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Author Topic: Paris Pigalle “Escualita” transexual shemale lady boy club night  (Read 683 times)

Offline markmamailrk20


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Life took me to the City of Light for a couple of days and decided to make a go of it. I decided to forgo the French ghetto girls or snobby Russian bints from the online escort sites, and I was not about to knock one of the old grannies down Rue Saint-Denis. For all of the erotic/sexual bumph about the French, since the change in the law criminalising punters and the more general shift in social attitudes, the once legendary punting scene in the French capital has become diminished for your everyday nobody like me. There are whisperings that high level politicians, footballers and business types have access to all kinds of opportunities, but alas a looser of my calibre is never going to penetrate this social orifice.

However, a little known fact/urban legend is that Paris is home to the largest number of trannies in Europe who hail from the four corners of the globe. As one can easily ascertain from my reviews I am partial to a bird with a bazooka and decided to dip my toe into the Paris trans scene. Initial key strokes turned up the much discussed, highly active yet very illegal scene in the “Bois de Boulogne” park. Some committed souls have even attempted to draw up free online maps and rotas of who works where within the large urban park. Yes, in a park. Herein lies the problem – you are required to trudge, often after dark, around a massive urban park replete with cops, robbers and bandits of all shades only to get your rocks off behind a tree, and judging from online accounts often with some pervert having a good goggle from the bushes. Added to this it could get you in trouble with the law, and a hefty fine to boot, this was not going to work for me. I needed to dig a little deeper and really try and find the under belly that my punting radar told me must exist somewhere.

With the help of google translate and some time spent searching the web I found that there is a well-established, weekly, trans night in Paris called “Escualita” every Sunday night in a central location. This sounded like it could be a winner. Added to this entry is free between mid-night and half past. Result! Full disclaimer – I did not go with a punt in mind – more out of curiosity.

I entered the club through the side door with no issues. I admit I felt insecure and although I don’t know anyone in Paris, I felt vulnerable that someone might somehow find out I was a she-cock lover. On entry, the club was actually fuller than I expected. The club itself is beautifully sleazy, red walls, velvet, moody fit French bar maids, wow. I was set upon at the bar by an aging North African tranny who was friendly but I bit overly friendly and touchy feely and was not really for me. I bought her an over priced €10 beer as she filled me in on trans goings on in Paris, even giving me her number and offering to “guide” me through the Paris scene. I don’t know why but something just felt a bit off, and I saw her repeat this act throughout the night with various other loners.

Otherwise the crowd was extremely mixed. Some older, peado looking guys, a range of done up Latina trans and even some couples – i.e. straight looking/acting guys with their trans girls just out for a good time which was quite sweet. There was also way more “ghetto” Paris types than I expected – both hyper masculine men but also a range of young black/north African French born young trans, some of the them really fit. These seemed again out for a good time and neither touting for business and just there with friends. I tried to speak to a few assorted birds but a lack of French and Spanish held me back. A slightly weird aspect of the club was the “smoking area” – basically a windowless room near the toilets and the overspill of chain smokers meant the toilets essentially became a smoking area which is not ideal – but this is Paris after all!

Now, down to the important fleshy details. I was hanging around and an hour or so in, I started to be offered punts. There were some absolute A+ grade stunners – the kind of very feminine, young, slim trans model types. A couple of friends offered me a three some for €200 each at mine or theirs. This sounds expensive but this is the reality of punting in Paris at a high level. I even got approached by a total knock out brunette that spoke perfect English who was half Arab/half Irish who had lived in Ireland she was tall, slim, and had one of the best asses I have ever seen. She would have run me €350 which was eye watering, especially when she told me she was only passive.

I was shocked at the openness of the touting by the girls at the club and the quality was actually very very high. I hung around until about 2:30-3am (the night goes on until 5am) and it was packed, a really nice, friendly party vibe and everyone was very polite and friendly, especially by Paris standards. I had a noticed a sexy milfy, big boobed Mediterranean looking type doing the rounds who seemed to know most people there including the DJ. By this point I had had enough and resigned myself to the climax of my experience being a loveless wank at my cheap chain hotel about what could have been.

Literally couldn’t make this up but as I was heading for the door the big boobed milf crossed my path, we locked eyes, smiled and I said hello to her and she stopped for a chat. I asked how her night was going, she spoke passable English, she was Moroccan who had lived in Spain. I asked what her plans were. She smiled, and asked “how much” and she started the bidding at €250. I got her down to €200 to go to her place. I was apprehensive, but her address was in a decent area, I ordered the uber but as I had not thought a punt was on the cards I had no cash. Luckily there was a cash machine just outside the club, I withdrew the cash as she stalled the uber and we were off. It was quite exhilarating. She was very nice and we had a good chat on the way to her actually very nice and well-kept flat.

The punt, to be honest, was not the best. She gave good oral but couldn’t really get hard as I sucked her and didn’t kiss as deeply as a I would have liked. However, she didn’t rush me, was happy for me to hang around with her and chat, cuddle and stroke. However, after about an hour and a single pop I was spent and needed some sleep. We swapped numbers and I ubered back to my hotel, getting to bed about 5am. All in all not a cheap night about (I probably did just over €300 all in) but by Paris standards a decent trans punt in a nice apartment is not cheap. I would go back but if you want to punt a top rate French tranny you will need deep pockets!

Offline bbois77

This "club" has been on the go for years, dare I say it's more of a clip joint, you never get what you pay for and expect to be ripped off.

Madrid or Barcelona are the two hot spots for trans providers in Europe, there's even two Tgirl brothels in Barca! :hi:

Offline markmamailrk20

This "club" has been on the go for years, dare I say it's more of a clip joint, you never get what you pay for and expect to be ripped off.

this is not one of the clip joints in pigalle but a regular, legit nightclub with a trans night. There are no reviews here and given frequent requests about info for punting in Paris i thought i would add my experiences

[/quote] Madrid or Barcelona are the two hot spots for trans providers in Europe, there's even two Tgirl brothels in Barca! :hi:

care to share any info?