Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Time of day vs quality of service correlation  (Read 1383 times)


  • Guest
As the title suggests, is there?

I know at the end of the day in the office, I'm nakered. But a WG has a physically and mentally demanding job, so at the end of the day, she must be fucking exhausted.

What time of the day does everyone else punt at? Have you had any evening sessions where you could noticeably see that the girl was tired? Or performed less than when you saw her during the day in a previous sess?

Online Corus Boy

I found that late night overnights were great fun.

Often the girl may not have worked too much that day, in case of a long hard night, with a prelude of a dinner out gave her plenty of recovery time and ample time to relax together.

For ordinary 30 minutes appointments, I've never found much difference in time v performance.

Some people are naturally morning people, others night people.

Me?  I love early mornings.  Which is why I can enjoy an overnight so much.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 12:27:32 pm by Corus Boy »

Offline cueball

90% of my punts are in the mornings, work dictates that but I actually prefer mornings anyway.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I like wherever possible to be first punter of the day.    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Yes, I know Sergei could have been shagging her all night.     :hi:

Offline nigel4498

I always try and punt before noon as I have found that is the time I am up for it and the prossies are normally fresh. I like to try and be the first client of the day too.
Most of my lack lustre punts have been in the evening so avoid that time of day now.

Randy James

  • Guest
if i wasnt with anyone, i would certainly do overnights. but impossible...

Offline smiths

As the title suggests, is there?

I know at the end of the day in the office, I'm nakered. But a WG has a physically and mentally demanding job, so at the end of the day, she must be fucking exhausted.

What time of the day does everyone else punt at? Have you had any evening sessions where you could noticeably see that the girl was tired? Or performed less than when you saw her during the day in a previous sess?

In my experience a good WG offers a good service irrespective of the time of day. At parties I have on occasion attended all a days parties and the good WGs were as good at 8.30pm as they were at 1pm when they started and they would have punted with up to 42 punters and some of them more than once.

And for those punters who like being a WGs first punter of the day going on her advertised start time for various reasons the reality is you don't know whether you are or not for definite, it increases the chances you will be of course though. But she could of been fucking Sergei or Kevin BB all night, its all cock, nothing can be done about that. Personally I don't care if a WG has punted with 2 or 20 punters before me as long as I get a good service but I am not squeamish and don't concern myself with the unprovable.


  • Guest
In my experience a good WG offers a good service irrespective of the time of day.

I can only think of a handful of wgs who are like that.

I would probably judge the outcome of the service if I knew that the wg had an overnight the day earlier or she was massively busy during the day. Some of the wgs in the London section have had positive and neg/neutral reviews and I'm wondering if it's because they were just too tired to perform/act.

I slightly think when reviewers say she was passive, that the wg was just tired.


  • Guest
As the title suggests, is there?

I know at the end of the day in the office, I'm nakered. But a WG has a physically and mentally demanding job, so at the end of the day, she must be fucking exhausted.

What time of the day does everyone else punt at? Have you had any evening sessions where you could noticeably see that the girl was tired? Or performed less than when you saw her during the day in a previous sess?

I prefer between 12:00 and 14:00



  • Guest
First thing you know noone's been there first before you that day except Sergei.  Late at night she's not worried about finishing on time, just for the next client.  Swings and roundabouts.

Offline smiths

First thing you know noone's been there first before you that day except Sergei.  Late at night she's not worried about finishing on time, just for the next client.  Swings and roundabouts.

A punter cant know that for definite, for example the WG might of had a regular or an overnighter just beforehand. The best a punter can do is increase his chances he is a WGs first punter of the day.


  • Guest
I prefer between 12:00 and 14:00

+1  :hi:
And then after punting - nice time in the City! :thumbsup:


  • Guest
+1  :hi:
And then after punting - nice time in the City! :thumbsup:

After dark for me. Punting in the daytime is more often than not akin to watching Brazzers 4K: you see a little too much detail - particularly any flaws.

I also find that many girls are chilled in the evening and happy to kick back and enjoy a drink or two. Probably because they know they aren't going to be fucking 10 more guys before bedtime.


  • Guest
IMHO a good WG will provide a good experience whether it's 0830 or 2230.

Offline foreverchanges

Always prefer a morning punt 10/ fact in 16yrs of punting I think the latest one I've had is 3pm.

Offline smiths

IMHO a good WG will provide a good experience whether it's 0830 or 2230.

Absolutely. :thumbsup:


  • Guest
After dark for me. Punting in the daytime is more often than not akin to watching Brazzers 4K: you see a little too much detail - particularly any flaws.

I also find that many girls are chilled in the evening and happy to kick back and enjoy a drink or two. Probably because they know they aren't going to be fucking 10 more guys before bedtime.
I prefer NaughtyAmerica 4K  :wacko:
But yes - too much detail  :drinks:


  • Guest
My own preference is for a morning visit or perhaps late at night one.  Mid-afternoon is not a good time for my own personal performance, in fact in a recent punt I started going soft about half way through the hour's meet and never managed sex.  A little bit worrying as I've always been able to stay hard throughout an hour's punt (well for about 50/55 mins anyway until I have my one and only pop) and was worried that going into my mid-fifties my age was starting to take its toll .  Had to visit the girl again to put away those demons that had been eating away which almost drove me to consider getting some pills to keep me hard.  Visited her earlier in the day and voila - no problem.  Lesson learnt - no mid-afternoon punts for me in the future. 

One other reason for an early morning punt is that I do like to bring a girl to a real (hopefully) orgasm. I know some punters think this is too fluffy, but for me I get almost as much pleasure in making a girl cum as from my own orgasm. However, for most girls there are so many times that they can have a real climax in one day, and I suspect that if other punters have been after the same thing there is less far chance of her achieving an orgasm at the end of the day rather than at the start.

Offline SamLP

I personally haven't seen any correlation. Most of my punts take place in the afternoon or evening. Some of my best punts have been late at night. The latest punt I had was at 12.30am, but had plenty of 10pm and 11pm punts. I've been the last customer a few times as well, and the punts were very good. It's the attitude of a girl that determines the quality of a punt rather than the time.

Offline fettish008

I would say mornings are best that's when I'm at my best anyway.i only punt in the afternoons if it's last minute.


  • Guest
I mostly do late night punts between 11pm-5am and only occasionally have had a problem with poor/rushed service.

Offline fettish008

Mayby it's just down to luck what service you get?


  • Guest
Everyone is right that a good wg will provide good service. But they're still human and will eventually get tired and fatigued. I dunno about other punters, but sex is a bit of a workout for me, my thighs and stomach feel tight after a session. If I had to do that, say ~5 times a day, I'd be shattered!

I'm gonna rethink my after work punt times for a weekend daytime session.


  • Guest
Having had punts as early as 10-00 am and my latest was 8-30 pm I haven't noticed any particular difference in performance. My preference is for morning or early afternoon. I am a bit of a wooss and would prefer to be first of the day. The only time I can be fairly sure of this though is with my regular as I know the days she is at her day job, so on those days it will be a late afternoon meet. Otherwise it's morning or maybe lunchtime and I am pretty certain she doesn't see more than one punter a day. I'm also pretty sure I wasn't the first of the day with an 8-30 pm start; the give away being she smelt a bit sweaty. Other than that, thankfully I've never detected any evidence of previous punters.

Terry 7 incher

  • Guest
I've found that lunchtime or just after to be best. The girl. Has had a good lie-in, a decent shower, all fresh and tight to service me.

Offline Davede

I've found that lunchtime or just after to be best. The girl. Has had a good lie-in, a decent shower, all fresh and tight to service me.
