Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Barbie Dolls  (Read 5071 times)

Offline Matium

There's a whole class of WGs whom I would class as Barbie Dolls.

Namely, their photos have been so ridiculously photoshopped that any girl who looked like them in real life, would, quite simply, topple over or would have such big boobs and such a small waist that their rib cage would be showing.

Here's a ridiculously photoshopped Barbie Doll WG:

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There are plenty of others.


Rochdull lad

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Erm, is it me, Matium?  Can anyone else see a link?

Offline Matium


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A photoshopped Barbie Doll at £500 an hour!

Offline Matium


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The perils of plastic surgery for a Barbie Doll!

Look at her face!

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Indeed and the carpet. She's clearly spending all the green on plastic surgery even though she needs a new shagpile. I bet there's a Ken in the wings too - body building cunt with Celtic tattoos an elaborate haircut, tanned and some flash chavvy BMW


  • Guest
Indeed and the carpet. She's clearly spending all the green on plastic surgery even though she needs a new shagpile. I bet there's a Ken in the wings too - body building cunt with Celtic tattoos an elaborate haircut, tanned and some flash chavvy BMW

Yeah but you know the tv and all the electronic stuff comes from Brighthouse !


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A real-life genuine Barbie doll if you ignore the tats...and no photoshop here...

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Met her a couple of times when she was at LMP...cute, but difficult to justify £200.


  • Guest
Yeah but you know the tv and all the electronic stuff comes from Brighthouse !

£6.44 a week for 260 weeks apr 9648%. I bet she's also got one of those voices that are like nails down a blackboard.

Offline CBPaul

Is it just me or does the first one look like a burns victim ?


  • Guest
No not just you. I was thinking the same.

Offline gorge

The first and last one of the picture look really good to me - the middle ones got a bad face.. but i'd do all of them

Offline CBPaul

Oh fuck it. I meant the one in the blue top looks like a burns victim. Some sort of home plastic surgery involving Araldite, cling film and a heat gun. Perhaps she's prossying to raise funds to get her face fixed by someone with a modicum of skill.

I'm guessing that Matium posted a picture in the OP but it seems to come and go  :unknown: Some bird in a red dress, looks very nice to me, heavily photo shopped but I certainly would. Just not for 500 quid an hour though.


  • Guest
Indeed and the carpet. She's clearly spending all the green on plastic surgery even though she needs a new shagpile. I bet there's a Ken in the wings too - body building cunt with Celtic tattoos an elaborate haircut, tanned and some flash chavvy BMW

Hi i just thought i would let you know that i rent my house from a private landlord and therefore i cannot change the carpets, the room those pics were taken in is my personal bedroom not the room where i take clients !! I am hoping to buy the house in the next 2 to 3 years and believe me the carpets will be changed !! yes i have had a boob job, and yes i used to have a lot of botox which i have now stopped, and i have been training at the gym for over a year now and for the last 4 months i have been training for fitness modelling ( 8 hrs a week ) which has changed my skin and body completely by tightening everything up ! come see for yourself !! yes i will always have that barbie doll look as thats how i want to look, and not all pics can actually show you how someone looks unless you actually see them !!

AND just for the record all my electrical equipment as in tv's and iMac and iPad etc are all top quality not that i see that bears any relation to my escorting lol !!! and there is no Ken as i don't do relationships as i choose to be single as i find them hassle and i don't need a man in my real life to be happy, but this again is about my personal life which has no connection to my escorting or any of your business, you do not know me personally !!!

Bitch about the way i look as much as you want as everyone has different tastes, and as i am fully booked most days and have to turn clients away because of this, and now have the highest positive feedback of any other permanent escort in Dorset on adult work now, and i have genuinely only been escorting for just over 3.5 years and can prove this !!! so i must be doing something right !!!  :yahoo:

I think someone also commented on one of the threads on here that i was privately educated and that my parents must be so  proud after spending all that money on my education !!! my parents are fully aware of what i do and they support me whatever i choose to do, as i am avery hard worker, genuine, i don't do drugs, i support and help all my family and friends and give some of my money to charities !! yes they are proud of me as whatever careers i have followed i have been one of the best at what i do !!! AGAIN though my personal life is none of clients business and to make personal judgements about things that are nothing to do with escorting is just childish !!! I could also say to the person who wrote that : i bet your parents are proud you pay for sex lol !!! it works both ways we are all equal, it doesn't matter what job you do, being genuine, a nice person, generous, and striving to to be the best at what you do should be more important !!!

I am happy with the way i now look and i have an amazing life, and i have more than enough work, so as i said before slag off my pics or anything to do with escorting as much as you want, but leave my personal life out of it when you know nothing about me !!

Thanks ;) x

Offline Hantsolo

Having met Sasah in the flesh a couple of years ago and before I joined this site I have to say that the photos do not really do her justice

While she is tiny, tanned, very busty and certainly has that Barbie Doll look about her she was also great company and without sounding fluffy, a nice way to spend an hour.

She might not be to everyone's taste but then who is? At least her profile, likes and dislikes etc are genuine and her photos give an accurate idea of who you're going to see. Which is more than some girls out there.

I'm not saying that I'm a huge fan of the Barbie look, I can take it or leave it really, but she does it well!


Andre 3000

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I think someone also commented on one of the threads on here that i was privately educated and that my parents must be so  proud after spending all that money on my education !!! my parents are fully aware of what i do and they support me whatever i choose to do, as i am avery hard worker, genuine, i don't do drugs, i support and help all my family and friends and give some of my money to charities !! yes they are proud of me as whatever careers i have followed i have been one of the best at what i do !!!

Not to be snidey but do your parents really support you selling your body? I would find that any father could never be proud of that fact unless he was a bit loopy or loved the money you get for it. Which is even more creepy...

Cupcake X

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One mans meat is another mans poison. A prostitute is never going to be all men taste.

 Personally I think Sasha has marketed herself quite well and is successful in her own right as a result. Any idiot can see that some pictures have been altered to look a certain way- more for fantasy.


  • Guest
Indeed and the carpet. She's clearly spending all the green on plastic surgery even though she needs a new shagpile. I bet there's a Ken in the wings too - body building cunt with Celtic tattoos an elaborate haircut, tanned and some flash chavvy BMW

here is saha in 2012 befor the
tits see if you like before or after

by the way every photo she has up is photo shopped !!

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by the way she loves anal i think she is about 44 as her shin is very poor with age marks every where £180 per hour to tick your huge boobs anal box !
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 12:17:29 pm by 306 »

Old monk

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Ive never met her but if she was in London I definitely would!!!
You may or may not like the look but some people certainly do and its her choice.

I think we shouldn't be name calling just because she has a look we don't like or appreciate. Its the same when other punters share their reviews and I think "how could you" but I don't go calling them out for a difference in taste and lets be honest some of the guys are punting with real mingers, again its their choice.

Offline nigel4498

Sasha has set herself up for a niche market and has been very successful, always very busy so it has worked well for her and her clients. If the Barbies Doll look  floats your boat all well and good and it's lucky that Sasha has filled a gap in the market. So thumps up the her for giving punters what they want.  :thumbsup:


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pop down to meet her then its only the south coast 90mins and your there .


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One mans meat is another mans poison. A prostitute is never going to be all men taste.

 Personally I think Sasha has marketed herself quite well and is successful in her own right as a result. Any idiot can see that some pictures have been altered to look a certain way- more for fantasy.

Thank you 'Cupcake X' and i agree with you if everyone liked the same things in life how boring would that be ??? lol and yes as i said previously i have made mistakes by experimenting with botox, too many sunbeds, dieting etc etc but i have also learnt a lot of lessons from this and too much of anything like that can make you look a bit weird  :crazy: lol i now do tanning injections which don't damage your skin and i work out 8hrs a week minimum at the gym doing weights and eat very healthily and take collagen tablets and have now repaired the damage i did by too many sunbeds by just detoxing my body and all the exercise !! my skin is now tanned but very smooth and tight, and also some of my pics have been taken at different angles and lighting which can make you look completely different, but all i can say is i now look completely different to how i did even a year or a few months ago since learning these lessons  :cool: i am now training for fitness modelling and will be competing on the 2nd may for toned physique, i am not bodybuilding just ripping my body up !!! i do have naturally an extremely tiny waist line, and i do not want children and have never let myself get out of shape and this has got even smaller through the exercising i have been doing !! I am only 5ft 1 and therefore my size is only tiny as i am tiny all over apart from my boobs lol anyways i have reduced the plastic look considerably now, but i will always have that BARBIE Doll look as it just how i like to look, it has just been toned down more recently lol i now look like my profile pic on here and all my regular clients who have seen me change over the last 3.5 yrs have said i now look the best i ever have and i will continue now with the healthier approach to continue the way i look !!

Not to be snidey but do your parents really support you selling your body? I would find that any father could never be proud of that fact unless he was a bit loopy or loved the money you get for it. Which is even more creepy...

No you are not being snidey 'Andre 3000' as you don't know me personally or my parents and i can understand how you have come to that conclusion, without knowing all the facts. It wouldn't of been my parents choice of careers for me no, and no they definitely haven't encouraged me to do this job, i decided to give it a go as i met some girls a year or so before i started it who told me all about it. I decided to try it as i have been a very successful business woman in retail fashion and as an interior designer, but i have also suffered from stress and exhaustion as well due to these careers which effected my health at one point a few years ago to the point where i collapsed and was rushed to hospital. Stress is the worst thing for anyone's body and mind, and i am a very intelligent person with a lot of common sense and i am an only child and i now have realised i like being single better than being in relationships and my passion and interests lie with my two husky doggies who i adore !! i don't want to ever get married or have children and i love sex and always have, i am like a guy in my brain but in a womans body and  i gave this job a go so i could spend more time at home with my gorgeous dogs ( who u dont see as they are always in a completely separate area of the house when clients visit me ), and be in complete control of my life for once !! I explained fully to my parents what i would be doing, answered any questions they had, and am always honest with them. They are the same as me they dont judge me or anyone on how you lead your life as long as you don't hurt others, are always honest, work hard and strive to be the best at what you do, and are a geniune and nice person. They also know i am a very well balanced person and if i don't like a clients attitude when they text or call me i will refuse the booking, i don't work late nights, i don't see idiots, i will not take chances in any job for any amount of money, and i have done a self defence course and have something in my work room i could use if anyone did get nasty with me !! I speak to them every day when i finish so they know i am safe and they will be moving down this year to live near me. They know if i didn't enjoy what i do i could go back to designing or get anther good job easily, but i am the happiest i have ever been in my life, i am no longer stressed out, i can go to the gym and do all the things i have always wanted to do and spend the time with my dogs i want to, and for that reason they support what i do not for any weird or sleezy reasons as they are completely different people to me, but they respect that i am the happiest i have ever been and i wouldn't say they are proud of the job i do but they are proud of me as a person and what i have achieved and how i am to others.

I don't mind answering anything anyone wants to ask me i am a very open and honest person and i accept that everyone has different opinions on things  :) xx


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my profile pic on here is my main pic on adult work, if u click on that on adult work it brings it up large scale and u can see every little marking on my skin even two tiny moles i have on my tummy, i wouldn't  call that aged wrinkly skin but there we go you are entitled to your opinion lol read my feedback i regularly am told and it is said i look a lot better than my pics lol  :D xx


  • Guest
oh and i forgot to mention i have videos on my adult work profile as well, i cannot edit videos so have a look at them and then make your mind up  :D  and i don't have age spots i have a few freckles as my hair is naturally a dark reddish colour xx
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 05:02:53 pm by X-SEXYSASHA-X »


  • Guest
Sasha is just my type... Pity I'm in Ireland. If I wanted to have sex with a "normal looking" woman, I'd probably just ride the wife

Offline NelsonH

Please come on tour in Herts/Beds.

Offline bigmc

Come and visit Manchester, I'd like to see you  ;)

Cupcake X

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Thank you 'Cupcake X' and i agree with you if everyone liked the same things in life how boring would that be ??? lol and yes as i said previously i have made mistakes by experimenting with botox, too many sunbeds, dieting etc etc but i have also learnt a lot of lessons from this and too much of anything like that can make you look a bit weird  :crazy: lol i now do tanning injections which don't damage your skin and i work out 8hrs a week minimum at the gym doing weights and eat very healthily and take collagen tablets and have now repaired the damage i did by too many sunbeds by just detoxing my body and all the exercise !! my skin is now tanned but very smooth and tight, and also some of my pics have been taken at different angles and lighting which can make you look completely different, but all i can say is i now look completely different to how i did even a year or a few months ago since learning these lessons  :cool: i am now training for fitness modelling and will be competing on the 2nd may for toned physique, i am not bodybuilding just ripping my body up !!! i do have naturally an extremely tiny waist line, and i do not want children and have never let myself get out of shape and this has got even smaller through the exercising i have been doing !! I am only 5ft 1 and therefore my size is only tiny as i am tiny all over apart from my boobs lol anyways i have reduced the plastic look considerably now, but i will always have that BARBIE Doll look as it just how i like to look, it has just been toned down more recently lol i now look like my profile pic on here and all my regular clients who have seen me change over the last 3.5 yrs have said i now look the best i ever have and i will continue now with the healthier approach to continue the way i look !!

Sasha you don't have to justify your lifestyle  you come across as lovely and judging by your photo you look after yourself. That combination of personality and looks is quite hard to come by.  Good luck with your fitness modelling Xx


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By the way - any news about Matium? Did he quit?

Offline SmackmaBitchUp

Well... She's Definatley done good from this thread....


  • Guest
Does anybody else get the feeling this plastic bit likes to talk about herself? Why say one word when a thousand will do. Makes Dani look mentally stable.


  • Guest
Does anybody else get the feeling this plastic bit likes to talk about herself? Why say one word when a thousand will do. Makes Dani look mentally stable.

All i was doing was explaining myself fully after certain negative comments had been made about me and my personal life, no point in replying if i wasn't prepared to explain and be open and honest lol from the comments and private messages i have received, i am glad i did reply as people now have answers and it has turned out be a positive experience for me !! Sorry to disappoint you but this PLASTIC BIT ( as you call me ) wouldn't of needed to explain if the initial comments hadn't been made  ;) x


  • Guest
Thanks to all the lovely guys who have given me positive comments and private messaged me !!  :yahoo: Unfortunately i don't ever travel or tour out of my area for those of you that have asked, but if you are ever down my way i would love to meet you  ;) xxxxx

Offline madeinwales56

Does anybody else get the feeling this plastic bit likes to talk about herself? Why say one word when a thousand will do.

She certainly has a lot to say for herself. Not my cup of tea but if it pays the bills and some blokes like the look so be it.

Sasha, please don't reply to this post. I've heard enough already ...

Offline cueball

Sasha, please don't reply to this post. I've heard enough already ...

Ha ha, she's put more words into 7 posts than I have into nearly 900, no mistaking that's a real woman ha ha

Offline anyfucker

no chance of her jaw muscles getting tired then  :rolleyes:

Offline Lindberg

Sasha is just my type... Pity I'm in Ireland. If I wanted to have sex with a "normal looking" woman, I'd probably just ride the wife

I'd love to see Sasha she is a total fantasy to me. I really need an excuse to get down to Bournemouth!