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Author Topic: Condom came off inside WG  (Read 2549 times)

Offline Stalinator

I went to see a WG last night. Punt went well until get got off me and realised the condom had slipped off inside her.

Cue her going into hysterics. Claimed not to be on the pill and would need another STI test and that she would be at a loss of revenue. She then tried to extort more money from me.

I told her to fuck off and I promptly left.

Offline MancSean

Who put the condom on you or her?
Did she have a sand paper cunt or do you have a small nob


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Had one split once. She was a bit anxious and went straight to the bathroom to clean herself. it was with my regular who I had seen about six times in a row, so I'm thinking "I'm at more risk than you babe" as I hadn't shagged anyone else, including the missus, in a couple of months. On reflection I think she realised she was being a bit paranoid; had it been with a first time punt I think it might have been a different story.


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It's funny, because I very nearly had this problem recently.  I hadn't spotted it, but the condom had ridden right up to the top whilst she was on top (this is why many WGs will check that they can still feel the bottom of the condom when you are merrily fucking away).  She blamed it on a new batch of condoms from the clinic, so I wonder if this is widespread (this was in the West Midlands).  Was very flattered when she said that we would have to swap it for an extra-large one, but didn't fool myself that I had turned into John Holmes overnight.  (I guess that reference shows my age  - for the younger readers he was the male pornstar of the 70s and 80s..).

Perhaps she'll have learnt the hard way that in future she needs to make this occasional check that most WGs seem to do to see that the condom hasn't ridden up. Ultimately it is her responsibility and I can't see how she can blame you.

Offline Stalinator

Who put the condom on you or her?
Did she have a sand paper cunt or do you have a small nob
She put it on. Heck, I am shite at doing it.
I think she might have used one that was a little too big.

It did get worrying that there may have been a Sergei about when she mentioned more money and she wouldn't be able to work for a while.

Offline Stalinator

Perhaps she'll have learnt the hard way that in future she needs to make this occasional check that most WGs seem to do to see that the condom hasn't ridden up. Ultimately it is her responsibility and I can't see how she can blame you.
That was my thinking.

Also I have noticed that many WGs are not fond these days doing cowgirl. But I think that is all a ruse to get you to blow your load quicker.

Offline MancSean

She put it on. Heck, I am shite at doing it.
I think she might have used one that was a little too big.

It did get worrying that there may have been a Sergei about when she mentioned more money and she wouldn't be able to work for a while.
If she put it on its her fault let's hope she took the morning after pill as you don't want a call from the CSA on valentines day


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Also I have noticed that many WGs are not fond these days doing cowgirl.
Also it's hard work for them on top and much easier to let you do all the work (remember they might be your only fuck of the day, but you are one of many for them).  Recently had one regular phone me up on my way home after the punt to tell me how full of energy she felt after our meet.  I pointed out that unusually we had spent the last twenty minutes in mish and that I was doing all the work - bugger me if I didn't wake up the following morning with a sore back and had to take the day off work!

Offline MancSean

Would love to hear the phone call to your boss saying why you won't be in


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That wasn't the most difficult one, it was making up a convincing story to the OH as to why I couldn't move off the sofa all day.

Offline Dani

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If she put it on its her fault let's hope she took the morning after pill as you don't want a call from the CSA on valentines day

Have to agree with this. She should know which size will fit properly and should know if one is too small or too big as if they are they either split or roll off. She should also check a couple out of every new batch to check they are not faulty in any way especially if getting from the GUM as they do tend to give out the cheapest ones (normally extra thick durex or the cheaper of the pasante ones) and never give out decent condoms.
I was told by GUM best way to check is pull it over your fist up to the elbow if it breaks they are faulty and try it on 2-3 if 2if GFE 3 break throw the lot.  Saying that I only ever had one batch from GUM and they were so thick I threw them away

Offline Cuntminion

 I have multiple solutions nonehelpful

1. Pony up for a baby oleg

2. Cut it off before it spreads (sorry just watched walking dead)

3. Chinese herbal rhino horn remedy

Offline Roth

It did get worrying that there may have been a Sergei about when she mentioned more money and she wouldn't be able to work for a while.

Sounds bollocks to me. :wackogirl: :wackogirl:  She probably was just trying to screw you for more cash and I bet she took the next booking without any delay.   :wackogirl: :wackogirl: Conniving cunt.  :dash: :dash:

Offline Stalinator

The worst part was she wouldn't allow me empty my balls.


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I have noticed that many WGs are not fond these days doing cowgirl. But I think that is all a ruse to get you to blow your load quicker.

It depends how good they are at it. There seem to be less that go on top around now, but I've seen one who was brilliant and she wouldn't do any other position. Because they have more control over the pace they can finish you quicker if they're any good, so what you say doesn't necessarily follow. Sadly it was some time back and I only got three sessions in. She was a student in Cambridge.


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Perhaps she'll have learnt the hard way that in future she needs to make this occasional check that most WGs seem to do to see that the condom hasn't ridden up. Ultimately it is her responsibility and I can't see how she can blame you.

The only time I've experienced a problem like this is if she is too dry. If they know how to put the condom on properly, and lets face it most of them do, then there's no problem except when there's excessive friction. In that case it can ride up or even rip, though it would take a lot to do that.

Offline Bikerboy

I went to see a WG last night. Punt went well until get got off me and realised the condom had slipped off inside her.

Cue her going into hysterics. Claimed not to be on the pill and would need another STI test and that she would be at a loss of revenue. She then tried to extort more money from me.

I told her to fuck off and I promptly left.

Oh dear!! What a litigatious aware society we live in.

Happened to me once, escort was a professional, no drama, no threats.

I would agree, probably put the wrong size on and in it for 'the main chance.'


Offline bigmc

I've had one slide off as I was withdrawing so no bareback.  I pulled out but condom stayed were it was due to me going limp after Cumming. No big deal,  the lady was OK with it as she checked regularly during the punt that it was still on ok. I always pull out now as soon as I've cum or hold onto it whilst withdrawing.

Offline Trevor12

Ultimately it is her responsibility and I can't see how she can blame you.

Agree she can't blame the OP, but I'd say we share responsibility. If anything, I want the condom to stay on even more than she does, so I do check it myself- my health is my priority, so my responsibility. In the same way, she is responsible for her health so shouldn't be going apeshit at the OP.


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The worst part was she wouldn't allow me empty my balls.

Then presumably her worry about not being on the pill can go away  :lol:


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I always pull out now as soon as I've cum or hold onto it whilst withdrawing.
Most WGs hold onto the base of the condom as you withdraw to stop from it staying inside them, if they don't I do it myself. Seems only sensible to me that if you've both taken the precaution of having protected sex you need to ensure that the protection stays in place until any risk is over.