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Author Topic: When girls have phone numbers crossed out on Adult Work, what does it mean?  (Read 962 times)

Offline jaj909

Ive noticed that some AW profiles i have saved will show the number crossed out, then the following week the number will be normal. I have the plugin installed that lets you see their profile pics in large below the profile etc, and I suspect this crossing out of the number might be that the girls want a break from AW but the plugin allows you to see their number that correct? (just a guess)

Online scutty brown

the phone numbers of any AW profiles that have been reviewed are cached on the forum.
If the phone number is missing from AW the plugin may be pulling it from here. The other plugin definitely does

Offline jaj909

ok, thanks.
I dont get notifications of responses to posts so didn't see your reply till now.

Online scutty brown

ok, thanks.
I dont get notifications of responses to posts so didn't see your reply till now.

nobody gets click on the "new replies" link instead