Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: first punt blues  (Read 2102 times)


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Hello all,

Had my first ever punt today with karinna hemel.
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Arranged a time and turned up. Despite being anxious as hell I marched myself up to her apartment and was greeted with a stunning, tall and friendly Brazilian lady. Despite her warm approach and amazing body and oral skills I just could not get hard for long enough. The few times she coaxed a full erection out of me, I lost it once the rubber went on. All in all a disappointing experience despite her patient and friendly approach.

What I want to know is, what was your first time punting like and what should I take from this? I'm young enough so that erection problems shouldn't be a physical issue and have not had this problem with civvies.

Is punting just not for me? Should I just put it down to first timer nerves? Is the blue pill the answer?


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My first punt was fucking awesome. Sorry, no help, just saying  ;)


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blue pill 30mins another lovely girl see what happens next timw ?


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She looks got, fake boobs don't do it for me though.

I wouldn't worry, pressure/stress/nervousness probably the cause, hopefully next time you'll be able to be a bit more relaxed knowing that the WG won't bite (unless you pay extra).

I jump back on the horse

Offline cueball

I'm almost certain is nerves mac, try to calm down, relax and enjoy it. Let your dick do the thinking when your undies are round your ankles.

If nerves are going to effect you then my advice is go back to the same one, you know her now and you know she's genuine and will give you a good time.

I can't help with how I felt on my first punt, it was over twenty years ago, it was a blow job from a lass in Bradford. I must have been nervous I guess but can't remember, I shot my load, I do remember that ha ha, so must have been hard.

Don't be getting caught out with this tactical wank bollocks, go bagged up and ready to shag owt with a pulse, you need this first one out of the way and successful to give you the confidence for the next one, you'll be fine then, stop worrying.

Offline rockharders

Don't worry about it, it comes with the territory. I've been doing this for a couple of years and there are still times I can't keep it up.

Sometimes its nerves, sometimes the service is crap, sometimes you don't click with the WG, sometimes she will turn you off (bad attitude, hygiene etc).

Blue pill is not a solve all solution, if you're not turned on nothing will help.

Offline anonyorks

My first time I was worried about Mr Floppy appearing but I actually had the opposite happen and popped after about 2 minutes of sex. See another girl soon and see what happens. The main thing to remember is relax and don't forget you are there to enjoy yourself.


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Your cock might not be used to the feeling of a condom


  • Guest
Hello all,

Had my first ever punt today with karinna hemel.
External Link/Members Only

Arranged a time and turned up. Despite being anxious as hell I marched myself up to her apartment and was greeted with a stunning, tall and friendly Brazilian lady. Despite her warm approach and amazing body and oral skills I just could not get hard for long enough. The few times she coaxed a full erection out of me, I lost it once the rubber went on. All in all a disappointing experience despite her patient and friendly approach.

What I want to know is, what was your first time punting like and what should I take from this? I'm young enough so that erection problems shouldn't be a physical issue and have not had this problem with civvies.

Is punting just not for me? Should I just put it down to first timer nerves? Is the blue pill the answer?

Just nerves, I am getting an erection just looking at her photos. :P


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Thanks for the feedback.

I'll jump back on the saddle shortly, probably with the same girl, hopefully being more relaxed and less anxious about the what ifs this time.

Like I said, she was, hot, good attitude and it was in a good setting. I was horny of mind but it just wouldn't feed through to the little fella.

Will put it down to first time nerves.

Offline closeshave

Get her to do prolonged oral on you and you on her

Offline PLeisure

My first punt wasn't that long ago and, maybe I was fortunate in that the wg could probably sense I was a newbie and gently took control of the situation. It still didn't ensure I remained fully erect throughout, however. Fkn nerves....  :mad:
But she was good and I decided that if this was going to work I'd be better off seeing her again as we'd be more relaxed in each other's company.
Big difference.... Huge.

Here's a suggestion to consider.
I see that Karinna offers 30mins. You could say you'd like another go of it, how about 30mins (in which you let her focus on oral, or whatever gets you off best) to start. And, should things be going well, you'd like the option to extend for another 30mins (at the 1hr rate, obvs).
She wants you walking away on Cloud 9. It may even appeal to her that she overcame any performance anxiety issues you were experiencing. That's what a proper SP does.


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If you did not had this problem with civvies  then it's service or nerves.

She might be good at what she's doing but you might need something different than you think.

When i started i thought: different girl every week and CIM and A levels and whatnot.
Tried this and i partially lost erection few times.
Turns out i'm a bit of a fluffy cunt and DFK turns me on more than anything...

Point being wg sex is different than civvie sex and you have to experiment, try new things and you might discover sex again(many times:D).

Don't get discouraged :)

Punting FTW

Offline PLeisure

justfornow makes some valid points  :hi:

Punting is a different set of parameters to regular civvie sex - even if we like to assure ourselves we're purchasing some temporary GFE.
For all you know, there may be a latent dominant or submissive side that's dying to make an appearance  :diablo:.
Or, indeed, a decent serving of full-on GFE. In my book, you can't beat some passionate DFK to get things moving... the original aphrodisiac. If I had a wg that was being shy in that department it would be game over.


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My first punt was similar to yours OP and the next one!  After that I discovered viagra which did the trick. Like you I don't need it when having sex with regular partners. As to whether you continue or not - only you can decide. Just bear in mind that after you've got a few punts under your belt, it's difficult to quit.


  • Guest
My first punt was similar to yours OP and the next one!  After that I discovered viagra which did the trick. Like you I don't need it when having sex with regular partners. As to whether you continue or not - only you can decide. Just bear in mind that after you've got a few punts under your belt, it's difficult to quit.

I have no experience with viagra and I suppose my concern is can you become dependant on it? Will it lesser my ability to get a natural erection?


  • Guest
What a beauty. I only go to massage shops and the same happened to me. it's nerves and perhaps screened by your enthusiasm. Good luck for the next .....

Offline monstar

No problems on my first punt but I've always struggled with shorter punts as they feel too rushed - try a longer booking next time?  :unknown:


  • Guest
No problems on my first punt but I've always struggled with shorter punts as they feel too rushed - try a longer booking next time?  :unknown:

Only time I experienced something similar was when the condom was too tight so check that's not the issue.


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My first punt was less than a year ago when I was 52. Never even thought about it before. The girl I chose was only five minutes away and said she was 27, I had no reason to doubt her as she was very slim and fit. Apart from nerves as I drove to her flat and walked up to her door, as soon as I was in, she put me at ease straight away and I really enjoyed it. Having experienced a lot more girls since, she wasn't the best punt I've ever had, but very enjoyable and not a bit like I was expecting.

I still feel nerves especially with a new girl, but generally they go out their way to make you feel comfortable. Stick at it and if you can't get over the nerves, punting is probably not for you.


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Should have said, if you're young I wouldn't start to rely on the blue pill. I've never taken them but I'm happy with one pop in an hour punt. You should be fit enough and able to enjoy some hot girls without chemical assistance.

Offline Marmalade

Part of the arousal sequence in GFE civvy shaging is from the desire of the woman you are with. You can just sense it. That hardly ever happens with prossies, even if they give the GFE vibe. What they offer is closer to porn in its various disguises. A nice hot hole (think gloryhole!). They take their kit off, you stick your cock in.

An easier lead-up is to go for one that gives a genuine massage with HR or full sex afterwards.

Try looking at some porn before jumping in the taxi to the prossie (with a movie, not your hand). Gets your hormones flowing (instead of relying on hers). Or if you can get a blue pill easily there's nowt wrong with it IMO to give you initial confidence in the first few punts. Give it at least an hour to work. There's nowt wrong with your system. Shagging prossies is more convenient than shagging civvies but not as 'natural.'

Offline Largs43

My 1st punt wasn't great either, 1st time nerves I think, but my 2nd was great & I've never looked back. :)

I had to get my head around punting sex being different than girlfriend/wife sex; you need never see her again, you don't need to woo her or seduce her, it's there "on a plate" once you've paid. It's all about the punter's pleasure, he's the paying customer. Having said that, it's in my nature to be friendly & respectful, and I think I get a better response for it!

Don't try & understand why the woman's on the game, just enjoy!

Imagine you're a in a wild west whorehouse, or making a porno, etc.

Try again!


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I have no experience with viagra and I suppose my concern is can you become dependant on it? Will it lesser my ability to get a natural erection?

That's tricky to answer.  I have much better sex after taking Viagra as I can last much longer than I would otherwise and I stay harder than I've ever been able to naturally.  I only ever take Viagra when punting.  I have a compulsion to punt regularly.  So is it the Viagra I'm addicted to or the punting?

You should speak to a doctor or pharmacist about your concerns before taking it.