Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Cassidy - AYS - Stirchley  (Read 999 times)

Offline pbrown355

I posted about this punt closer to the actual time and someone suggested I should review so here it is.
I have been a regular visitor to AYS over years now. Ususlly if I can't sort another punt they are my P&D option. Cheap and with a lady who has been around the block. You know what you're getting.
So Cassidy was the "new" girl. Usual nonsense about her size, bust etc but when I got there she really was slim. Rock hard enhanced boobs but all ok for why I was there.
Paid £35 20mins.
Some of the punt details have faded in my mind other than it was reasonable at the price and she still had her basque on when I finished in doggy.
As I pulled out I/we noticed the condom was broken. At this point she said I needed to pay another £20 I said no chance. She said house rules.
I said no chance.
While I'm getting dressed she fetched one of the other ladies who reiterated the £20, or had I got a certificate to show I was clean, or a credit card? I said no to all these, thinking this is spiralling out of control. She says they'll have to ban me then. OK by me.
I go to leave, she obstructs me and holds my arms. Really out of control "We've got your face on the CCTV"
After a few moments she steps out of the way and I leave.

Not my best punting day!

Offline Punterperson1971

I posted about this punt closer to the actual time and someone suggested I should review so here it is.
I have been a regular visitor to AYS over years now. Ususlly if I can't sort another punt they are my P&D option. Cheap and with a lady who has been around the block. You know what you're getting.
So Cassidy was the "new" girl. Usual nonsense about her size, bust etc but when I got there she really was slim. Rock hard enhanced boobs but all ok for why I was there.
Paid £35 20mins.
Some of the punt details have faded in my mind other than it was reasonable at the price and she still had her basque on when I finished in doggy.
As I pulled out I/we noticed the condom was broken. At this point she said I needed to pay another £20 I said no chance. She said house rules.
I said no chance.
While I'm getting dressed she fetched one of the other ladies who reiterated the £20, or had I got a certificate to show I was clean, or a credit card? I said no to all these, thinking this is spiralling out of control. She says they'll have to ban me then. OK by me.
I go to leave, she obstructs me and holds my arms. Really out of control "We've got your face on the CCTV"
After a few moments she steps out of the way and I leave.

Not my best punting day!
Wow that’s bad PB only been there once with no issues but seems like they have changed a lot thanks for warning and glad you got out unscathed could have been a lot worse

Offline Tender.french.kiss

As I pulled out I/we noticed the condom was broken. At this point she said I needed to pay another £20 I said no chance. She said house rules.
Rules you've not even been made aware of!
And anyway, if they're concerned about the health implication, £20 is not going to make any difference. Looks like wicked Rom tactics to extra Essstra monies for whatever silly excuse.
Make me reconsider my desire to go back and sample another lady there.

Offline pbrown355

Both ladies were English. The maid stayed out of it. When posting I was wondering whether someone would say "yes of course they wanted £20 because". Obviously not. I didn't mention, been tested, all clear. I assume the lady has been tested since they were so concerned.
Still not really getting the whole thing because it makes no sense. Testing is free. If you were going to charge £20 for bareback then bareback is what took place but that makes no sense either! As for the threat of the CCTV, why throw that in?
I was calm throughout because I didn't want an argument, I just wanted to get out.
As for being banned, it stops me spending money that I usually regret. Each time I go I only ever see a new girl since Sasha left in the hope there may be another one I fancy that much but it hasn't happened and that must be nearly 3 years now.