just that I keep forgetting this.

Thanks again.

Offline Gordon Bennett

I do use AW email as I line up punts at least a few weeks beforehand. I send short and succinct emails with subject like: "Incall booking request for 7/7/15 @ 5pm please" and give them 3/4 days to reply. In all but one case I've had a clear/polite response within 24hrs. As I've not really experienced the problem the OP raises I can't see point of changing things.
For the record, the one time I didn't get a reply (even though my message was shown as read) within a few days I just moved on and booked another girl instead. Ironically, original girl finally replied saying "yes" a day later.... Although I was tempted to just give her pithey "yer too late luv" answer I actually sent a polite and diplomatic response saying I'd now made an alternative booking, was disappointed I was not seeing my first choice but I felt obliged to honour my new booking.
Generally, I don't think its worth getting bent out of shape over booking a girl; there's loads to choose from and I can tolerate ropey "admin" skills as long as they deliver the goods when I see them.


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A lot depends on what you want from the reply, I use AW messaging for booking ahead with popular pro$$ies to avoid sounding like a time waster when I ring them. As Gordon Bennett says ask for a date and time if they don't reply within 24 hours move on. If you want a punt later in the same day then phone calls are better, especially when they're not premium rate!

If you're hoping to engage in detailed conversations about what services they offer and what you hope to do in a punt then don't hold your breath for a reply.

Offline AnthG

The thing is though, even if AW introduced a system where it cost the punter something like 5 credits (so £5) to get an email response from a WG through AW.

Those emails suddenly wont become Shakespeare. They will still be the same "Im free at 4pm hun xx, cawl mee then 4 a bookin xxx" type response to every request you make to them.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline smiths

The thing is though, even if AW introduced a system where it cost the punter something like 5 credits (so £5) to get an email response from a WG through AW.

Those emails suddenly wont become Shakespeare. They will still be the same "Im free at 4pm hun xx, cawl mee then 4 a bookin xxx" type response to every request you make to them.

The OP wasn't talking about a system where emails would cost punters money though, he was talking about a system where punters like me that choose to ring WGs would have to pay 0900 premium rates for the pleasure.


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The OP wasn't talking about a system where emails would cost punters money though, he was talking about a system where punters like me that choose to ring WGs would have to pay 0900 premium rates for the pleasure.

Smiths, I was never in favour of such a stupid system. Only as a last resort option this would be acceptable to me and only under certain circumstances. This does not mean I support such a money grabbing move. I only suggested this as an option for impatient punters like me who cannot wait lengthy periods for email or text replies.

Offline Marmalade

Here's my suggestion - fuck em. If they can't be arsed to reply, kick them into the long grass and move on. I don't want anything that much that I'm prepared to waste my time and money on someone who can't even be fucked to reply. The reality is of course that there are many PG scams out there and they have no intention of ever letting a punter near their honey pot
+2. ffs they're prostitutes. It's annoying if they're crap at sex. Having receptionist skills is just like icing on the jam tart.

Offline smiths

Smiths, I was never in favour of such a stupid system. Only as a last resort option this would be acceptable to me and only under certain circumstances. This does not mean I support such a money grabbing move. I only suggested this as an option for impatient punters like me who cannot wait lengthy periods for email or text replies.

YOU suggested it and even posted "genuine punters should be happy to pay" as though you speak for punters, you don't of course and most certainly not for me on this.

Now your not in favour of such a stupid system, glad to hear it. A/W already has enough ways to get cash out of punters prepared to pay their credits, not to mention WGs, pimps and other assorted low lifes.


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YOU suggested it and even posted "genuine punters should be happy to pay" as though you speak for punters, you don't of course and most certainly not for me on this.

Now your not in favour of such a stupid system, glad to hear it. A/W already has enough ways to get cash out of punters prepared to pay their credits, not to mention WGs, pimps and other assorted low lifes.

Smiths, true in many ways. I should have said that genuine punters should be happy to pay compared to waiting in frustration. Obviously, such a method of communication would never work in practice and would be open to severe abuse. Not practical nor achievable. Only winners would be AW, pimps and scammers.

Offline AnthG

Smiths, true in many ways. I should have said that genuine punters should be happy to pay compared to waiting in frustration. Obviously, such a method of communication would never work in practice and would be open to severe abuse. Not practical nor achievable. Only winners would be AW, pimps and scammers.

The thing you need to remember is, if you try phoning a girl, or you try messaging a girl, and she doesn't answer or respond. She has lost the money not you.

She does this job to make money. And its in her interests to do the needed admin work to acquire it. If she doesn't no matter how good she is in the bedroom, nobody will book.

As a customer if you are ignored or messed around, go elsewhere. She will soon up her game as a result. And when she does, as you are a customer, just then go back and book.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 07:27:29 pm by AnthG »
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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This thread is something which sounds like it is from POF.

If you phoned a hairdresser up and she did not call you back you would move on.

In my experience if a prossie does not reply to a punter who wants to punt using the right tunnels of communication usually it is because something is wrong. Either a timewaster, pg scammer or a prossie who can't be bothered - why would you waste your hard earned on that?

Offline smiths

This thread is something which sounds like it is from POF.

If you phoned a hairdresser up and she did not call you back you would move on.

In my experience if a prossie does not reply to a punter who wants to punt using the right tunnels of communication usually it is because something is wrong. Either a timewaster, pg scammer or a prossie who can't be bothered - why would you waste your hard earned on that?

This is the problem as I see it with some punters, because its pussy their common sense goes out the window.

Offline SamLP

This is the problem as I see it with some punters, because its pussy their common sense goes out the window.

Strangely accurate.

If I try booking a girl and it doesn't happen because she doesn't answer or is busy at the time I want to see her, I just think it's not meant to be and move on to someone else. If I want to see her I may try again another day.


  • Guest
Would be better if they are displayed their mobile numbers . It gets me when they say ring for a booking and no number is even displayed . So you email them about a booking and they never reply to a polite email . These go on my blacklist


  • Guest
Marty I think you need to manage your expectations about your interactions with the girls! They all have a vastly different level of ability to manage their workload, communications and their lives around the demands of us punters.

If you treat it a bit like fishing you won't get too stressed about things! Cast your net wide and you will find fish! Select areas where you will have a better chance of a catch or which have produced good results in the past. It is punting after all.

You sound like you are getting frustrated. Don't let it get to you! Maybe a doctors visit would help!



Just thought of a new role play..   :angelgirl:

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It depends on how you define satisfactory communication.
Precisely. It's all relative. I've only had a few cases of what I would find unsatisfactory comms - ie no reply for no obvious reason. That is enough for me to move on.

I have had comms which I know many here would consider completely unsatisfactory but from girls I know from this forum are part timers who are very popular and therefore very busy and in every case I've adjusted my expectation from the outset, waited patiently, eventually got to see them and been utterly satisfied with the punt.

Absolutely nothing I would change on the whole.  :unknown:

Marty, Marty, Marty. ...
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Offline Marmalade

This thread is something which sounds like it is from POF.

It would be crap tactics on POF. A "plea" to any woman is like having "pussy-whipped" tattooed on your forehead. In relation to a prossie it's a bit pathetic. Of the few that actually listen to advice, most of those will have actually asked for it. Else suggestions, or pleas :vomit: , are like putting the brain where the cock should be.

If they are too thick lazy or stupid to answer, they deserve no more attention than a mail box full of spam. Find a hole that works.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 10:47:30 am by Marmalade »


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Smiths, true in many ways. I should have said that genuine punters should be happy to pay compared to waiting in frustration. Obviously, such a method of communication would never work in practice and would be open to severe abuse. Not practical nor achievable. Only winners would be AW, pimps and scammers.

But I'm a 'Genuine Punter', and I certainly wouldn't be happy to pay Premium rates for an 0900 number. Sod that.

I text girls, I e-mail them and I call them. The ones that don't answer, I leave for a later date, the ones that do, I punt with, generally.

One girl always answers my texts and phone-calls, as long as she's not In flagrante delicto, so to speak. If she is, she always texts me back as soon as.


  • Guest
Precisely. It's all relative. I've only had a few cases of what I would find unsatisfactory comms - ie no reply for no obvious reason. That is enough for me to move on.

I have had comms which I know many here would consider completely unsatisfactory but from girls I know from this forum are part timers who are very popular and therefore very busy and in every case I've adjusted my expectation from the outset, waited patiently, eventually got to see them and been utterly satisfied with the punt.

Absolutely nothing I would change on the whole.  :unknown:

Marty, Marty, Marty. ...
External Link/Members Only

Q, Some of the girls that I contacted were not that popular, but anyway, I will move on if they don't respond. As always a big thank you for your input. You're a legend and a true friend.

Offline Trevor12

Some of the girls that I contacted were not that popular

Not surprising given their poor communication skills.

Offline Hobbit

Punting for so many years has made me realise that escorts only think of the short term and most are not good at time management and communication. 0900 numbers are not the answer. Unfortunately we have to accept that most escorts will always be bad at communication and we just have to move on if our emails are ignored.

On the other hand, saying that, One thing that does annoy me is when regulars start ignoring emails or become bad at communication. I guess this would annoy me because as a regular I would expect some courtesy and priority as I am investing time and resources into seeing someone regularly. (However, I have learnt to expect nothing in this business surprises me any more).  :scare:
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 12:47:54 pm by Hobbit »


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Here's my suggestion - fuck em. If they can't be arsed to reply, kick them into the long grass and move on. I don't want anything that much that I'm prepared to waste my time and money on someone who can't even be fucked to reply. The reality is of course that there are many PG scams out there and they have no intention of ever letting a punter near their honey pot

this  :thumbsup:

fuck them

Offline Silver Birch

0900 number -------> next please  :dash:

Like many others, I am simply going to ignore a wg who only provides a premium rate number. Even if I can email her initially, the thought that she might expect me to use that number on the punt day is enough for me to not to bother at all.

Offline Marmalade

0900 number -------> next please  :dash:

Like many others, I am simply going to ignore a wg who only provides a premium rate number. Even if I can email her initially, the thought that she might expect me to use that number on the punt day is enough for me to not to bother at all.

A note of common sense.  :hi:

She can't make enough selling fanny so she needs donations from idiots? Or if she can't be bothered answering on a normal number surely there's no need for her to provide any number at all?

Greedy cow. And what sort of service do people think she would give in the room?? "Oh I only do dfk for people who buy my videos." Ideal client just keeps chucking money at her till she runs out of excuses.