Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Mr Floppy  (Read 2878 times)

Offline Clicktocollect


Never happened before but I didn't get to finish in a punt.

Started ok but the old fella went limp.

I think it was a combination of stuff but the main things I think was the clinical detachment of the girl and her brusque approach coupled with her obsession with tissues, wet wipes and  "condom management"

Stunning physically but not a great rapport and I felt, we'll, on my own?  during the punt.

I think I'm getting old :-(

Offline cunnyhunt

Offline ForrestGump

...the clinical detachment of the girl and her brusque approach coupled with her obsession with tissues, wet wipes and  "condom management"

I've experienced the same punt-killing approach by wgs a couple of times now. It had exactly the same effect on me. This is so not your problem. Never return to that girl.  :thumbsdown:

Offline webpunter

Have found that a frosty approach is a real killer when it comes to little WP
Even at the best of times then desire is reduced
And if a combo of bladdered / tired then no chance
But with a WG who may not be as stunning but is up for it & nice & sexy then i normally never fail

Offline Clicktocollect

Review her please  :hi:

Of course, just reviewing it in my head first, I need to formulate the content and decide if I'm looking to blame the girl entirely for what may have been an emerging physical issue with myself.

Offline webpunter

Of course, just reviewing it in my head first, I need to formulate the content and decide if I'm looking to blame the girl entirely for what may have been an emerging physical issue with myself.
- less wanking pre punt
- try & get fitter
- take some viagra or kamagra [drink loads of water with the latter].  These are great for extended sessions / when tired or wrecked / two pops
- avoid munters

Offline Clicktocollect

I've experienced the same punt-killing approach by wgs a couple of times now. It had exactly the same effect on me. This is so not your problem. Never return to that girl.  :thumbsdown:

Cheers FG. I thought I might be going soft (sic) for no reason  but definitely wasn't expecting this to happen, il leave a review tomorrow (today)

Offline Clicktocollect

- less wanking pre punt
- try & get fitter
- take some viagra or kamagra [drink loads of water with the latter].  These are great for extended sessions / when tired or wrecked / two pops
- avoid munters
Definitely not a munter. That's what made it worse.  Pre punt I was visualising fucking the the arse off her. She looked as good as her pictures :-(.

Offline webpunter

Definitely not a munter. That's what made it worse.  Pre punt I was visualising fucking the the arse off her. She looked as good as her pictures :-(.
A while ago i had a problem for a few months when i found it difficult to get really hard / shoot my bolt
Mentioned this to my 'go to girl' who told me to relax & think about +ve things
And was then really naughty with me - dirty sexy talk & all that.  Which made a big difference
Think i was just a bit under the weather / tired generally
Saw her again a while later after doing some exercise , cut down on alcohol & was much better
Said thank-you & gave her a tip [in cash !]
It's not so much about how they look - it's how they are with you i find
Up close then its more about their interaction
I tend to be lucky on this with some girlies, especially on repeat visits
I've mentioned to go-to-girl / one other than i didn't feel as good as normal.  Just a bit tired / stressed & work stuff on my mind and that this was showing in little WP
When they smile / kiss you & whisper in your ear something like "lets see about that" and go for it then it really works wonders


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Definitely not a munter. That's what made it worse.  Pre punt I was visualising fucking the the arse off her. She looked as good as her pictures :-(.

Reckon that was part of the problem: high expectations.  I go into a punt expecting that I will not get the Photoshopped vixen I was hoping to see and this results in less of a let down (mental and, er, physical).

If you feel worried about your next punt as a result I suggest you see a reg, if you have one, or try someone a little older as they can deal with Mr. Floppy and make you feel good.

Offline santiago2

  I dont always get a real stiffun these days, but never have any problem cummin with owo
 so if you think you're going to fail, dont give up, stick it in her gob  :thumbsup:

Offline ForrestGump

...I thought I might be going soft (sic) for no reason...

I'm aware of another post of yours suggesting there may be a physical/mental tiredness aspect impacting your punting performance. With that in mind it's quite likely there's a combination of factors.

This thread I started a little while ago is probably a little off the mark for you but worth a read as it contains a lot of really insightful info. That's assuming you haven't already seen it, of course:

Offline Clicktocollect

I'm aware of another post of yours suggesting there may be a physical/mental tiredness aspect impacting your punting performance. With that in mind it's quite likely there's a combination of factors.

This thread I started a little while ago is probably a little off the mark for you but worth a read as it contains a lot of really insightful info. That's assuming you haven't already seen it, of course:

Thanks again FG I will give that post another look later. I do have a preference  for GFE.

I didn't do anything different on this punt as previous ones at the same venue. So it was either the cold shower or the girl or both or an off day for my dick/brain process.

I remain hopefully and defiant of the blue pill :-)


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Mr Floppy just sometimes happens even on a good punt, when going for pop 2 for me, when I've been wanking too much beforehand.  It's just one of those things.  Just take it on the chin like a man and don't blame the WG. 

Offline webpunter

Just take it on the chin like a man and don't blame the WG.
I prefer it when i manage to hit the WG's chin.  Ready........Aim..........FIRE

Offline cunnyhunt

Mr Floppy just sometimes happens even on a good punt, when going for pop 2 for me, when I've been wanking too much beforehand.  It's just one of those things.  Just take it on the chin like a man and don't blame the WG.

The problem may be on both sides, He may not of been 100% but with more effort from the pro$$ie he could of overcome his issue. The fact he stated there was a detachment and brusque manner with over emphasis on wet wipes means that the pro$$ie has to take some blame/fault.

Offline Happylad

It happened to me recently with a girl I had seen a couple of times before - nothing to do with her, she was delightful, affectionate, and ready and waiting.  Unfortunately I had got the hard stand as soon as I started kissing her breasts, and took my time giving her oral to orgasm, and then as soon as she produced the condom......FLOP.  She did everything possible to retrieve the situation, but the more she tried the sillier I felt and the floppier it got.

She was most understanding and told me that if I saw her again I was to go for the bullseye as soon as I got hard and do the oral bit afterwards.  I shall.


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Never happened before but I didn't get to finish in a punt.

Started ok but the old fella went limp.

I think it was a combination of stuff but the main things I think was the clinical detachment of the girl and her brusque approach coupled with her obsession with tissues, wet wipes and  "condom management"

Stunning physically but not a great rapport and I felt, we'll, on my own?  during the punt.

I think I'm getting old :-(

I've had that happen in a punt (once), and it was down to the attitude of the WG, as she was trying to rush through everything and kept complaining.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 07:26:08 pm by jcdmj12 »


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There's no shame in going soft. I put it down to pressure. Thinking about it makes it worse, as already mentioned, being relaxed and at ease helps. And putting on the rubber gently and sensually helps too.
Don't blame yourself. It happens to a lot of blokes at some point. If the condom puts the fear of god into your Johnson, maybe get to the brink from oral and then put it on.

Offline itk

Happened just the once for me. Was many years ago in the back of my car, was still hard but couldn't cum. Told the WG to forget it, but she wouldn't have it, seemed like a mission of hers to get me to cum. Did what she promised in the end.
The WG was a regular at the time, I've always thought it was the situation of where we were, parked up in a pretty dodgy part of town.


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I use a cock ring and a ball bag ring I have no problem getting erections but I like wearing the cock ring .

Offline Corus Boy


Never happened before but I didn't get to finish in a punt.

Started ok but the old fella went limp.

I think it was a combination of stuff but the main things I think was the clinical detachment of the girl and her brusque approach coupled with her obsession with tissues, wet wipes and  "condom management"

Stunning physically but not a great rapport and I felt, we'll, on my own?  during the punt.

I think I'm getting old :-(

My experience is that it is all down to the girl rather than me.

One Thai lady I knew could charm an erection out of me, anytime she wanted!  :rolleyes: A combination of patience, seduction, charm, beauty, great oral skills, a gentle touch and many other little touches. 

However when a girl goes like it like a bull in a china shop, grabbing your cock and wielding it like it was a baseball bat will not get a reaction from me.

Maybe 50 years ago young lust would react to that, maybe even enjoy it, but now a gentle seductive approach gets the results.

Offline webpunter

My experience is that it is all down to the girl rather than me.
One Thai lady I knew could charm an erection out of me, anytime she wanted!  :rolleyes: A combination of patience, seduction, charm, beauty, great oral skills, a gentle touch and many other little touches. 
I think that the girl has a great influence over the outcome.  I had the most monumentally shit HJ & shag a while ago.  Started off OK & it went rapidly downhill. Was quite alcohol fuelled and in this scenario i lost interest.  Whereas with a willing girlie then its the other way round.  The alcohol effects seem to evaporate
Would love to have a play with your Thai lady !


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Quit the porn and don't masturbate for two weeks before the punt.

Offline Clicktocollect

Quit the porn and don't masturbate for two weeks before the punt.
Two weeks? That's a big ask   :scare:

Offline webpunter

Two weeks? That's a big ask   :scare:
No it isn't - ask Bigus Dickus who reckons he's stopping punting
Yeah right !

Offline Corus Boy

I think that the girl has a great influence over the outcome.  I had the most monumentally shit HJ & shag a while ago.  Started off OK & it went rapidly downhill. Was quite alcohol fuelled and in this scenario i lost interest.  Whereas with a willing girlie then its the other way round.  The alcohol effects seem to evaporate
Would love to have a play with your Thai lady !

Long gone from the business  :(


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What happens is when we masturbate to porn too much our brains become wired to that. Think of like this... when you were very young and never had access to porn you could masturbate without any visual simulation. As you got older and masturbated to porn your brain needed some visual simulation to get a lot of pleasure from it. Same with real life women and porn.

Another factor is masturbating using the death grip. Your private parts become accustomed to this  tight grip and when you have sex with a real woman you go soft because your dong prefers something tighter.

I used to have this problem a lot on punts till I cut out the death grip and porn.