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Author Topic: Romanian girls and abandoning them as a community  (Read 8760 times)


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I would rather the girl be rude or refuse services at the start than a girl who lies about them to your face and waits till the money exchanges hands before she then refuses those services.  British girls are scammers yes but I have personally found they were upfront about it so you could walk - opposed to Romanians in higher volumes.

Of course both of those girls are cunts. The clue was in SummerSexy's profile.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 04:22:48 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline Ali Katt

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I would rather the girl be rude or refuse services at the start than a girl who lies about them to your face and waits till the money exchanges hands before she then refuses those services.  British girls are scammers yes but I have personally found they were upfront about it so you could walk - opposed to Romanians in higher volumes.

Of course both of those girls are cunts. The clue was in SummerSexy's profile.
Ben I agree to an extent, but you get scammers from all nationalities. Being upfront isn't good enough for me, my time is precious and running around chasing two prossies is basically a day wasted. I have seen a British profile where all tattoos were airbrushed out and she is heavily tattooed. I've seen one say she loves OWO, but at least two reports and the girl herself say she doesn't offer it.

One problem with Romanian profiles is they are "externally managed" I doubt most prossies have even seen their own profile. And that doesn't excuse poor services, but it gives British women less excuse to be crap.


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If time is precious to you surely you would prefer a girl to be upfront about it opposed to 10 minutes into the punt and when money has exchanged hands?

Offline Ali Katt

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If time is precious to you surely you would prefer a girl to be upfront about it opposed to 10 minutes into the punt and when money has exchanged hands?
Yes, but ideally before I set off or make a booking, unfortunately that's rarely the case. With some prossies I take my chances if they are indie, in parlours I do not expect OWO or DFK and it's a bonus if I get them. With indies a lot promise a lot, but deliver very little, closed lips kissing for example. With EEs (and Thai) prossies a lot of reports say they don't answer the phone directly which leads to confusion about what is on offer. With British prossies they don't have the language barrier as an excuse and I expect more and they usually fall well below expectations.


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I think this just shows how valuable UKPUNTING is. We can reduce bad punts by a good margin.


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I think this just shows how valuable UKPUNTING is. We can reduce bad punts by a good margin.

Exactly, and when we TOFTT it's important to review so that either only one of us has to suffer or others are at least forewarned.

Offline CardiffCentral

A debate between who we'd rather get fucked over by is pointless. 

I guess if a Sergei and his pimped girls are more effective confidence tricksters, then screening all Romanian women would make sense.

But someone has to TOFTT to find the good ones.  I still maintain that Romanian women are f*cking hot.  Most of the young girls on cam sites like are Romanian.  And hardly any are your average Roma types either, we're talking fair skinned beauties with lovely round bums and toned tums! :)  It's like comparing the ropiest, jail tatted toothless chav from your nearest sink estate to a rosey cheeked princess walking the grounds of Trinity college, Oxford.  The two cannot compare, they are markedly different.  Now if 90% of escorts were your chav types, and 10% were your rosey cheeked cherub types, would it not be worth at least the occasional TOFTT for some of us?  I agree, not everyone can afford to take the risk, but perhaps some of us more street smart yoof types could manage an Indiana Jonesesque danger punt.   :hi:

Offline punk

there is a common thread running underneath about Romanians,they fucking hot,beautiful, therefore ok to rip you off.

Offline TheOracle

I have just had a look at your reviews. It seems you have seen 7 Romanians in total and given 4 negatives and one neutral. Meaning half of your experiences with Romanians have been bad. You have seen 4 Hungarians in total and have given 3 negatives.

I think you're full of crap and none of this goes within your own experience.

It's nice of you to get informed about me: I'm sorry it wasn't enough to get a clue. I might be "full of crap", although I don't see why: I'm not the one spouting clearly obsessive racist drivel. I'm actually the one providing you with the numerous counterexamples you need to understand that your obsessive persuasion is unfounded.

The thing is, I repeat, you either can't read or don't want to read. Otherwise you would have noticed another positive review of a new Romanian appeared yesterday, which is yet another nail in the coffin of your pointless "96%" statistic.

The thing is: you're probably the kind of guy who counts as "Romanian scammers" any eastern Europeans with a negative review.

Oh, wait, you're not "the kind" of guy: you are actually that guy!

But the really hilarious thing is that you haven't got a clue in such a massive way that:
- you quote that the fact I gave 3 out of 4 negatives to Hungarians as if that somehow corroborated your harsh judgement of Romanians
- you think that a (supposed) 50% rate of success with a category of prossies is bad (and somehow supporting the dubious "50%=96%" equation), not realizing that that is exactly YOUR rate of positives, even though you avoid Romanians
- you claim that "none of this goes within my own experience" as if I needed to fuck all Romanians in London before knowing that 4 out of 7 are a proof that they're not all bad,
- you claim that "none of this goes within my own experience", even though you are the one that has had ONE (1) negative experience with Romanians and decided that that was enough to go around opening threads calling for racial-based boycott.
- you assume that the reviews I've left on UKPunting are a full representation of all my experiences with Romanians (even though unlike probably you I've lived in 3 more countries - Spain, Italy, Switzerland - before, and punted there and in 2 more countries)

Besides, unlike you I'm actually able to read and therefore know that there are more good Romanians that I haven't met, and shift the stats further (and this besides most UKPunting members clearly avoiding Romanians!!).

So, to summarize:
- you = closed-minded, small-town racist obsessed with Romanians, unable to objectively discuss about them (and probably everything else)
- me = maybe not-so-great-guy, but able to 1) read, 2) count and willing to keep an open mind and to learn from his experiences.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 02:50:31 pm by TheOracle »

Offline RedKettle

- you = closed-minded, small-town racist obsessed with Romanians, unable to objectively discuss about them (and probably everything else)

Closed minded, small town, obsessed with foreigners and unable to be objective is pretty much the definition of a UKIP supporter. :drinks:


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I think that the Romanian girls don't really want to be escorts .  Which is why they give a bad service


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It's nice of you to get informed about me: I'm sorry it wasn't enough to get a clue. I might be "full of crap", although I don't see why: I'm not the one spouting clearly obsessive racist drivel. I'm actually the one providing you with the numerous counterexamples you need to understand that your obsessive persuasion is unfounded.

The thing is, I repeat, you either can't read or don't want to read. Otherwise you would have noticed another positive review of a new Romanian appeared yesterday, which is yet another nail in the coffin of your pointless "96%" statistic.

The thing is: you're probably the kind of guy who counts as "Romanian scammers" any eastern Europeans with a negative review.

Oh, wait, you're not "the kind" of guy: you are actually that guy!

But the really hilarious thing is that you haven't got a clue in such a massive way that:
- you quote that the fact I gave 3 out of 4 negatives to Hungarians as if that somehow corroborated your harsh judgement of Romanians
- you think that a (supposed) 50% rate of success with a category of prossies is bad (and somehow supporting the dubious "50%=96%" equation), not realizing that that is exactly YOUR rate of positives, even though you avoid Romanians
- you claim that "none of this goes within my own experience" as if I needed to fuck all Romanians in London before knowing that 4 out of 7 are a proof that they're not all bad,
- you claim that "none of this goes within my own experience", even though you are the one that has had ONE (1) negative experience with Romanians and decided that that was enough to go around opening threads calling for racial-based boycott.
- you assume that the reviews I've left on UKPunting are a full representation of all my experiences with Romanians (even though unlike probably you I've lived in 3 more countries - Spain, Italy, Switzerland - before, and punted there and in 2 more countries)

Besides, unlike you I'm actually able to read and therefore know that there are more good Romanians that I haven't met, and shift the stats further (and this besides most UKPunting members clearly avoiding Romanians!!).

So, to summarize:
- you = closed-minded, small-town racist obsessed with Romanians, unable to objectively discuss about them (and probably everything else)
- me = maybe not-so-great-guy, but able to 1) read, 2) count and willing to keep an open mind and to learn from his experiences.


Quick to throw the race card when another nationality is mentioned. He must be a follower of labour.  :lol:

You must be quite new to punting and this site because you have missed the tons upon tons of negatives that have come through over the positives. I have punted with a ton of Romanians and mostly all of them tried to scam me or give me shit service.

Since you're so obsessed with Romanians we will expect some glowing reports from you in the near future of the new Romanians you intend to TOFTT - although something tells me you wont be...

Also some of the highest rated working girls that have come through guess what they have in common? None are Romanian.  :unknown:


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I have just had a look at the first 8 pages of our review section. 55% of Romanian visits have been negative. Some of our most consistent positives are coming from Polish girls.

And just set the record straight with your own personal glowing Romanian reports you seem a bit leniant to the service you expect.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 04:39:53 pm by Ben4454 »


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- you = closed-minded, small-town racist obsessed with Romanians, unable to objectively discuss about them (and probably everything else)


Just because people don't want to see Romanians. Does not make them racist in anyway what so ever

Offline bunny84

I've only had a few but they were fucking great . If people don't like them just don't use them. I'm guessing some of them who escort are not good as a lot of people don't seem to like them

Offline Ali Katt

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A lot of people don't know the difference between racism and xenophobia. And Roma is NOT a race, it's an ethnicity, a lot of the gypos still seem in doubt and want to be recognised as a race, get down from that roof you pikey cunts.

Offline rockharders

Has anyone here actually had a good experience with a Romanian prossie?

Yes, I've had quite a few superb punts with Romanians but they are all indie and have either
1) a positive long term presence on AW or
2) good reviews on these forums.

I absolutely avoid the ones working for Sergei Pimpski on AW. Things to look out for:

> profiles are newish and near identical across several girls
> hidden or zero FB
> cheap prices
> work at the same address, same area/locality on search results, same phone number etc
> same kind of title, example: XXX-NEW JULIA, XXX-NEW CANDY, XXX-NEW CLAUDIA
> usually crappy photos of a hot girl, a hot girl that looks fuckin miserable, or an average girl that looks fuckin miserable

These kind of profiles never stay up for long or quite often Sergei recycles the profile with a new girl/photo. They must be avoided at all costs.

Offline TheOracle

I have just had a look at the first 8 pages of our review section. 55% of Romanian visits have been negative.

Now, that looks like a more reasonable statistic, and of course one that in no way justifies your call to ostracism. Try the same game with Brasilians, Hungarians, possibly even British and tell me if you come back with very different numbers: I'd be surprised.

Offline TheOracle

Just because people don't want to see Romanians. Does not make them racist in anyway what so ever

What makes them racist (actually, xenophobic as people correctly pointed out) is the fact that instead of simply deciding they're not for them they go around blabbering inanities about them being all scammers or bait and switchers, suggesting global boycotts and other similar idiocies, when there are clearly a number of admirers of the genre and numerous counterexamples of prossies actually providing good service in addition to being super hot.


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Although you have to take into consideration that a lot of those positives were with guys who were happy to do OW. Some of the other services like OWO and anal Romanians have been known to lie to get your money. As soon as they get the cash they refuse the services.

But on a more important matter - Polish girls were getting 20% negatives.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 01:08:31 am by Ben4454 »

Offline TheOracle

But on a more important matter - Polish girls were getting 20% negatives.

I wouldn't contest an opinion such as "Polish are on average better escorts than Romanians" (although I would add "and also on average worse looking").

It's the blanket generalizations, and the automatic repetition of "Romanian=bad/Romanian=avoid/Romanian=scammer/Romanian=B&S/Romanian=low-life skank" mantras that got very tired on this site.

Offline punk

What i think is strange is a lot of people who fall over Romanians in supporting them, have very few reviews or none at at, when asked to come up with some they are in general surprising quite silent.

Most be that they don't want to share these gems?

But don't mind other punters giving them there's.

Offline RedKettle

I have never punted with a Romanian having followed the previous consensus on here - however there are now some good reviews of some of them coming through, as has been highlighted on this thread and elsewhere.  So I think it is valid to dial back that view somewhat and be a little more open minded.  I will continue to avoid them other than ones with a positive review on here.  (But that is not really much different to my general policy, it is now rare that I punt with a girl who has not been reviewed on UKP).


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I would not even pay £1 for a Romanian WG

Offline rockharders

What i think is strange is a lot of people who fall over Romanians in supporting them, have very few reviews or none at at, when asked to come up with some they are in general surprising quite silent.

Most be that they don't want to share these gems?

But don't mind other punters giving them there's.

Use common sense. If a Romanian has a good review here, odds are shes going to be ok.
I've taken a couple of unknowns for the team here and written some glowingly positive reviews, and some really awful ones too.

I disagree with other posters here that Romanian WGs should be eliminated entirely. There are quite a few gems out there, just tread with caution and research thoroughly.

Offline smiths

I have never punted with a Romanian having followed the previous consensus on here - however there are now some good reviews of some of them coming through, as has been highlighted on this thread and elsewhere.  So I think it is valid to dial back that view somewhat and be a little more open minded.  I will continue to avoid them other than ones with a positive review on here.  (But that is not really much different to my general policy, it is now rare that I punt with a girl who has not been reviewed on UKP).

Not all of us have agreed that ALL Romanian WGs should be avoided, some of us know its the attitude of the individual WG that makes a good or bad WG, NOT where she comes from which is why I have punted with a few Romanian WGs and had good punts as well as been fucked about by others, just like with WGs of other nationalities. As you say if a punter uses this site he can locate good Romanians at least in London who have reviews on here including off me.

Offline punk

Use common sense. If a Romanian has a good review here, odds are shes going to be ok.
I've taken a couple of unknowns for the team here and written some glowingly positive reviews, and some really awful ones too.

I disagree with other posters here that Romanian WGs should be eliminated entirely. There are quite a few gems out there, just tread with caution and research thoroughly.

that is some thing i don't disagree with.Its punters who jump to every women's defence,have mostly few or no reviews and when you ask them in particular name some gems,they remain silent, so its a case of them talking through their arse,wanting to keep these gems to themselves,but don't mind pouncing off of others.

Offline Marmalade

What i think is strange is a lot of people who fall over Romanians in supporting them, have very few reviews or none at at, when asked to come up with some they are in general surprising quite silent.

Most be that they don't want to share these gems?

But don't mind other punters giving them there's.

People are addicted to seeing things in black and white, quoting statistics, making generalisations. So I'll make one: most Romanians are shit. A rare few are not. How's that. My review of one last week is posted for all you lazy whining fuckers, see &lele& under Scotland, reviews.

Offline punk

People are addicted to seeing things in black and white, quoting statistics, making generalisations. So I'll make one: most Romanians are shit. A rare few are not. How's that. My review of one last week is posted for all you lazy whining fuckers, see &lele& under Scotland, reviews.


Offline Marmalade

I trust everyone is aware that you can now tick a box to exclude Romanians from an AW search? Quite interesting to see the jump in numbers as you click "exclude Romanians" on and off.

For anyone that left the beeb bollocks on last night, a charming depiction of Romanian lowlife in "Casualty" (if you like Romanians avoid it as it might put you off).

Offline jamesdean1964

Used one and she was great, but only went because she was advertising as Italian. Generally avoid .

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Not all of us have agreed that ALL Romanian WGs should be avoided, some of us know its the attitude of the individual WG that makes a good or bad WG, NOT where she comes from which is why I have punted with a few Romanian WGs and had good punts as well as been fucked about by others, just like with WGs of other nationalities. As you say if a punter uses this site he can locate good Romanians at least in London who have reviews on here including off me.

if you are constantly having poor experiences be more careful how you choose a lady and have some proper phone chats first to get an idea of who she is before deciding. Do your due diligence and you will have good experiences with ladies of any nationality.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2015, 09:50:02 am by Horizontal pleasures »

Offline GreyDave

ticking a box  :D :D :D many bad service providers call themselfs other nationalites ... I agree with smiths annd others who have been lucky enough to find Damm good service at rock bottom prices and... with a smile in fact a Olivia of Soho a rom has been a regular shag for me an excellent  value a cracking girl well built and great tits with good service nuf said :drinks:

Offline Johny Stone

Just did an internet search out of curiousity and found few interesting topics on few forums, including a romanian one.
They acces UKPunting from Romania quite a lot  :D
Too bad the prossies who came over don't learn how to provide a good service and that bareback its a no no ... Must be the language barrier or they don't know how to use google translate  :lol:

Hidden Image/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Offline tantric talents

The only Romanian in my "done" list that I've visited more than once External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only
 A few on the "once is enough" list and too many on the "never again" list. Shame really, as most of them look hot as fuck.

Yes she has been on my HL for a while and I notice her number and rates have stayed the same. Somewhat limited likes list though and no cim.
Do you recall if she kisses and allows fingering?

Offline Marmalade

My last review was an excellent Romanian prossie and I will see her again. But I think it's a step forward for AW to include a nationality selector so you can exclude a nationality if you want to, and they've done it in a non-racist way.

I think the large number of frequent punters have been hacked off by Romanians at some time or other. Of course they're not all bad; but if you get three crap Romanians in a row it does your head in and it's nice to be able to deselect them for the next search or just choose English/Scottish. The only option before was to select first language and that not only meant ruling out all the first languages but one, it was also too easy to fake on the profiles. Of course some do get round even the nationality check, but it's a lot better than nothing.

For instance, if you enter Scotland in the search box and enter sandrajane as the nickname it comes up with this:
External Link/Members Only
That is the profile of an EE prossie known variously as
and who calls herself a "lassie" and used to have her "first language" as English, claiming in person that she was half Italian or some rubbish.

Notice there is no mention of "Romania" in her profile.

But do the search again the same way only add "exclude Romania" and it comes up as no profile found.

They will probably crack it eventually if they haven't already; but hats off to AW for making it harder.  :hi: :hi:

Offline tantric talents

My last review was an excellent Romanian prossie and I will see her again. But I think it's a step forward for AW to include a nationality selector so you can exclude a nationality if you want to, and they've done it in a non-racist way.

They will probably crack it eventually if they haven't already; but hats off to AW for making it harder.  :hi: :hi:

I agree it is a useful tool. Maybe they will also add fingering as opposed to fisting, one day to the likes list. One can live in hope.

Many Romanians speak a little Italian and the savvy ones use that profile already. Once the rest have rumbled,  expect a sudden increase in "Italian" girls too

Offline funlondonguy

I trust everyone is aware that you can now tick a box to exclude Romanians from an AW search? Quite interesting to see the jump in numbers as you click "exclude Romanians" on and off.

For anyone that left the beeb bollocks on last night, a charming depiction of Romanian lowlife in "Casualty" (if you like Romanians avoid it as it might put you off).

I have been waiting for this option since the first time they landed in my local area and the quality of local WG went to shit. I had no idea it existed! thank you for pointing it out  :drinks:.
I'm sure I've been secretly relocated to Romania while i was asleep. good old London...
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 02:17:18 pm by funlondonguy »