Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: The most stupid AdultWork event challenge  (Read 699 times)

Offline Horizontal pleasures

What is the most stupid thing that happened or was done to you in or through AW?

Here is a starter. I placed a reverse booking request a few days ago to start at 10.30 this morning for one hour. When I returned to base after my blissful hour (review follows soon) I looked at my emails One of them was from AW to inform me that a bid had been placed at 10.28. Can you believe it? Bid placed 2 minutes before punt starts.

Of course by that time I had actually arrived at the punt (a few minutes early) and when I came home and looked the RB request, as is customary in AW, had been totally deleted. I shall never know who was the idiot who placed a booking then unless she outs herself.

Offline CBPaul

Getting in there with seconds to spare, evidently got confused between AW and ebay.


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A woman who lives 200 miles away bidded on my reverse booking and said maybe next time when I lived a bit closer....

After putting my reverse bid for £150 a woman then bidded £400 an hour and said that if I ever earned more money than I should come see her. I replied back that I wouldn't see her even with a double wage increase.