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Author Topic: First time, just need some help with some Questions  (Read 3181 times)


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(If this isn't the right place, apologizes i'm new here)

Hello, so i'm interested in booking an appointment with an Escort and there was just a few questions I needed answering!

1) I'm 18 slightly below average looking and still a virgin (I read somewhere that it's best telling them) do I mention this in the email I send?

2) I have two Varicose veins in around my left testicle area which can be fairly viewable if i'm hanging low and you can definitely feel them. Is this again, something I need to mention or is this fairly common?

3) I've found an escort i'm interested in how the appropriate way of messaging her by email play out?

4) What's a decent timeframe for my first booking? 15/30 minutes?

5) Any recommendations? I don't drive so preferably somewhere I can walk to around Nottingham city centre. (Fairly cheap too please)

6) Oh and any tips?

« Last Edit: October 18, 2014, 10:21:31 pm by Bacon »


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Don't bother mentioning any of that. These girls fuck guys for money, they've seen all sorts, and as long as you're clean and polite you're already ahead of the game as far as they're concerned. Just drop her a short, to-the-point email stating when you'd like to meet, and ask if she's free then. As for a length of booking, 15 minutes is pretty rushed, so 30 would probably be a better bet.

It's hard to make a specific recommendation as I don't know what kind of girls you're into. Just make sure whoever you pick has either got lots of AW feedback or (preferably) a decent review or two on here. Don't pick a 0 feedback girl for your first punt - sometimes they're fine, but often they're shit, and that could put you off for life.

As for tips: don't let the girl push you around. Some girls are more likely to rush you or deliver a worse service if they sense that you're new to the game, and unsure of what you're doing. You don't want to be pushy or rude with her either, but you do want to get your money's worth.

Finally, be sure to come back here and write up your experience as a review so we can all she was any good or not!

Offline Urban_G

(If this isn't the right place, apologizes i'm new here)

Hello, so i'm interested in booking an appointment with an Escort and there was just a few questions I needed answering!

1) I'm 18 slightly below average looking and still a virgin (I read somewhere that it's best telling them) do I mention this in the email I send?

2) I have two Varicose veins in around my left testicle area which can be fairly viewable if i'm hanging low and you can definitely feel them. Is this again, something I need to mention or is this fairly common?

3) I've found an escort i'm interested in how the appropriate way of messaging her by email play out?

4) What's a decent timeframe for my first booking? 15/30 minutes?

5) Any recommendations? I don't drive so preferably somewhere I can walk to around Nottingham city centre. (Fairly cheap too please)

6) Oh and any tips?


Hi and welcome :hi:

1 - your looks shouldn't be an issue, but you might want to explain that you are a virgin and still quite young, perhaps you want her to take the lead due to your inexperience? If so, then you should mention this too.

2 - probably not going to be an issue, any decent w/g should know it's not an STD / STI etc., but might be worth mentioning, up to you really.

3 - just arrange it like you would anything else. Explain what services you're expecting for the price and arrange a date and time.

4 - many people book 30 minutes with a new girl in case she is crap, then you haven't wasted money on an hours worth of shit service. If she's good you may be able to extend to an hour and only pay the hourly rate (like everthing else, you should ask about this beforehand). It also depends on how many times you can pop during the time you're there.

5 - not from me, sorry.

6 - arrive on time, be clean, polite.

I'm sure other members will give you some useful info.


  • Guest
I'd get yourself used to condoms now when you're in the comfort of your own bedroom.  Also I wouldn't punt where I make my bed if I lived in Nottingham - get on the train to Birmingham.  Prices are pretty good there and there are some excellent girls.  Don't go in with unrealistically high expectations based on the photos from a glamour shoot - she probably only looked that good once in her life and took three hours to get ready.


  • Guest
(If this isn't the right place, apologizes i'm new here)

Hello, so i'm interested in booking an appointment with an Escort and there was just a few questions I needed answering!

1) I'm 18 slightly below average looking and still a virgin (I read somewhere that it's best telling them) do I mention this in the email I send?

2) I have two Varicose veins in around my left testicle area which can be fairly viewable if i'm hanging low and you can definitely feel them. Is this again, something I need to mention or is this fairly common?

3) I've found an escort i'm interested in how the appropriate way of messaging her by email play out?

4) What's a decent timeframe for my first booking? 15/30 minutes?

5) Any recommendations? I don't drive so preferably somewhere I can walk to around Nottingham city centre. (Fairly cheap too please)

6) Oh and any tips?


#1 No don't tell them, some WG are ruthless and will exploit this. Some can smell your anxiety, experienced whore mongers walk into places like they own it.

#2 A WG will perform a quick inspection on you and decide if she wants to see you, she might she might not.

#3 I find email to be lacking hit rate of one out of 4 bookings respond. Telephone numbers are better IMHO, though not all of them have it.

#4 Don't be so sure about this, while it is common to shoot quickly your first time you might not be able to cum as you may well be far too used to your own hand or whatever it is you use tube sock whatever. My first few shags I had been so used to my own hand I couldn't get off. I fixed this by jerking off with a LOOSE hand and jerking off a whole lot less. Your sensitivity should come back.

#5 Forget about cost, your first shag will stay with you for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Therefore push the boat out a bit make it memorable. Mine was 20 years ago and I still remember it clear as day. She was so incredibly beautiful and had excellent muscle control (for a civvie) I still think about her sometimes. She was also a civvie, that might be something to think about.

#6 Practice! when I say that I mean edging, and kegals. If you edge carefully you shouldn't lose sensitivity though some guys intentionally de-sensitise their dicks to get a longer time (this is more applicable to HK as one pop and you're out the door 5 mins later) when you do shoot it will be MUCH more intense and last a bit longer. Which goes to point #5. As a finisher, some of the stuff a WG will do is not applicable to civvies and porn is unrealistic.

Finally don't jump on the sinking ship, that is fall in love with a WG. It's a business transaction but it is all too easy to board the sinking ship!


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Don't forget the cash :lol:

An even better thing to remember is NOT to get your wallet out if you manage to pull a civvie! Patrick an acquaintance I fell out with was so used to seeing WGs he would instinctively pull his wallet out and the girl in question would be mortally offended  :lol:

Online RedKettle

There are loads of threads on here about security and tips, etc etc - find them.

A good girl for a first time in Nottingham would be Kylie:

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only


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Joking aside Bacon don't rush into it, do your research. My opinion, you would be better off telling her you're a virgin thats why you should seek out the right one. Yeah sure there are some out there who will take advantage but there's no way you're going to walk in there like the dogs bollox, you're going to be shitting yourself. Pick the right one and she'll take you through it. In the end you've just got to go for it.


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I'm really not fussy about the type of girl, though I'd definitely avoid girls who offer sex with a condom, just makes me feel uneasy. And thank you for the tip, I probably should've guessed that some might try and rush if I were new but didn't think about it until you mentioned it. Thanks for your help, Pleasure and i'll be sure to write a review on whoever I get.


I do think it would be best if I were to ask her to take the lead and i'll be sure to arrive on time and i'll probably mention it to her to unavoid unnecessary surprises - thanks for your help, Urban_G


I haven't even booked it yet and i'm more excited than shitting it. I'm sure it'll dawn on me when I walk in there haha. and been planning doing something like this for months thanks for your help, Cylon.


Already done the condom bit, by not punting where you may your bed you mean about people you know finding out? I'm not bothered if they did and can't see them doing so. I'll probably expand out after I start getting used to it, if I enjoy it that is. My expectations really aren't high so i'm not too bothered. Thanks for your help JV547845


2# By a quick inspection, does that involve me actually going over there and meeting them? Because i'd hate to turn up and they'd turn me down.

4+5# I'm almost 100% sure i'll shoot my load pretty early and I know it'll stay with me for the rest of my life, but in a way i'd like to get it done as soon as possible even if I am tight on cash atm.

and I definitely wont fall for the WG (Whore girl?) :)

Thanks Justpin.


I'll be sure to check them out and add them to my list, thanks mate.


Thanks for everyone's help, it's probably an unreadable mess, so i'll fix it up in the morning!

Offline sarahjayneleeds

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Joking aside Bacon don't rush into it, do your research. My opinion, you would be better off telling her you're a virgin thats why you should seek out the right one. Yeah sure there are some out there who will take advantage but there's no way you're going to walk in there like the dogs bollox, you're going to be shitting yourself. Pick the right one and she'll take you through it. In the end you've just got to go for it.

I would advise against sending an email starting with "Hi I'm 18 and a virgin". We get loads of these and even though in this case it's probably true they usually turn out to be people looking for wank material so tend not to get a reply.

My opinion would be keep the first email to the point along the lines of : Hi my name is Bacon, I saw your profile on here and wondered if you would be free to meet on time/date for 30 mins? I am 18 would this be a problem?

Once initial contact is made  then if you feel you really need to tell her your a virgin then do that after she has replied. Or you could say it's your first time with an escort, we gets lots of these and don't come across as looking for wank material for some reason. At this point it's probably good to mention the veins too I doubt they will be  an issue. 


  • Guest
Hi mate.

You just said "I'd definitely avoid girls who offer sex with a condom" which I hope is a typo but just in case you meant it, going bareback with a WG is a risk to your health. Up to you but "avoid" would be my advice.

There's loads of good advice on UKP. Keep searching, keep asking but don't overthink your first (or any) punt. It's just paid-for sex. 30 mins should be perfect. Have a good idea as to what you want to happen in that time, try to dictate the pace as much as possible (if not completely). Mention it's your first punt but don't say you are a virgin (maybe afterwards). Also, just be yourself. Most of all, be nice.

Before you book, post a link to the WG's profile from AW on here as a new "Anyone seen this girl?" type thread.
After the punt, post a short review of the girl after the punt, if you feel up to it, also in a new thread.

Good luck and report back here please.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 01:35:59 am by jack_walsh »


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Okay thank you for the tips i'll keep that in mind


Yea that's a typo mate, sorry it's rather late here and thank you for the tips


Thank you both for replying.


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Have some chewing gum before the punt and have a clean cock

These are the 2 biggest bits of advice you will need as it will lead to a better punt with a well respected escort of youre choice


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I'm going to go against the grain here and say: do not lose your virginity to a working girl. Seriously, you will regret it. You said you were in a rush to lose it but there's no shame in being a Virgin. I didn't lose my virginity until my late teens. And it wasn't as if I didn't have offers, I was just waiting for the right girl.

Don't get me wrong, finding a decent WG is great but I would never in a million years want to lose my virginity to one. Just find yourself a steady, decent gf before you go down this path. If you jump straight into this, you're going to find it hard in the future to develop a proper relationship.

Just trust me on this. I promise you, you'll thank me later. There is no rush whatsoever.

Sorry if it seems like I'm not helping but I really am.


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(If this isn't the right place, apologizes i'm new here)

When you say new here, do you mean a new nic?


  • Guest
Wow, this is a very useful thread.

I think a LOT of us make the same early mistakes when it comes to having to communicate via AW. With agencies, you just order like a pizza and hey presto, said delivery arrives.

Plus, there is a useful point of contact for complaints and requests, etc.


  • Guest
I'm going to go against the grain here and say: do not lose your virginity to a working girl.
Sorry if it seems like I'm not helping but I really am.

I know there's nothing like your first time in bed with a girl who's actually attracted to you, but I really don't think losing your virginity is that big a deal as you're going to be crap at sex anyway, and the girl doesn't know what she's doing either, has her own body hang ups and wants to keep the lights off.  There's no shame in losing it to a WG - I wish I did lose it to a WG in fact but we didn't have the internet back then.  Putting it off just builds up the pressure, which makes it worse, civvies can smell it on you...

It is a once in a lifetime event though, so if I was going to pop my cherry with a WG I'd go all out with a threesome, sex party or book a porn star, film it, whatever, though.  A few more punts and watch a few sex guides should help you know what you're doing, then once you've got the all clear from the GUM clinic, your first time with a civvie would be really memorable.


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by not punting where you may your bed you mean about people you know finding out? I'm not bothered if they did and can't see them doing so.

Personally I wouldn't let on to anyone that you've punted. I'm not ashamed of the fact, but even some of my most open-minded friends would have difficulty coming to terms with the concept. More importantly, what happens when you do get a civvie girlfriend, and she meets your mates who know all about your hobby? If it happens to slip out to her, you can kiss that relationship goodbye.

Having said all that, going all the way to Birmingham to avoid detection is a little extreme, in my opinion. I don't see much problem with punting in your home town, unless you want to be ultra-cautious.

By a quick inspection, does that involve me actually going over there and meeting them? Because i'd hate to turn up and they'd turn me down.

I'm not sure what Justpin means by a "quick inspection". If he means that the girl will keep an eye out while she's with you for any signs of STIs or anything else untoward then yes, naturally she will. But I've never been "inspected" by a WG, nor have I ever been turned away by one. That's not something you need to worry yourself about, so long as you're clean and polite.


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I'm going to go against the grain here and say: do not lose your virginity to a working girl.

This really comes down to whether "losing your virginity" is a big thing to you. If you're all romantic about the notion and want your first time to be "perfect" then sure, a working girl is definitely not the way to go. Remember she's only there to take your money and fuck you, there's no emotional attachment involved in either direction.

But if all "losing your virginity" means to you is that you're gagging to finally find out what it's like to shag a girl, by all means go ahead and find an escort to do it with. Just bear in mind it won't necessarily be the greatest experience ever, and it certainly won't be the same as shagging a civvy girl.


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2# By a quick inspection, does that involve me actually going over there and meeting them? Because i'd hate to turn up and they'd turn me down.

4+5# I'm almost 100% sure i'll shoot my load pretty early and I know it'll stay with me for the rest of my life, but in a way i'd like to get it done as soon as possible even if I am tight on cash atm.

and I definitely wont fall for the WG (Whore girl?) :)

By inspection I don't mean she gets out some medical tools, most WG (thats WORKING GIRLS) will do a quick cursory check of your balls and cock. While they won't take photos and get out a microscope. They will very quickly look/feel for anything which shouldn't be there. Things like sores, warts or unusual discharge. There is a recent thread about a guy getting turned down and refunded because the top of his cock didn't look right. A smooth experienced WG will do it as part of a tease or something and will be so smooth you won't even notice you're being checked out.

The one I saw recently after some initial play my cock was out. She was kissing me but I felt her hand move down and she had a quick feel around the area for bumps and lumps.

#4-5 as said you don't know until you try. Plus if you are short on cash is this the hobby for you? I've done some incredibly expensive hobbies in the past. Paintball for instance you can burn through £50 of ammo in a day of paintball. Tunnel flying can burn through £300 in a day. Skydiving on a nice weather day can burn through £500 a day. Punting (or mongering in Asia) can burn through stacks of money and scratching the itch can make it worse!

Lastly it's easier said than done...


  • Guest
I'm going to go against the grain here and say: do not lose your virginity to a working girl. Seriously, you will regret it. You said you were in a rush to lose it but there's no shame in being a Virgin. I didn't lose my virginity until my late teens.

I disagree because it depends on the guy. I bet a few guys blinked when you said when you didn't lose your virginity as many older guys would not have done so for rather longer than that. Not everyone's a babe magnet getting offers through his teens.

The first poster may have found he has never got close to making it with a girl or feels once he gets it done the first time he won't make a fool of himself when the first civvie opportunity comes along.

Oh and I wouldn't have anything over elaborate like a threesome os some such - huge room for embarrassment, awkwardness etc.

So I think your advice is right for some guys and not for others and probably only thay can decide.

Yes lots of what i say here applied to me as many will have guessed.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 11:05:55 am by virgil »

Offline Robert44

I lost my virginity to a slapper in the back of an old van, that I used to own. Crap experience all round. That was years ago before the internet was even invented. An earlier poster was right, the memory stays with you all your life.
Now you can book an hour or two with a super looking wg, who will do pretty much all that you want and allow you to enjoy losing your virginity.

You could try a respected local agency, they might be able to help with suggesting some one suitable. Don't worry about your appearance, just turn up clean and with the funds.

Don't forget though, the wg is a not someone who you want to become involved with. She is just offering a service. But an experience like this might well give you a little more confidence when meeting girls in civvie street.

Warning, it can be addictive and burns through a fair amount of money.


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If you are 18 and look youngish for your age then it might be a good idea to take some ID with you. You may get a refusal on the grounds that you look underage and any decent girl will want to check she is the right side of the law. The downside to ID is you may be giving too much information away if you pick a bad 'un.

Offline Urban_G

... thanks for your help, Urban_G

... and I definitely wont fall for the WG (Whore girl?) :)
No problem.

And in case you're being serious, it means 'working girl'.


  • Guest
I know there's nothing like your first time in bed with a girl who's actually attracted to you, but I really don't think losing your virginity is that big a deal as you're going to be crap at sex anyway, and the girl doesn't know what she's doing either, has her own body hang ups and wants to keep the lights off.  There's no shame in losing it to a WG - I wish I did lose it to a WG in fact but we didn't have the internet back then.  Putting it off just builds up the pressure, which makes it worse, civvies can smell it on you...
Agree entirely. I was the school fat kid, had terminal acne, and as a result of taking tetracycline based products for years for my acne my teeth became discoloured. I thought I was the ugliest mo-fo out there and had no confidence in myself especially with girls. Chances of me pulling naturally? Nil. 

As time moved on exactly as JV says it then becomes a bigger issue, so even once you grow out of puppy fat and pimples you panic at the thought of actually having sex and girls can sense your lack of confidence. It's a real turn-off.

If that is you then you are making a smart choice to get some practise in. That's all it is - practise. I lost my virginity to a WG aged 28, within a year I had dated a bunch of girls, within two or three I found the woman I subsequently married. Wish I'd had the cajones to do it when I was your age mate. 

It is a once in a lifetime event though, so if I was going to pop my cherry with a WG I'd go all out with a threesome, sex party or book a porn star, film it, whatever, though.  A few more punts and watch a few sex guides should help you know what you're doing, then once you've got the all clear from the GUM clinic, your first time with a civvie would be really memorable.
Disagree mostly.  I think there is enough pressure for that first pop without making it too complicated. I was petrified when I did mine, and in those days it was literally pot luck - looking at the confidential ads in the back of the local newspaper and just pick a phone number. 

The internet makes this sooo much better, which is why I came straight back to punting after I got separated.  However, it's better but not infallible.  Take your time to pick a girl who you fancy but won't necessarily be intimidated by - ie don't go straight for someone like Platinum Cindy for example - save her for your second or third punt (but join the queue)  :thumbsup:

As has been said you are looking for someone who is reasonably experienced, well rated /reviewed, definitely more a GFE type than PSE.

Most of my punts are still fundamentally a GFE which I see as practise for when I do get back to dating a civvy again - so a GFE type experience will get you used to the whole routine - enjoy the attraction, a bit of seduction, gentle kissing and caressing becoming more passionate and urgent, then seeing where the passion takes you.  Relax, enjoy, you'll have a blast, and don't forget to tell us all about it!   :D

Offline latecomer

Already lots of good advice for you above but I'd agree that there shouldn't be a great rush to do this.  Better to find the right girl to go with for the first time.  I was very nervous the first time I punted.  Afterwards you realise there's no need to be nervous but I bet we were all like that.  Have a good look through the profiles of girls that interest you (I'm assuming you'll be looking on Adultwork) and try and find one who says she specialises in first-timers.  Another tip would be to find one who welcomes disabled clients, as this is usually an indication of a girl who will be understanding and helpful.  Good hunting!

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

I remember back in the last century my first time with a civvie, she was as inexperenced as I was and there was a lot of fumbling around and me being bought up a strictly catholic boy was well laden in Guilt etc, in fact I can't quite remember the time we actualy had pentrative sex, it sort of built up to it in stages as it were;!.

Might suggest you if you have one in your area to contact an agency and explain it to them and ask if they have a girl who might be more suited to what you want.

Perhaps an older one, WG she might be but there are some around with a degree of warmth and feeling;!.

Otherwise research for a well reviewed one. Don't go for a local here today gone tomorrow Romainin girl, it's bound to be a bad experience. Some girls tour round we have one pass theru here called Linzie mae sometimes and she'd be one I think who'd be very good at what you want:).


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, in fact I can't quite remember the time we actualy had pentrative sex,

Oh god, I've gone one better and not had any idea at the time.  To my shame I have just humped away without quite knowing if it was in or out.  She didn't seem t mind though.  It was her condom making me numb.


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Bacon, if you're a virgin then best keep it a 15/30min booking as you'll probably pop your load within 10 secs of penetrative sex. Don't rush to stick your dick in, try to spread time out with foreplay (I'm sure you know what that involves) and make sure you tell the girl to go slowly. Good luck.

Offline Wilson85

This reminds me of my first time only this year.

I had to ask her if it was in  :lol:

Really make sure you go with a woman who has a good reputation, no matter how cringe worthy the performance will be she'll show you a good time.

Stop looking at porn and wanking, it does make a difference in erecting and utilizing your apparatus.

I was very lucky in choosing a good prossie for my first time. I can't actually remember specific details of the event, and it was a pleasant anticlimax, not a big deal.

nova painted floozie

  • Guest

4+5# I'm almost 100% sure i'll shoot my load pretty early and I know it'll stay with me for the rest of my life, but in a way i'd like to get it done as soon as possible even if I am tight on cash atm.

Some virgin clients are hugely surprised to find that they can't cum at all with a WG even in an hour's booking, despite masturbating frantically all the tyme at home. Others do indeed pop early and go again and again.
If it doesn't happen, don't beat yourself up about it (as it were). Just aim to enjoy the experience. I don't know how experienced you are with civvies - if you've done stuff other than full sex - but if not, just look upon it as expanding your repertoire. You can always go back or try someone else.


  • Guest
Some virgin clients are hugely surprised to find that they can't cum at all with a WG even in an hour's booking, despite masturbating frantically all the tyme at home. Others do indeed pop early and go again and again.
If it doesn't happen, don't beat yourself up about it (as it were). Just aim to enjoy the experience. I don't know how experienced you are with civvies - if you've done stuff other than full sex - but if not, just look upon it as expanding your repertoire. You can always go back or try someone else.

Thats the reason why, grabbing it too tight, jerking off too much, a woman's bits can never be as tight as a hand which is why many can't get off...

heh Nova maybe you should have the honour  :D

In fact I've been meaning to bang you, but Preston is far away and I hate driving.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 11:32:14 pm by galcom666 »

Offline SamLP

Some interesting comments here. I can understand the sentiment of the poster who advised the OP to lose his cherry to a civvie. It's a different feeling losing your cherry and taking the girls cherry at the same time, a mutual act. However, not knowing the background and reasons for the decision by the OP, if he feels it's the right thing to do then by all means do what you wish to do. Maybe consider a well reviewed girl or an older lady milf type for your first time. You don't want an uninterested girl who will say no kissing, no owo, no touching and ask you when are you cumming before she rushes you out knowing you're a newbie. Good luck

Offline x369

I'm going to go against the grain here and say: do not lose your virginity to a working girl. Seriously, you will regret it. You said you were in a rush to lose it but there's no shame in being a Virgin. I didn't lose my virginity until my late teens. And it wasn't as if I didn't have offers, I was just waiting for the right girl.

Don't get me wrong, finding a decent WG is great but I would never in a million years want to lose my virginity to one. Just find yourself a steady, decent gf before you go down this path. If you jump straight into this, you're going to find it hard in the future to develop a proper relationship.

Just trust me on this. I promise you, you'll thank me later. There is no rush whatsoever.

I totally agree with this, don't rush into loosing your virginity, does it really matter what you look like ?? no one is perfect but to someone you will be the perfect boyfriend material.

When your a lot older and waist line is larger than your chest size then go ahead then and maybe start punting but not know, go and enjoy life before it becomes to serious and your ties you down.

Sorry if it seems like I'm not helping but I really am.


  • Guest
The reality is that there are arguments for both sides. Yes, the ideal is to lose your virginity to a childhood sweetheart and never look back, but times have changed and the reality is that it's more likely to be a disappointing drunken fumble than a bed of roses by candlelight.

For example, imagine losing your virginity to a seriously hot porn star or one of the more established ladies on AW. If the experience was mind-blowing you'd ALWAYS be able to recall it and have a fantastic story for the grandkids too. :)

Of course, losing it to a civvie is more than likely to be both free and memorable if she's fit, but a hot girl (in my experience) doesn't always equal hot sex. The girls that are a 9/10 are often too lazy to give a fuck as they've been worshipped by guys since they were teenagers. The 7/8s on the other hand are usually more responsive - and try harder in the sack.

So either choose a pretty young civvie and wine her to get it out of the way, or go the whole hog and bang a superstar tart who knows how to guarantee you will never forget the experience.

Offline Wilson85

I agree there shouldn't be any mad rush at 18 years of age to get laid.

If ten years down the road you still haven't got lucky, then reconsider trying a prossie. I would be wary of falling for a prossie if you lost your virginity with her at a young age.

When you're older you should hopefully be better able to reason and rationalise any potenital negative emotions, and not make a tit of yourself.  Like this poor chap:

I waited for the idealistic civie first time, but at the age of 28 I thought realistically that I'd have to book a prossie. It was a positive experience but not one I'd recommend to my 18 year old self due to a lack of emotional maturity at that age.  YMMV.

Thats my fluffy cunts view on the matter.

Offline madeinwales56

I'm going to go against the grain here and say: do not lose your virginity to a working girl. Seriously, you will regret it. You said you were in a rush to lose it but there's no shame in being a Virgin. I didn't lose my virginity until my late teens. And it wasn't as if I didn't have offers, I was just waiting for the right girl.

Don't get me wrong, finding a decent WG is great but I would never in a million years want to lose my virginity to one. Just find yourself a steady, decent gf before you go down this path. If you jump straight into this, you're going to find it hard in the future to develop a proper relationship.

Just trust me on this. I promise you, you'll thank me later. There is no rush whatsoever.

Sorry if it seems like I'm not helping but I really am.

I agree totally with SomeBlackGuy. His are very wise words. You need to build up some sexual confidence before paying a whore because however carefully you select one she is only there for the money not to give you sex lessons. I would urge you to listen to SBG and an old fucker like me. You will regret it, you won't enjoy it and you will wish you hadn't done it. Go and find the local bike and bang away on her, get some sexual miles under your belt before you go with a prossie. Ask your mates who in your area is a guaranteed shag and hey presto.

Offline Dani

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I would normally say to not visit a prossie to lose your virginity but as you have already made the decision then I will reiterate what others have said and look carefully and book someone who is going to look after you. Someone who won't rush and then throw you out as soon as you pop. It might also be useful to ask for some guidance as well. Getting it right takes practise and we can only get better at it if we know what we are supposed to be doing in the first place and you would be quite surprised at the amount of people who think they know but actually don't. A decent prossie will happily give little bits of helpful info as you go along which will in turn give you increased confidence in what you are doing
Forget AW and look at the reviews on here instead and pick someone with at least a couple of good reviews. AW reviews are not always honest but the ones on here tend to be completely honest as posters can post without fear of retribution all bad feedback
Find a woman who will take her time and let your explore what you like, who will take the lead but allow you to suggest what you want to try. Someone who won't be rushing you out and who will give you the time paid regardless if you cum ten times or not at all

Also lay off wanking a few days before so your cock is not so desensitised as a hand grip is always going to be much firmer than vaginal sex will. You will be nervous as hell but don't worry as most of us are used to seeing nervous men.  Also as you are nervous don't fall into the trap of talking for ages as that comes off your time. If she keeps chatting ask if you can get on with things. A few minutes chat is good to relax but some will sense you are new and take the piss. Again a good reason to check reviews on here first

Most of all good luck and enjoy yourself