Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Why it's important to report bad profiles!  (Read 534 times)

Offline Benjboy87

Hi Everyone,

Often, when I find a totally ridiculous profile, I often report and have successfully had profiles removed.

I'd thought I'd share 1 here for a profile (now removed) having reported as:
1. Using fake pictures.
2. Having a picture showing a booking with a punters number showing.

I reported the profile and AW sent me a copy of the email sent to the escorts email address below:

Thank you for your email.
Images contained within your profile can be found elsewhere on the Internet and are not being used in conjunction with the site.
Member photos and movie uploads must feature the member, have been filmed by the member and/or legally belong to the member. Members are not permitted to upload any content that has been obtained from other sources or that has been purchased or licenced from, by or through a third party.” is operated in an open and honest fashion as a club for the benefit of the members. Anyone found to be acting in a manner deemed to be outside the spirit of the club or in any way against the interest of the club and its members will be removed and any credits they have accumulated will be forfeited. 
Our genuine members do not appreciate being deceived and any actions we take are in the interests of our genuine membership. 
Because you seriously violated our Terms (, your account will not be reactivated and no further correspondence will be entered into regarding the matter.
Thank you for your understanding. 

The Team

So regardless of what you think about the way the site is run, this shows it is worth the 5 minutes to report.


Offline PilotMan

I've reported profiles using fake pictures to AW, and almost without exception they remove the profiles immediately.

Offline Benjboy87

I've reported profiles using fake pictures to AW, and almost without exception they remove the profiles immediately.

So both of us have absolutely proven that reporting bad profiles does in fact work.

Offline Lewis

In my experience it can be hit and miss.
Sometimes it's almost like there is a lazy moderator on AW who can't be bothered doing fuck all.

Leave it a couple of days, and try again. Profile taken down within a couple of hours.