Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: WG reaction to reviews  (Read 5664 times)

Offline smiths

I got a shirty PM on AW from a prossie simply because I had agreed with the negative comment that someone had made about her on UKP.  She had associated my AW and UKP profiles due to something specific that I had said.

The feedback system is definitely flawed, rather like on e-bay where no-one will give a neg for fear of getting a neg back.

I can understand why guys want to keep their pos fb on AW, as I do, I think it's a bit of assurance that at least you're a bona fide punter. I rather envy those who don't have an AW profile or who don't have feedback as they can say what they like with impunity.

You said it, i can say what i like with impunity. I punt in London so dont need A/W feedback to locate good WGs and only punt with those with phone numbers. Its worked for me for years.

All this being too afraid to give negative FB on A/W in case the WG does the same back in revenge sums up what a complete pile of shit A/Ws FB system is in my view. Bad WGs and pimps are no doubt laughing their heads off at how punters who dont need to have allowed themselves to get into this scenario.

I have never had a WG turn me down that i know of because i didnt have any A/W FB, they want my money and thats what makes them accept my booking of course. A/W is rarely mentioned but when i have been asked to leave FB for a WG i say no i dont do that, if they dont like that its a case of bad luck. I punt to suit me NOT WGs.


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I can understand why guys want to keep their pos fb on AW, as I do, I think it's a bit of assurance that at least you're a bona fide punter. I rather envy those who don't have an AW profile or who don't have feedback as they can say what they like with impunity.

I take the opposite view. I think the vast majority of girls are smart enough to realise that a shit punt should be rated as such - and should not detract from the existing positive AW feedback a guy has.

Moreover, any girl who cares so much about receiving a negative review from me - or worrying about a negative feedback on my own AW profile - is not a girl I would ever wish to meet in the first place. So arguably the odd negative here or there from a girl shows that we're not perfect - just like the girls themselves.

I ALWAYS confirm my bookings through AW - even if they have already been arranged by phone.

That way, I will always be able to back up any review I write on here and I have no issue writing a negative report for any girl if I deem it appropriate.

My last two failed punts (Diana Sugar Diamonds, then Busty Jessica.x) were both booked through AW, so in theory I might be expecting two negatives from the ladies concerned.

They can be my guest; I couldn't give a fuck.

Offline Sedlmayer

And this is why I don't use the A/W feed back system on my A/W account. Its to open to abuse (IMO)

This may mean I (mite) miss out on some good W/G's but if I can't pick up a phone , then call and agree a booking (service, times etc) then I won't punt that W/G. Its just my way. I don't need to jump though hoops when paying for a service (IMO)

My view exactly, well said.

Offline Sedlmayer

You said it, i can say what i like with impunity. I punt in London so dont need A/W feedback to locate good WGs and only punt with those with phone numbers. Its worked for me for years.

All this being too afraid to give negative FB on A/W in case the WG does the same back in revenge sums up what a complete pile of shit A/Ws FB system is in my view. Bad WGs and pimps are no doubt laughing their heads off at how punters who dont need to have allowed themselves to get into this scenario.

I have never had a WG turn me down that i know of because i didnt have any A/W FB, they want my money and thats what makes them accept my booking of course. A/W is rarely mentioned but when i have been asked to leave FB for a WG i say no i dont do that, if they dont like that its a case of bad luck. I punt to suit me NOT WGs.

Absolutely correct, all of the above.
You don't need an AW account - I let mine lapse months ago, and I really don't miss it.
If everyone adopted a "no phone, no booking - no jumping through hoops" policy, the prostitutes would soon all come round, trust me.


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If everyone adopted a "no phone, no booking - no jumping through hoops" policy, the prostitutes would soon all come round, trust me.

Finally something you and I agree on 100%. :drinks:

The 'hoops' bit really pisses me off, but I'm not quite brave/confident? enough to dispense with the hoop jumping. At least not quite yet.

Especially as said hoops often lead to fantastic punts.

Offline Marmalade

You said it, i can say what i like with impunity. I punt in London so dont need A/W feedback to locate good WGs and only punt with those with phone numbers.
 I punt to suit me NOT WGs.

You said it. On both scores I agree.

I rarely punt in London. I am not going to miss out on the occasional top performer, in an area where the competition between non-EEs is much sharper, because of some high and mighty principle about avoiding feedbacks. I'm quite happy to leave the occasional one liner for a good performer to speed access to those requiring such things. It takes me two seconds and costs fuck all. I'm not in it to reform the AW system, I punt to suit me.

If that doesn't suit some punters who think everyone should act the same way according to their thinking I really couldn't give a fuck. I leave honest reviews on ukp: that's my contribution, take it or leave it. I punt my way. Other punters thinking I should punt their way are overstepping the mark imo.

Offline Sedlmayer

You said it. On both scores I agree.

I rarely punt in London. I am not going to miss out on the occasional top performer, in an area where the competition between non-EEs is much sharper, because of some high and mighty principle about avoiding feedbacks. I'm quite happy to leave the occasional one liner for a good performer to speed access to those requiring such things. It takes me two seconds and costs fuck all. I'm not in it to reform the AW system, I punt to suit me.

If that doesn't suit some punters who think everyone should act the same way according to their thinking I really couldn't give a fuck. I leave honest reviews on ukp: that's my contribution, take it or leave it. I punt my way. Other punters thinking I should punt their way are overstepping the mark imo.

Like Smiths I punt in London, and my comment above was in that context. If leaving the odd bit of FB really does get you better punts, then of course you're going to do it. I don't do it (don't need to) but I wasn't meaning to criticise those who feel it's advantageous. We all punt differently and what works for one won't always work for someone else.

Offline Boundless

Like Smiths I punt in London, and my comment above was in that context. If leaving the odd bit of FB really does get you better punts, then of course you're going to do it. I don't do it (don't need to) but I wasn't meaning to criticise those who feel it's advantageous. We all punt differently and what works for one won't always work for someone else.

I can understand that you wouldn't need FB if you punt in London as there are plenty of fish in the sea.

I'm a bit out in the sticks and it's hard enough getting any sort of punt., so anything that might help has got to be a good thing.
Having said that, I had quite a few punts last year, some with well known WG's with lots of FB where I've just phoned up incognito and met them with no problems. Funnily enough, one of them was a girl that I couldn't get any sense out of through AW, but agreed a meet by text!
So, on balance maybe WG's get you to book through AW just to increase their own FB.


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Couldn't give a toss what the hooker thinks. If she gives a shit service I tell her I will leave a bad review!! I'm not going to let some two bit skank think she has got one over me. I also don't want any fellow punters wasting their money like I would have done.

On the flip side if I leave a positive review I don't tell them. I'm not leaving positive reviews to ingratiate myself to a hooker. I have paid good money to fuck her so I expect a good service. I leave a positive review for the benefit of fellow punters as I have benefited from punters reviews on here so hope others benefit from mine.

It is pointless and risky booking through aw. Your discretion has gone if you go through aw. As others have said it is best to only book girls with phone numbers. In my experience, the girls who have phone numbers in general give a better service than those who don't. Those who don't tend to be up their own arse with too many rules.

The post by admin regarding the threat by a hooker to get police involved is typical of the attitude of hookers. Always ready to say they Are going to the police. They think just because of a few high profile cases the police will listen to their complaints.  If hookers are reading this thread be sure you understand that the more bull shit stories you make the harder you make life for yourselves as the police will just ignore you!

Offline Mr Farkyhars

It might conceivably be a good idea to book certain punts via AW where the punter is confident through experience that the WG will provide a good service. That way the punter keeps his AW account looking current and both sides get good FB, with a minimum of risk. Just a thought.


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In North West you have to have an Adultwork account to book a lot of decent girls.
In London you don't.

If anyone would just be happy with phone number booking it'd be me but I'm North West and not London so can't be so I've had to have lots of Adultwork accounts and hence....

Question: how to setup multiple Adultwork accounts and not have them linked
(Apparently of no interest to London based punters, because a lot of them are no nonsense bad asses and refuse to make any compromises with dem bitch hos  :sarcastic: :P)
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:17:05 am by infoseeker »


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A big advantage to aw accounts is that I can hotlist and also have a trace of messages as well as her answer in writing.

There isn't the misunderstanding of bad English on the phone. I can see when they change names or switch profiles. I can blacklist. And I can also hotlist ones that are outcalls and come back to compare them.

I don't like the hoop jumping, nor do I like the aloof snottiness some have regards to deciding whether or not to answer my legitimate questions etc. If they can't be bothered to tell me in writing when I ask reasonable questions, and tell me to call, I know 9/10 times its for shady they will say they allow pics but then change their mind in person. Or change what is extra or not (which matters a lot, as I only take the fee and taxi return with in cash with me. I don't need to leave my wallet or card at an escort's accidentally or the like).