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Author Topic: Too tired to punt. Do you cancel?  (Read 1902 times)

Offline Metalgear2018

If you have a pre arranged punt which you have planned with the escort. The night before you have a terrible night. For example, sleep deprived and can’t function through out the day. Do you cancel the booking?

The reason I ask. Is because sleep deprivation can cause irritability and frustration. Therefore performance and the punting experience will be impacted. Is it best to cancel?

I know in the punting world you should never cancel due to the escort allocating a slot to you. And I can lead to no future bookings.

Offline DoorDash

Nope, always pop a cialis and espresso combo and game on

Manneth uppeth  :drinks:

Offline Adoniron

If you have a pre arranged punt which you have planned with the escort. The night before you have a terrible night. For example, sleep deprived and can’t function through out the day. Do you cancel the booking?

The reason I ask. Is because sleep deprivation can cause irritability and frustration. Therefore performance and the punting experience will be impacted. Is it best to cancel?

I know in the punting world you should never cancel due to the escort allocating a slot to you. And I can lead to no future bookings.

Is this hypothetical or did it happen to you? If it happened what did you do?

Offline Metalgear2018

Nope, always pop a cialis and espresso combo and game on

Manneth uppeth  :drinks:

Yes I do take the blue pill. But I never thought about having an espresso? I usually have a latte. However I don’t think a latte is strong enough?

Offline Metalgear2018

Is this hypothetical or did it happen to you? If it happened what did you do?

I was going to see an escort but cancelled (ghosted). However, she was a Rom and pimp was doing the arrangements so I wasn’t fully invested in the punt.

Offline Murray Mint

So, you wake up in the morning feeling like death, then cancel. Providing you can give the SP a couple of hours notice then what's the issue? Why waste your money on something you probably won't enjoy? I guess if the notice is less than an hour you may have a problem if you want to rebook, but if you explain the situation then it should be OK.

Offline Stevelondon

If you’re ill then what else can you do but cancel.
Hey it works both ways sometimes so what’s the problem.

I’ve cancelled giving plenty of notice and have had responses ranging from,
“No worries, next time then”
“Fucking time waster, your blocked”

Like I’m gonna worry bout it.  :cool:

Online Moby Dick

If you are asking this question then you clearly have doubts you will be having a good time.
If you really wanted to see her you wouldn’t let an excuse get in your way.

Best to cancel, but give her plenty of notice to fill her slot.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2022, 11:45:14 pm by Moby Dick »

Offline Al R

  • Posts: 539
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I don’t ever sleep well, and am often tired next day but wouldn’t cancel for that reason. There’s something about a naked woman sucking my cock that tends to liven me up for some reason  :wacko:

But if you know you’re not going to enjoy yourself, cancel with as much notice as possible
« Last Edit: November 30, 2022, 03:35:06 am by Al R »

Offline Lucky Luciano

Yes I would cancel, if you’re suffering from fatigue. You wouldn’t enjoy the meet and will save you cash. Even the blue pill or similar might not work if you are that tired as well.

Offline dexpunt

Not quite fatigue but the only time I have ever had to cancel was when I got Covid. Texted to explain expecting her to be grateful however got an abusive reply calling me a time waster and wanting a deposit next can't win!

Offline Atrueyorkie

You may come across as a time waster, but what’s most important. Your health. If you’re tired, and you go do something that is physically tasking, you’re not gonna do yourself any favours.

I proceeded with a punt which wasn’t a paid one, a WG wanted a session outside. Which was great but I was tired having already nutted several times beforehand. It was enjoyable but extremely draining so I couldn’t enjoy it the point I would have liked it to.

In short I’d recommend cancelling with your clear reasons and with as much notice.

Offline standardpostage

Yes cancel, if your too tired, to punt. Very similar to being ill.

Up to you, whether you pay for canceled appointment or not  :unknown:

Offline alabama1

If you have a pre arranged punt which you have planned with the escort. The night before you have a terrible night. For example, sleep deprived and can’t function through out the day. Do you cancel the booking?

The reason I ask. Is because sleep deprivation can cause irritability and frustration. Therefore performance and the punting experience will be impacted. Is it best to cancel?

I know in the punting world you should never cancel due to the escort allocating a slot to you. And I can lead to no future bookings.
I find it mind boggling that you need guidance from the members on here  :unknown:

Online hendrix

I was going to see an escort but cancelled (ghosted). However, she was a Rom and pimp was doing the arrangements so I wasn’t fully invested in the punt.

Ghosting on either side is garbage behavior. Only excuse is if you're seriously ill or dead.

Offline Fuzzyduck

I find it mind boggling that you need guidance from the members on here  :unknown:

I'm waiting for his social study thesis to come out, given the number of questions he asks about how we all behave.

Offline sensualencounter

I was going to see an escort but cancelled (ghosted). However, she was a Rom and pimp was doing the arrangements so I wasn’t fully invested in the punt.
Ghosting is a cowardly, shit trick. Shows a total lack of respect. And it’s not cancelling. Cancelling is taking the time to make contact and explain that you won’t be going through with the meeting. You wouldn’t like it if an escort ghosted you and I’m sure would turn into a negative review.

Ordinarily I’d be surprised that a punter even admitted to ghosting someone but to be honest OP, as it’s you then I’m really not surprised.

Offline JonasG

Cancel obviously, which I've done if I'm hungover and wasn't planning on going out the night before.

If you cancel with time then there's no problem, just text her in the morning no big deal.

Offline Clarence Boddicker

Ghosting is a cowardly, shit trick. Shows a total lack of respect. And it’s not cancelling. Cancelling is taking the time to make contact and explain that you won’t be going through with the meeting. You wouldn’t like it if an escort ghosted you and I’m sure would turn into a negative review.

Ordinarily I’d be surprised that a punter even admitted to ghosting someone but to be honest OP, as it’s you then I’m really not surprised.

Well said. I've only once cancelled a punt on the day, I was actually on the way to the session and I suddenly felt really run down, my cheeks started swelling and my temp felt hot, I thought at the time I might have mumps. I actually knocked on the door, explained myself, paid what I owed and left.  I have to admit, I did wonder would she be appreciative and the truth is she didn't react at all, she was probably both surprised and delighted, but it wasn't the point, in my profession, if you get cancelled on the day and it does happen, you invoice for the full day, so what's good for the goose and all that.

Offline Fuzzyduck

Well said. I've only once cancelled a punt on the day, I was actually on the way to the session and I suddenly felt really run down, my cheeks started swelling and my temp felt hot, I thought at the time I might have mumps. I actually knocked on the door, explained myself, paid what I owed and left.  I have to admit, I did wonder would she be appreciative and the truth is she didn't react at all, she was probably both surprised and delighted, but it wasn't the point, in my profession, if you get cancelled on the day and it does happen, you invoice for the full day, so what's good for the goose and all that.

I don't subscribe to the same code but very honourable of you.

Offline tynetunnel

I'm waiting for his social study thesis to come out, given the number of questions he asks about how we all behave.

I do believe the OP starts more threads than any other member!

(based entirely on my memory rather than any actual stats)

Offline Fuzzyduck

I do believe the OP starts more threads than any other member!

(based entirely on my memory rather than any actual stats)

He's a troll IMO.

And ghosting a SP because she's just a Rom is a dick move.

Offline guymids-72

Life happens, give appropriate notice when cancelling.

Offline big-al93

Assuming, as most do, that the SP requires confirmation on the morning of the punt, up to that point it is fair to cancel without any concerns. If you have confirmed the appointment in the morning then cancel with not much notice, then you may be accused of being a timewaster and the escort may or may not accept another booking or want a deposit to prove you are genuine.

Pretty much what we expect from the SP's tbh.

Offline king tarzan

Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline rafathegaffa

Think its common courtsey to cancel, even if its just an hour before. No reason not to.

I've been cancelled on a few times, but if its with 3-4 hours notice, never an issue, life happens  :drinks:

I've only ever ghosted once, but that's cause my bloody HTC phone went off mid tube journey and i had no idea of her address etc. Had paid a deposit for that meet which went down the drain  :timeout:

Iphone for the win since then  :dance:

Offline king tarzan

He's a troll IMO.

And ghosting a SP because she's just a Rom is a dick move.

Spot on 👍
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline boredtryst

I booked a girl who I wasn't sure about. Had some good reviews but a lot mentioned she was older than her pics suggest.

I was late to the place and it turns out she lived on the 6th floor but there was no lift. I rushed up to the top, got to her door and she opened up. When I saw her, all the pre punt energy drained out of me and I didn't fancy her but I was also obviously out of breathe from the run up the stairs and simply said 'I think your stairs killed me, I don't think i can do it, maybe next time'

She was fine about it, smiled and said yeah 'next time'.