Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: She asked for ID  (Read 3960 times)


  • Guest
First of all, is being 19 too young to see escorts?

Found this profile on Vivastreet of an independent European escort and she was only a 25min walk away from me! So I walked to her place in the freezing cold. Gave her a call and got the door number. She opened the door in amazing lingerie and I walked in and damn, talk about melancholia. The entire place just looked so sad. But anyway, forget about saying hello or even smiling she just looked at me very uncertainly.

 She asked how old I was and I said I was 19 and I genuinely am. On her profile it states that she's 20. She asked for ID and I said I don't have any because in all my encounters I've never been accused of being underage. I can honestly say she was being genuine. I know some will say it's probably a scam but my gut feeling and Spidey Sense weren't being alarmed. So failing to show any ID she opened the door and indicated I was to leave. I said 'Okay in a relaxed manner' and walked off with a wry smile.

It's interesting that British girls say I look a lot older than 19 but European girls think I look much younger.


  • Guest
That must be the least eventful punt story I have ever heard.


  • Guest
When i was 18 saw a girl who offered me alcohol during the punt. I said sure she then asked for ID saying her bar could be shut down. I said to her you dont own a bar but she was adament. I then said wheres your bar licence and she told me to leave lol
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 06:48:38 pm by Ben4454 »


thats a really sad story dude

Offline cueball

I can't remember the last time I got asked for id, you lucky bugger


  • Guest
It's good that you managed to stay both relaxed and wry in the face of such adversity.  It's that sort of gumption that won us 2 world wars.


  • Guest
I guess she might be worried about getting arrested even though I've never heard of any police stings like that.  Because I guess police forces across the country would be overwhelmed by 16 and 17 year old males applying to join the ranks. I'd just take my money else where OP.


  • Guest
I was asked for ID a couple of weeks ago by a WG too; I tried to see the funny side and made humour of the situation but it was surreal - I'm 23. Fortunately, I had my wallet with me (just no bank cards) but if I didn't I wouldn't have left quite like you did, especially if I travelled.

Offline LanceVance

First of all, is being 19 too young to see escorts?

Found this profile on Vivastreet of an independent European escort and she was only a 25min walk away from me! So I walked to her place in the freezing cold. Gave her a call and got the door number. She opened the door in amazing lingerie and I walked in and damn, talk about melancholia. The entire place just looked so sad. But anyway, forget about saying hello or even smiling she just looked at me very uncertainly.

 She asked how old I was and I said I was 19 and I genuinely am. On her profile it states that she's 20. She asked for ID and I said I don't have any because in all my encounters I've never been accused of being underage. I can honestly say she was being genuine. I know some will say it's probably a scam but my gut feeling and Spidey Sense weren't being alarmed. So failing to show any ID she opened the door and indicated I was to leave. I said 'Okay in a relaxed manner' and walked off with a wry smile.

It's interesting that British girls say I look a lot older than 19 but European girls think I look much younger.

As long as you are over 18, then no, you are not too young. What I would say is that being 19, you should be prepared to face that question and to add a year on to avoid any hassle. I was 19 when I started and used to get questions about my age accompanied by comments of 'Oh, you're young'. It is annoying but I just learned to put up with it. I never got asked for ID though and frankly would never give it either (Giving a Prossie your real name and address, are you insane?!  :scare:).

Offline smiths

First of all, is being 19 too young to see escorts?

Found this profile on Vivastreet of an independent European escort and she was only a 25min walk away from me! So I walked to her place in the freezing cold. Gave her a call and got the door number. She opened the door in amazing lingerie and I walked in and damn, talk about melancholia. The entire place just looked so sad. But anyway, forget about saying hello or even smiling she just looked at me very uncertainly.

 She asked how old I was and I said I was 19 and I genuinely am. On her profile it states that she's 20. She asked for ID and I said I don't have any because in all my encounters I've never been accused of being underage. I can honestly say she was being genuine. I know some will say it's probably a scam but my gut feeling and Spidey Sense weren't being alarmed. So failing to show any ID she opened the door and indicated I was to leave. I said 'Okay in a relaxed manner' and walked off with a wry smile.

It's interesting that British girls say I look a lot older than 19 but European girls think I look much younger.

As your an adult its up to you if you choose to punt with WGs. I started punting at 19. Glad to hear you didn't have any ID on you, that's a good thing in case of trouble with a WG or her pimp. Punting is for some of us an anonymous pastime, my ID isn't relevant as isn't a WGs really name etc.

In this case if the WG didn't state on her profile she has a lower punter age limit as some do maybe she really did think you weren't an adult, who knows. Her loss of your cash in this case is the way I would look at it though its decades since I looked young enough for such a thing to happen. 


  • Guest
When I was 19 I wasn't using words like melancholia. Just saying.


  • Guest
When I was 19 I wasn't using words like melancholia. Just saying.

I don't use words like that now and haven't been 19 for ## years!


  • Guest
When I was 19 I wouldn't have noticed decor when I was about to get my dick wet. Or keeping it dry in this story.


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Offline PaintBrush

You poor bastard, all you wanted was a good old shag, not the 'and how old are you son'
Why didn't you just show her the green and ask her to make a choice?

Offline sticko

It's good that you managed to stay both relaxed and wry in the face of such adversity.  It's that sort of gumption that won us 2 world wars.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:


  • Guest
They can't possibly ID every Benjamin button they meet? Why would a punter carry ID?


  • Guest
I suppose I would have been OK.
I could show her my buss pass  :(


Offline leatherlover

So much for having a fake name for punting etc.

Offline santiago2

I used to go to the Eastern Rose Salon in Boscombe ,which was a hairdressers, who also offererd massage in the back room, i spent quite a few hours in there having fun with various Chinese girls, but as most things in life, good times always come to an end, Amy, the boss decided to let the shop to someone else about 2years ago, so i stopped going there, i was in Boscombe a few weeks ago and called in for a haircut, a quite big Chinese lady about 40 welcomed me in, not bad haircut, i tried to explain to her that i used to come regular for haircut and massage, but she wasn't much interested, so i says to her 'how much do i owe you', 'im not sure, Pensioner is £5, but i think you younger' I been a pensioner 5 years i said', 'HAVE YOU GOT ID'? so as Steptoe said i showed her my bus pass, she smiled and said ' ok, would you like a nice massage now £25', i said 'maybe next time, thank you', so its not only you young uns get asked, but i felt quite happy about it.  :yahoo:


  • Guest
Last time I was asked for id they didn't call it id in this country :(


  • Guest
You lucky b****rd.....they ask me for a contact for my next of kin!


Offline george r

I always show them my bus pass when they ask me for id .

Offline Jimmyredcab

First of all, is being 19 too young to see escorts?

Yes.        :hi: :hi: :hi:


  • Guest
My Missus came home a few years ago beaming all over her face cos she had been required to show Id when buying a bottle of wine. She was over 50 at the time. I think the cashier was either blind, stupid or had drunk a couple of bottles themselves.

Offline Punting Valley

I know some of you despise booking online, but I always try do so that with a new girl I am booking so that she can see that others have seen me before, then they will have no worries that I might not be of age. :dance:


  • Guest
My Missus came home a few years ago beaming all over her face cos she had been required to show Id when buying a bottle of wine. She was over 50 at the time. I think the cashier was either blind, stupid or had drunk a couple of bottles themselves.

Or flirting


  • Guest
First of all, is being 19 too young to see escorts?

Found this profile on Vivastreet of an independent European escort and she was only a 25min walk away from me! So I walked to her place in the freezing cold. Gave her a call and got the door number. She opened the door in amazing lingerie and I walked in and damn, talk about melancholia. The entire place just looked so sad. But anyway, forget about saying hello or even smiling she just looked at me very uncertainly.

 She asked how old I was and I said I was 19 and I genuinely am. On her profile it states that she's 20. She asked for ID and I said I don't have any because in all my encounters I've never been accused of being underage. I can honestly say she was being genuine. I know some will say it's probably a scam but my gut feeling and Spidey Sense weren't being alarmed. So failing to show any ID she opened the door and indicated I was to leave. I said 'Okay in a relaxed manner' and walked off with a wry smile.

It's interesting that British girls say I look a lot older than 19 but European girls think I look much younger.

Cool story, bro.


  • Guest
Ahahahaha! You silly sod! Shoulda just stuck the cash under her nose, she would have soon changed her tune! I wish I started when I was 19, I was just too shy at that age, way too shy and I had car insurance to pay as well so all my money went to that.

Online Bikerboy

First of all, is being 19 too young to see escorts?

Found this profile on Vivastreet of an independent European escort and she was only a 25min walk away from me! So I walked to her place in the freezing cold. Gave her a call and got the door number. She opened the door in amazing lingerie and I walked in and damn, talk about melancholia. The entire place just looked so sad. But anyway, forget about saying hello or even smiling she just looked at me very uncertainly.

 She asked how old I was and I said I was 19 and I genuinely am. On her profile it states that she's 20. She asked for ID and I said I don't have any because in all my encounters I've never been accused of being underage. I can honestly say she was being genuine. I know some will say it's probably a scam but my gut feeling and Spidey Sense weren't being alarmed. So failing to show any ID she opened the door and indicated I was to leave. I said 'Okay in a relaxed manner' and walked off with a wry smile.

It's interesting that British girls say I look a lot older than 19 but European girls think I look much younger.

I know it was a bit awkward for you at the time, but I would take it as a compliment you were asked for ID (and carry it with you going forward).

Sadly I don't get asked for ID, not even at the Supermarket check out when buying alcohol! :)

Nobby nobbs

  • Guest
My Missus came home a few years ago beaming all over her face cos she had been required to show Id when buying a bottle of wine. She was over 50 at the time. I think the cashier was either blind, stupid or had drunk a couple of bottles themselves.

I get 'carded' all the time round my way and I'm way past 40 . Basically, the policy increasingly is to request ID In off licenses and bars regardless of your age so they decrease the likelihood of breaking the law for selling to underage scamps.

18 isn't to young to see escorts, technically at least, although if I bumped into my 18 year old self i'd probably role my eyes. But that's just me.

Also, back when I was starting seeing working girls there was no social media. if I'd have got caught out, hardly anyone would know. If it happened now, the news would somehow reach aunty Barbara in Timbucktoo and everyone in between. 

So I guess these days you just gotta be more careful. The friend you confess too today could out you tomorrow. Be too open about it with everyone and it might just bite you in the ass down the road. 

Offline cueball

So I guess these days you just gotta be more careful. The friend you confess too today could out you tomorrow. Be too open about it with everyone and it might just bite you in the ass down the road.

The only friends I confess anything regarding punting to are my friends on here, that'll do for me.

Offline onedivergent

I saw Anne Marie X and she thought I was 16 coz of way I look and come across !! I say " you-re 21 im 16 so its fine" haha but i'm not 16 though she didnt get that joke !! Milf Wendy asked if I was over 21 mid punt and I just said yeah but she said in broken English she has children older than me as did Classy Dorris! " Son, older u " .
On the phone some girls have said no  coz say I'm too young  sounding so can't always hide i just say I bring my uni card. So  I shown my NUS card and  uni card lots of times just as ID proof. Plus I use my real name ! But didn't realise we weren't supposed till I joined this forum though I prefer a CSW saying my name than something made up though I understand a lot of guys are discrete about doing this and punting in general.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 12:55:12 pm by onedivergent »


  • Guest
My Missus came home a few years ago beaming all over her face cos she had been required to show Id when buying a bottle of wine. She was over 50 at the time. I think the cashier was either blind, stupid or had drunk a couple of bottles themselves.

It happens to me the odd time, i think they're either being kind or showing they have a sense of humour.

Offline tazz

It does suprise me the prossie isnt willing to fuck you even if you look 17-18, when your old enough at 16. Also what does she care its hardly the same as molestation. However id advise you at 19 to avoid escorts as getting girls at this age isnt so hard.


  • Guest
When I was 19 I wasn't using words like melancholia. Just saying.

 :lol: :lol:

Offline Punting Valley

However id advise you at 19 to avoid escorts as getting girls at this age isnt so hard.

Not every teenage boys can get girls (or get the girls they want). Some are born good looking, others not so much.