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Author Topic: Never punted - thoughts on going  (Read 1529 times)

Offline JJ72

Hi all,

I've been lurking recently and have been reading a little. 'Punting' as a phrase didn't exist until a week ago, nor OWO, CIM, RB, RO but I'm picking up bits here and there. I have also notice a level of disdain for 1st post/new topics :) I apologise for doing so.
I was considering lurking more but I figured asking questions might be a better way. Sorry for any perceived laziness - I did a search on others' first times and that mostly answered all my questions but I've still a few thoughts.

Should I do this? I'm not really feeling like I'm tarnishing myself with a brush in the slightest but it's not quite the same process as getting new wheels for a car.

"It's my first time with a WG" - Should you tell them that it's your first time punting? I basically don't want to be taken advantage of and if anything, want to be taken care of. This doesn't seem to be a big thing unless you're with a bad WG. It's also fine to say that you want the WG to take the lead which I think is maybe apt.

Time - I'm imagining that you should start out with a short session rather than a long one just in case things don't go to well to begin with, to get used to the idea and so that you don't spend unnecessary cash for no reason. I've read one converse to this where the poster said that for another £40 you can basically have double the time to recover/do more/fuck up if you have to.

Time management - There's also things that the WG can do like say "I am going to change into something sexy" to run down your time - I'm really not wanting to be rushed out but this isn't really something you can request is it?

Location - I've read that you should do things like scout out the locations (Google maps etc) and make sure you know where you're going to save time/not get lost.

What's on offer - How to go about asking what's on offer so you don't miss out on OWO, FK, only get to pop once just because you didn't ask.

It seems the best advice is be clean, polite and having some chewing gum  :D

Any comments welcome. I'm somewhat nervous as to what might happen in future. 'An expensive hobby' some have called it :lol:

Offline Kentpunt

the main advice that id give is ALWAYS wear a condom, never go in bareback even if she says "only £20 extra just for you" if she said it to you she has said it to everyone and who knows what shes got wrong with her
also most will offer you a shower so try and have one before you leave because some of them will count the time you had in the shower as actual punt time
and if you find a girl and she has a few good feedback you should ignore that as the feedback system piss poor, so always search on here for the girl before anything  just in-case shes a mental cunt :thumbsup:

Offline samuel

Choose the right girl - well reviewed, smart, and keen to uphold their reputation - and most of the problems that some report, vanish.

Choose with your head as much as your dick and you should be fine. The good ones will readily sense your needs.


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One piece of advice: Don't do it.

It's expensive, addictive and dangerous.

As anyone on this forum will tell you, once you start you will NEVER stop.

PS: ignore the above  ;)

Offline bakerted

Well your asking in the right place which is a good start. The key is picking the right girl which you can do by checking the reviews here.

Should I do this?

Only you can answer that question.

From my point of view I envy you for the fact that you have your first punt to experience. Many ukp members look back on their first punts with fond memories. An experience that most would like to recreate if it were at all possible.

I wouldn't bother saying it's your first time because you stand more chance of being taken advantage of but you could ask the pro$$ie to take the lead.

Time - I went for 1hr30 on my first punt as I don't like to be rushed. Depends what you feel comfortable with. If you feel you would pop early then go for 30min or an hour if you can manage multiple pops in that time. You will soon suss the time wasting tactics pro$$ies employ. Just be polite but firm if you feel you are being cut short.

Always a good thing to know where you are going, where you might park etc. Good preparation would help to calm your nerves and make for a better punt.

Be clean, be polite and as you have mentioned ask what's on offer and what you get for your cash or your setting yourself up for a poor punt. Same with most things 'you don't ask you don't get'.



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Offline JJ72

Good advice all round so far - even the don't! comments  :D

I've been reading up a few reviews here and adding WGs to my Hot List. I'm thinking that the girl's attitude is quite important for me as a bad one sort of turns everything off for me. There's only one that I'm thinking about that I've not got a lot of data on.

Offline flybynightpm

Had my first punt last week, 3 your research, read the reviews here and on the other sites..I choose a well known MK establishment and it was brill... absolutely agree with everything above... very addictive... and £. Wouldn't bother with a 30min session as its all too quick.. 45 was ok, but more is way better...


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Good advice all round so far - even the don't! comments  :D

I've been reading up a few reviews here and adding WGs to my Hot List. I'm thinking that the girl's attitude is quite important for me as a bad one sort of turns everything off for me. There's only one that I'm thinking about that I've not got a lot of data on.

I would go for a good attitude as a priority over looks.  It's much better to go in to see a girl who's ok looking but who treats you really well, than a girl who's really hot but acts totally cold and has you leave feeling a bit empty.  It's hard to gauge because I think we respond to people very differently seeing them in pictures to seeing them in real life (i.e. I've been attracted to people in real life who I probably wouldn't have taken a second look at from a photo), so just check out what people have written about them here.

For your first time definitely be sure to pick someone who's been well reviewed here.  That should get you off on the right foot.  If you want to take a risk on someone who's unreviewed later on that's up to you.

Offline JJ72

Magic. Cheers everyone :)

I've only one thing that I want to ask now - looking up a thread on communication etiquette and finding out how to initiate a session/meet a poster said to get verbal communication and find out if what you require is available (because not everyone does what is said on their page).
Is there a good way to go about this? Being polite enough on the phone "Hello, I'm looking for such and such, are you free at this time and that" is fine to me but do I really just say "I'm wanting to confirm some of your services? Do you do facials, CIM, uniform?" ? :unknown:

Offline claretandblue

go for a half hour booking first,i wouldnt bother mentioning its your first time with a prossie unless your generally inexperienced


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Don't do it. I continue to do it myself, but I wish I never did. That is my actual advice.

Offline shagbambi

One piece of advice: Don't do it.

It's expensive, addictive and dangerous.

As anyone on this forum will tell you, once you start you will NEVER stop.

+1  Could not put it better myself.


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preperation is good but analysis is other words, dont over-think, find a girl you like that has good reviews and book her. If problems arise learn from them, move on and try another girl.

Offline Steely Dan

Confirm services if it is a show stopper. Is it really? Basically if the reviews here say the service is on offer then it probably is.  I value OWO but a few who offer only OW are in my top set of punts.  As a new punter I suggest enjoy whats on offer.  Enjoy the moment dont wish for more.  Plan for time...

Offline Ali Katt

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Should I do this? I'm not really feeling like I'm tarnishing myself with a brush in the slightest but it's not quite the same process as getting new wheels for a car. Your choice ask yourself why you want to?

"It's my first time with a WG" - Should you tell them that it's your first time punting? I basically don't want to be taken advantage of and if anything, want to be taken care of. This doesn't seem to be a big thing unless you're with a bad WG. It's also fine to say that you want the WG to take the lead which I think is maybe apt.Some disagree I say no, as the girl could take advantage and talk your time and offer a crap massage and other such nonsense, she will know you are a newbie without any verbal arrangements

Time - I'm imagining that you should start out with a short session rather than a long one just in case things don't go to well to begin with, to get used to the idea and so that you don't spend unnecessary cash for no reason. I've read one converse to this where the poster said that for another £40 you can basically have double the time to recover/do more/fuck up if you have to.Once again your choice. My first punts were an hour and now I rarely do more than 30 mins. 45 mins would be a good middle ground, make sure cum twice is on offer if you bbook an hour before cash changes hands

Time management - There's also things that the WG can do like say "I am going to change into something sexy" to run down your time - I'm really not wanting to be rushed out but this isn't really something you can request is it?I've never had a girl get changed during the session. Most common timewastes are excessive talking to delay the action crap massages "to relax you" that last for half the time, making more than one cup of tea, spending ages stashing the cash and answering the phone - you can move thins along by initiating contact and verbally suggesting or denying massage. Ending your time with a massage is another one, so the girl doesn't have to fuck twice.

Location - I've read that you should do things like scout out the locations (Google maps etc) and make sure you know where you're going to save time/not get lost.yes it works if they give out a postcode or the road name. Many don't know the postcode as it's not their home. I use google maps to check if the area is a shit hole, also if you punt in a different city, look up if said area is a shit hole before hand if you do not the city. Don't bother if the directions are, "turn left at the green sign etc" also don't park where they tell you they could be spying

What's on offer - How to go about asking what's on offer so you don't miss out on OWO, FK, only get to pop once just because you didn't ask.I say can I cum twice before I cum if the answer yes I cum, if not I delay orgasm, with DFK and OWO you can ask before money changes hands, but in some cases they say yes and a DFK is peck on the lips, and OWO lasts 2 seconds before the condom goes on, if so you or anyone else should write a report.

It seems the best advice is be clean, polite and having some chewing gum  :D and be prepared

Any comments welcome. I'm somewhat nervous as to what might happen in future. 'An expensive hobby' some have called it :lol:


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As a new punter I suggest enjoy whats on offer.  Enjoy the moment dont wish for more.  Plan for time...

Yeh I'd second this.  Before I did my first punt I had all these ideas of what I wanted to do, but in the end the first punt was very vanilla and I think that was best, just got used to the whole idea of how it worked, and then on later punts you can start looking for specific things when you know what you're doing a bit more.