Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: lurkers  (Read 3468 times)

Offline cueball

I notice that there are quite a few new posters lately, lurkers that are now posting. Maybe the few threads that have run on the subject have had some effect.

I'm torn with the lurkers thing, in one way I think "fuck off" those of us that are willing to review good and bad prossies are sharing info with lads that just sit there and take and not contribute, BUT, on the other hand it is a public forum and that's what it is all about.

I must admit I do prefer to see folks posting and I can't understand why people just sit there reading and not saying owt.

Offline potata72

I don't post very frequently (especially these days) and this is mainly because I don't see the point of posting just for the sake of it. 

I tend to post to either do a review, thank someone (usually for a review) if the info has been particularly helpful to me, ask a specific question I had in mind or to add something to a topic I think may be useful that may not have already been pointed out or isn't stating the obvious (unless it feels necessary).

I don't see the problem with lurkers personally, considering there is always plenty of activity here.

Offline restless_native

Not everyone enjoys the kind of interraction which is generally associated with internet forums. Whilst they can provide valuable information there is usually also an awful lot of stuff that is of little or no interest to most people.  This forum is no different.

I tend to lurk more than I post. If I see something of intertest and I feel I can contribute I do. But, most of my visits consist of quickly looking at the subject headings before hitting the "mark read" button.

Redhead Lover

  • Guest
I'm fairly new here. I found this site by chance after typing in the name of a girl on AW into Google, to find posts about her herre.  I had no idea that this site existed.  That was only a few months back.  Didn't lurk as such, but came back a few times and thought it was worth registering a profile.

Offline smiths

I notice that there are quite a few new posters lately, lurkers that are now posting. Maybe the few threads that have run on the subject have had some effect.

I'm torn with the lurkers thing, in one way I think "fuck off" those of us that are willing to review good and bad prossies are sharing info with lads that just sit there and take and not contribute, BUT, on the other hand it is a public forum and that's what it is all about.

I must admit I do prefer to see folks posting and I can't understand why people just sit there reading and not saying owt.

I have no problem with lurkers. I hope by reading about WGs on here they locate good WGs and have good punts and avoid bad WGs, and that some will join when ready to do so, if not that's up to them. Only admin can change the present set-up where lurkers can read most boards on here so I leave it to him to do what he decides is best.

Offline cueball

Just to point out smiths, I have no problem the way the site is run, in fact, it's pretty good, it's how all forums should be really, if reviews become locked or restricted then it detracts from what public forums should be about. I've read a few threads on this subject and I can see both sides.

It is good to see new posters though.

Offline Jeremy

I rarely have anything interesting/funny to contribute and I only write reviews for WGs that a) haven't been reviewed recently or b) I have something else to add that other reviews have not commented on.

Offline smiths

Just to point out smiths, I have no problem the way the site is run, in fact, it's pretty good, it's how all forums should be really, if reviews become locked or restricted then it detracts from what public forums should be about. I've read a few threads on this subject and I can see both sides.

It is good to see new posters though.

I agree, its always good to see genuine new punters joining and posting if they choose to. :thumbsup:

Offline jsparky

I've no problem with lurkers because I was one for a long time. It's not easy for someone whose mother tongue is not English to communicate clearly in a different language, especially there were a lot of 'cunty' individuals in internet forums.


  • Guest
I've been a member here since 2010, but I live in East Asia so I don't think an of my punting reviews would be of use to anybody in the general UKP forum.

Offline Laying Pipe

I have been punting for a while and only joined the forum late last year. I punt on average once a month so in terms of feed back my contribution will not be great.
However I will contribute with info where appropriate to help other punters.

Offline maxxblue

I notice that there are quite a few new posters lately, lurkers that are now posting. Maybe the few threads that have run on the subject have had some effect.

I'm torn with the lurkers thing, in one way I think "fuck off" those of us that are willing to review good and bad prossies are sharing info with lads that just sit there and take and not contribute, BUT, on the other hand it is a public forum and that's what it is all about.

I must admit I do prefer to see folks posting and I can't understand why people just sit there reading and not saying owt.

I noticed the same thing, cueball:

Offline Sturdy Wrists

After reading this thread i felt i should join after having lurked for a couple of months . I understand why members might feel aggrieved at people benefiting while not contributing . Maybe they feel they don,t punt often enough to add anything meaningful . I only punt about 5 or 6 times a year these days , but will try to add reviews from now on .


  • Guest
Lurkers don't bother me in the slightest, as this is mainly an open forum (no membership required) I believe that most people that read it are non member lurkers anyway so its pretty pointless getting frustrated about it.

What does irk me somewhat are the lazy fuckers who have no intention of doing a little bit of research prior to posting a question about a prossie, granted we were all new to the forum at one time but even if you were brand new to the forum without lurking it doesn't take long to realise how things work  :dash:

Offline cueball

What does irk me somewhat are the lazy fuckers who have no intention of doing a little bit of research prior to posting a question about a prossie

With you on that yorky, along the lines of "Manchester girl wanted" wtf, I'm not going to spend the next half hour asking whether they like big tits, small tits, fat arses, slim arses etc etc

Offline Sonny Crockett

Personally I don't find anything wrong with people who use the website without posting anything as they may want a second opinion of sorts on a WG before deciding whether to see them.

Offline sublimetoridiculous

It's normal forum behaviour. I lurked here a while to suss things out before I felt I had anything worthwhile to say.

Some lurkers will change to posters and some won't.


  • Guest
I have "lurked" here for quite some time, and I've gained a lot of useful information from you more experienced chaps.

I thought it was time to "come clean", if you will forgive the expression, and try to give something back to you guys who have helped me so much .

I'm all but "retired" from punting now, but can give an insight into yesteryear, if anyone is interested ?


  • Guest
When someone joins the forum, its always best if they take time to read the posts and see what the threads are about, and read that asking stupid questions like who is there that will suck me off and make me happy for £40.....Lurk for a few weeks and then try to join in and post a review, that way you will be contributing to the forum.


  • Guest
I have "lurked" here for quite some time, and I've gained a lot of useful information from you more experienced chaps.

I thought it was time to "come clean", if you will forgive the expression, and try to give something back to you guys who have helped me so much .

I'm all but "retired" from punting now, but can give an insight into yesteryear, if anyone is interested ?

So long as you feel you are contributing to the forum, and can add some interest as well as insight, then your welcome to add what you think is important.


  • Guest
It's great to have new members. What I do find odd though are people who join but never post a single comment

Offline smiths

I have "lurked" here for quite some time, and I've gained a lot of useful information from you more experienced chaps.

I thought it was time to "come clean", if you will forgive the expression, and try to give something back to you guys who have helped me so much .

I'm all but "retired" from punting now, but can give an insight into yesteryear, if anyone is interested ?

I am always interested in reading the posts of genuine punters whether they are all but retired or not. ;)

Offline cueball

I have "lurked" here for quite some time, and I've gained a lot of useful information from you more experienced chaps.

I thought it was time to "come clean", if you will forgive the expression, and try to give something back to you guys who have helped me so much .

I'm all but "retired" from punting now, but can give an insight into yesteryear, if anyone is interested ?

As you've proven already pastit, you've got valid opinions, glad you've come out of the shadows

walking dead

  • Guest
I personally think some threads should not be available to lurkers  and or search bots.
specifically ones which doesn't do people any favours if some people read them. What I mean is, for example threads about massage places offering extras etc. These are very valuable threads but in some parts of the country the advertisement isn't necessarily a beneficial thing for punters.

I completely appreciate that might be logistically difficult or a pain the in ass.

Offline itk

I notice that there are quite a few new posters lately, lurkers that are now posting. Maybe the few threads that have run on the subject have had some effect.

I'm torn with the lurkers thing, in one way I think "fuck off" those of us that are willing to review good and bad prossies are sharing info with lads that just sit there and take and not contribute, BUT, on the other hand it is a public forum and that's what it is all about.

I must admit I do prefer to see folks posting and I can't understand why people just sit there reading and not saying owt.

I don't mind if people lurk, as long as many punters as possible know of this place, an invaluable source of reviews and advice.


  • Guest
The lurkers make up larger numbers then what we do. Eventually a lot of lurkers do in fact become posters.

I think it would be a big mistake to close off threads to lurkers. I think UKPUNTING should stay how it is and provide value to punters whether they are registered or not.

 I think instead of closing threads to lurkers -  MORE benefits should be provided to people who sign up and give people incentives to get their name on the board like maybe some additional features to the forum.

One idea: A UKPUNTING Hotlist to shortlist prossies you want to see.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2015, 08:56:21 pm by Ben4454 »


  • Guest
If we want fewer lurkers, maybe we should be less quick to accuse new posters of being trolls? 

Offline cueball

If we want fewer lurkers, maybe we should be less quick to accuse new posters of being trolls?

That's a good point, maybe some get burned too soon, before they've found their feet etc.


  • Guest
One idea: A UKPUNTING Hotlist to shortlist prossies you want to see.

That is coming.
In the form of 'add to favourite list' button on service provider profiles like this one:;id=3915
The current profile pages only list reviews right now but will be extended to include phone, hourly rates, etc.


  • Guest
Just to add my two cents from my own experience:
I was a lurker for a good few months after I first found this site; this was before my first punt back when I was so young and naive  ;)

Back then, I had nothing contructive to add to the forum, as I was just figuring out what the hell I'm supposed to be doing with setting up punts etc, and felt like I would be just clogging up threads posting newbie questions and the like.

7 punts later, I feel like I kind of know the game a bit now, and have started reviewing my punts, and will probably start to chip in on other threads with a comment or two when I can.

I can only assume there are more like me on here who would still be seen as a lurker.

Offline Tom Bork

I agree with cueball, I am admittedly a classic long time lurker, signed up and asked a few questions, and thought about posting about my experiences but was put off by the fact that some new posters were not exactly given a warm welcome when first posting reviews.  Now that I have a mere handfull of punts to my name maybe it is time that I started posting in order to give back a little of what this site has provided me.

Offline Tom Bork

Just to add my two cents from my own experience:
I was a lurker for a good few months after I first found this site; this was before my first punt back when I was so young and naive  ;)

Back then, I had nothing contructive to add to the forum, as I was just figuring out what the hell I'm supposed to be doing with setting up punts etc, and felt like I would be just clogging up threads posting newbie questions and the like.

7 punts later, I feel like I kind of know the game a bit now, and have started reviewing my punts, and will probably start to chip in on other threads with a comment or two when I can.

I can only assume there are more like me on here who would still be seen as a lurker.
Very well put, that's how I feel.


  • Guest
I find it odd that people moan about lurkers, i can see why alot of people would not post.

1. The massive flaming new members, even more first time punters end up getting here (Troll/Fantasist)

2. Look at TCM if his wife finds his account he's done its a list of girls he has been with. Better to not have one really.

Given most the members here seem to be married it seems odd i need to point out how women WILL go nuts trying to find something if they even get a slight hint somethings off.

We all point out its best to always be carful and make sure you cover your tracks but don't forget just visiting UKP add another set, thats befor signing up and posting anything.


  • Guest
Long time lurker, (not quite) first time poster...

I think others have hit the nail on the head. To the newbie this very much seems like a private members club, with its own set of acronyms and vernacular (the glossary is a very good first port of call but that doesn't immediately encourage noobs to join in) and shared history among the more experienced members which can exclude others.

That along with the risk of being shot down in flames for offering any opinion that doesn't match that of the OP or risks being perceived as 'fluffy' is a real disincentive to begin contributing.

Offline cueball

I find it odd that people moan about lurkers, i can see why alot of people would not post.

1. The massive flaming new members, even more first time punters end up getting here (Troll/Fantasist)

2. Look at TCM if his wife finds his account he's done its a list of girls he has been with. Better to not have one really.

Given most the members here seem to be married it seems odd i need to point out how women WILL go nuts trying to find something if they even get a slight hint somethings off.

We all point out its best to always be carful and make sure you cover your tracks but don't forget just visiting UKP add another set, thats befor signing up and posting anything.

1, it's the inane questions that get posters flamed, not being new

2, as long as you cover your tracks then being on here poses no more threat than aw or having a punting phone, in fact this site is the least of your worries, it's all anon.

Also, bad form to name a member that you're not actually engaged in any dialogue with.

Max Pleasure

  • Guest
I probably wouldn't have joined had all the sections been closed off to the public.  As others have said, it takes a while to gain the confidence to post.


  • Guest
It's great to have new members. What I do find odd though are people who join but never post a single comment

I miss the "Busty Amazon" who also seems to be almost retired  :(


  • Guest
I am always interested in reading the posts of genuine punters whether they are all but retired or not. ;)

Thank you  :hi:


  • Guest
1, it's the inane questions that get posters flamed, not being new

2, as long as you cover your tracks then being on here poses no more threat than aw or having a punting phone, in fact this site is the least of your worries, it's all anon.

Also, bad form to name a member that you're not actually engaged in any dialogue with.

1. Not all the time and what might be inane to some might not be to others, sure its annoying getting the same damn thing repeated all the time and given the age the forums aimed at we should not have to deal with it but this is normally hit back at with anger an assumptions rather then simple advise.

2.your right it does poses no more threat but it is still a chance you don't have to take and signing up adds another chance, posting adds another chance as does doing reviews which on his very forum you can see can because a big risk.

as for bad form naming a member that i'm not actually engaged in any dialogue with, given he is one of the few members i know who is married and as said so on this very forum, i'd have to ask why?


  • Guest
I have one more idea that I would like to throw out there as a feature I just came up with.

Some kind of system which registers the prossies with the best ratings on UKPUNTING.

For example Prossie has 50 positive reviews on UKP. Each positive review adds a point and negative reviews deducts points. In the end you would have the TOP 10 rated working girls on the site and this would be constantly changing.

For guys who want a quick scan for the best working girls it could be effortless and easy. I think a feature like this would be a great incentive for people to sign up as well.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 12:59:17 am by Ben4454 »

Offline blackpunter

I have no problem with lurkers as I lurk more than I post. I could write more reviews than I have written but the problem is that my punts are always exactly the same. I do the same things in the same order at a punt. So I feel like my reviews would all just be exactly the same albeit a different prossie name. Does anyone ever feel like that? I also have a fear of other punters slating my tastes in women coz some of the prossies I have punted would fit well in the worst escort picture challenge thread :lol:


  • Guest
I have no problem with lurkers as I lurk more than I post. I could write more reviews than I have written but the problem is that my punts are always exactly the same. I do the same things in the same order at a punt. So I feel like my reviews would all just be exactly the same albeit a different prossie name. Does anyone ever feel like that? I also have a fear of other punters slating my tastes in women coz some of the prossies I have punted would fit well in the worst escort picture challenge thread :lol:
I'm sure a lot of posters have a set routine when punting, myself included; so that's nothing unusual It's more to emphasise the cooperation of the WG's in fulfilling your requests. Also, other things such as doing things on their likes list, clock watching, closeness of pics to reality etc.

As for unflattering WG's; why should you feel embarrassment? It's just a forum bro.

I lurked for ages; I can understand why stupid questions bother people but other than that I don't understand any hostility.   
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 08:57:37 am by tristen92 »


  • Guest
Posted the first day I joined but mainly lurk as most topics are off topic to me and so cannot contribute.  However after 8 years punting and only recently joining this site I have learned where I have been going wrong (like tipping the girls!!).

And I will post when I can contribute: my recent trip to Costa Rica and a review of WG I saw in Madrid.

Offline cueball

I also have a fear of other punters slating my tastes in women coz some of the prossies I have punted would fit well in the worst escort picture challenge thread :lol:

Don't think like that bud, anybody that slates your choice of prossie is talking shite, it's your choice, that's the beauty of fucking a prossie, you choose. I'll guarantee that whatever your choice there will be other punters on here that share it.

Reviews aren't about looks (as long as it's not b & s), to me they're about service and attitude and anything that should set alarm bells off.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I'm all but "retired" from punting now, but can give an insight into yesteryear, if anyone is interested ?

Both myself and NIK rarely punt now, I don't think that is a problem.    :hi:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Don't think like that bud, anybody that slates your choice of prossie is talking shite, it's your choice, that's the beauty of fucking a prossie, you choose. I'll guarantee that whatever your choice there will be other punters on here that share it.

Reviews aren't about looks (as long as it's not b & s), to me they're about service and attitude and anything that should set alarm bells off.

If you do a review on a monster you must be prepared to take some stick, one of our members only sees monsters.     :vomit:


  • Guest
If you do a review on a monster you must be prepared to take some stick, one of our members only sees monsters.     :vomit:

Why is that Jim?

Surely its up to the punter to punt with whom he pleases?

If its who I think you are referring to then this place would be a whole lot poorer without his contributions.

Both myself and NIK rarely punt now, I don't think that is a problem.    :hi:

So why flame those who do ?

I think the above is why so many people lurk rather than post. ( sorry BTW for singling you out Jim you are not the only one).

End of dig at JRC  :dance:

I tend to confine myself to the regional boards where I can share info with like minded punters in my area and I seldom post on the main section as I have little to contribute which has not been said by others. But also I have no time for the Flame wars and the "My dick is bigger than yours" bollocks that sometimes goes on here.

There is a wealth of information in the UK Punting section so I must admit it is a "must read " section for me every time I look in. I don't log in that frequently as the off topic section has little that interests me but I am sure that it has great interest to some and contributes towards the overall forum.

So back to the OP.

I do wish the lurkers would contribute a bit more, particularly in the regional sections, but I can understand why some do not want to due to the perceived hostile atmosphere that prevails sometimes.

Not everyone has the skin of a rhino you know.  :sarcastic: :drinks:

Online RedKettle

I have no problem with lurkers as I lurk more than I post. I could write more reviews than I have written but the problem is that my punts are always exactly the same. I do the same things in the same order at a punt. So I feel like my reviews would all just be exactly the same albeit a different prossie name. Does anyone ever feel like that? I also have a fear of other punters slating my tastes in women coz some of the prossies I have punted would fit well in the worst escort picture challenge thread :lol:

Any ribbing over the girls you chose is generally just a laugh!

The main function of the review is that it shows the girl is genuine and can be considered by others - so even if you do not want to go over the detail of what you have done just a short review that says she is like the profile is useful.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Why is that Jim?

Surely its up to the punter to punt with whom he pleases?

Indeed it is, but this forum allows other members to comment on the review, if the woman is a monster I reserve the right to say so.

There is another review forum where no comments are allowed, maybe you would prefer that.    :hi:

Offline Malvolio

Long time lurker, (not quite) first time poster...

I think others have hit the nail on the head. To the newbie this very much seems like a private members club, with its own set of acronyms and vernacular (the glossary is a very good first port of call but that doesn't immediately encourage noobs to join in) and shared history among the more experienced members which can exclude others.

That along with the risk of being shot down in flames for offering any opinion that doesn't match that of the OP or risks being perceived as 'fluffy' is a real disincentive to begin contributing.

This is an internet forum for blokes who pay for sex - you're going to encounter strong language and themes of an adult nature.  If the problem of finding out someone else with an internet connection disagrees with you deters people from posting, then this isn't the place for them.

However, if you don't come across as a braggart or ask ridiculous questions, you'll be OK.