Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Just freaked out !!  (Read 1998 times)


  • Guest
A word of warning Lads. I have just, and I mean only a couple of mins ago had a right shock.
I bought my partner a mini IPad a couple of months ago and just came to put an entry into 'notes' for her for the first time since we bought it. You can imagine my horror when the first entry was all of my punting reminders including girls phone numbers performance ratings etc. that I record on my own IPad.

So this is a warning and a question, 'how the fuck can that happen'


  • Guest
Apple items sync, turn it off you yours i'm sure there is a way.


  • Guest
A word of warning Lads. I have just, and I mean only a couple of mins ago had a right shock.
I bought my partner a mini IPad a couple of months ago and just came to put an entry into 'notes' for her for the first time since we bought it. You can imagine my horror when the first entry was all of my punting reminders including girls phone numbers performance ratings etc. that I record on my own IPad.

So this is a warning and a question, 'how the fuck can that happen'

The same way that various celebrities ended up being posted all over the Internet after being taken on their "private" iphones.  Never, ever use an idevice for anything private.  Android isn't much better.

Offline webpunter

A word of warning Lads. I have just, and I mean only a couple of mins ago had a right shock.
I bought my partner a mini IPad a couple of months ago and just came to put an entry into 'notes' for her for the first time since we bought it. You can imagine my horror when the first entry was all of my punting reminders including girls phone numbers performance ratings etc. that I record on my own IPad.
So this is a warning and a question, 'how the fuck can that happen'
I'm not surprised.  Did your heart skip a beat or two & you get a shiver go right down you ? Just as well she doesn't have a clue how to use the iPad.  Or maybe she does but hasn't said anything & will chop your cock off with a knife when you are asleep  :scare: Time to delete the stuff on your iPad sharpish.  Get yourself an anonymous email & send to yourself straight from notes.  Although remember to delete the 'bcc' entry or else it will send also to your main email address.  Then delete the sent email & also then the trash.  Will save re-writing the notes etc if lengthy.  If short then maybe best to get the best bits & do manually.  I send emails to myself from the anonymous addresses etc on the home page.  These can then be put into folders.  If for instance you have a Gmail address for personal stuff then do NOT have an anonymous email address also on Gmail.  Otherwise on a PC then when you go into the Gmail homepage for example - then the other email addresses can show up.  Fuck knows why yours & her iPads as syncing ?

Offline Mij

..... and a question, 'how the fuck can that happen'

I assume you're using the same Apple ID on both devices. Whatever apps you buy, notes you make, music you download, and topically, photos you take, all get synced to ALL of your devices with the same Apple ID using Apple sync unless you specifically turn it off. It's on by default! This includes emails too, both received AND sent!

To turn it off, go to Settings, iCloud, and choose there which ones you don't want to sync.

Better still, set her up with her own Apple ID and remove all traces of your ID on her iPad.

Offline Northerndave666

Do a Factory Reset to be sure and keep your Apple ID well away from her device !


  • Guest
Same thing happened to me a while back. I'd put a few recipes on my iPad (pulled pork etc etc) and punting info on my phone. Anyway one night me and the duchess are cooking shit up in the kitchen and she said what's the recipe for blah blah. Opened up the iPad and fooooookin elllll. Lots of info re total slut blah and BJ Queen that. Deleted the note straightaway and learnt an important lesson. All the apple shit is synched so be careful

Offline SamLP

I'm not surprised.  Did your heart skip a beat or two & you get a shiver go right down you ? Just as well she doesn't have a clue how to use the iPad.  Or maybe she does but hasn't said anything & will chop your cock off with a knife when you are asleep  :scare: Time to delete the stuff on your iPad sharpish.  Get yourself an anonymous email & send to yourself straight from notes.  Although remember to delete the 'bcc' entry or else it will send also to your main email address.  Then delete the sent email & also then the trash.  Will save re-writing the notes etc if lengthy.  If short then maybe best to get the best bits & do manually.  I send emails to myself from the anonymous addresses etc on the home page.  These can then be put into folders.  If for instance you have a Gmail address for personal stuff then do NOT have an anonymous email address also on Gmail.  Otherwise on a PC then when you go into the Gmail homepage for example - then the other email addresses can show up.  Fuck knows why yours & her iPads as syncing ?

No need to complicate it. Just send yourself an email from the anonymous email to the same email you're using, or write up a note and save it in the drafts.

Offline Tailpipe

Watch out for the reading list on the iPad that's fucked a few of my mates.

Punting and apple product is not a good plan .

Unless you don,t,give shit like me .

If you must turn off the iCloud shit for a start and don,t share a iTunes account
And don,t sync over wifi .

Offline Northerndave666

And stop uploading those pics of you naked, hoping they get picked up by thr Daily Mail  :dance:

Offline webpunter

Watch out for the reading list on the iPad that's fucked a few of my mates.
WTF is reading list ?


  • Guest
Steve Jobs himself said if you want to look at porn, get an android device.  I doubt he felt any more positive about his customers punting.

Offline CBPaul

The same way that various celebrities ended up being posted all over the Internet after being taken on their "private" iphones. Never, ever use an idevice for anything private.  Android isn't much better.

Spot on  :thumbsup:

Far too dangerous if anonymity and secrecy is important.


  • Guest
Some great advice there, thanks. I really did come over all flushed. I know she ain't seen it as she knows nothing about 'notes' but just shows you can take all sorts of precautions and still fuck up. I cleared it straight out but from what I gather from this post the info, that is still on my IPad, could still find its way back to the trouble and strifes Ipad then ? I thought the sync only happened when you plugged your device into your PC and pressed the sync button.