Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Plan B - how much preparation.  (Read 1428 times)

Offline Boundless

I'm pissed off!

Arranged a punt for today, good photos, lots of feedback, albeit on AW, nothing on UKP. All good comms yesterday so was looking forward to a good punt. I was travelling 50 odd miles so earmarked a couple of back-ups should it go tits up. Now, this is probably where I went wrong, I didn't want to contact the Plans B & C with an "are you working tomorrow" sort of enquiry as they probably get loads of them and couldn't make a def appointment as I had a plan A lined up.

Anyway, texted said plan A when I left home, got no reply which I didn't think was that odd as she doesn't turn her phone on till late morning. Texted when I was 10 mins away, still no reply. You've guessed it - I was stitched up. Phoned several times and phone was off.  Sent a couple of texts asking what the crack was.  Rang plans B & C, no reply, hastily looked through AW, picked a plan D and a very dodgy plan E but no reply from them. Gave it up as a bad job and went for a nice meal and a look round the town.

My question is - do you make a definite arrangement with a plan B (and C?) then blow her out if plan A goes OK? Seems a bit cuntish, but my plan A has been pretty shit from where I'm standing.

Before anyone asks, I will name her tomorrow if there isn't a damn good reason why she did the dirty. I've texted her to ask why, I know that she had been concerned with the health of a close relative the last couple of days.

If I get no reply I shan't hesitate to name and shame!

Offline smiths

I'm pissed off!

Arranged a punt for today, good photos, lots of feedback, albeit on AW, nothing on UKP. All good comms yesterday so was looking forward to a good punt. I was travelling 50 odd miles so earmarked a couple of back-ups should it go tits up. Now, this is probably where I went wrong, I didn't want to contact the Plans B & C with an "are you working tomorrow" sort of enquiry as they probably get loads of them and couldn't make a def appointment as I had a plan A lined up.

Anyway, texted said plan A when I left home, got no reply which I didn't think was that odd as she doesn't turn her phone on till late morning. Texted when I was 10 mins away, still no reply. You've guessed it - I was stitched up. Phoned several times and phone was off.  Sent a couple of texts asking what the crack was.  Rang plans B & C, no reply, hastily looked through AW, picked a plan D and a very dodgy plan E but no reply from them. Gave it up as a bad job and went for a nice meal and a look round the town.

My question is - do you make a definite arrangement with a plan B (and C?) then blow her out if plan A goes OK? Seems a bit cuntish, but my plan A has been pretty shit from where I'm standing.

Before anyone asks, I will name her tomorrow if there isn't a damn good reason why she did the dirty. I've texted her to ask why, I know that she had been concerned with the health of a close relative the last couple of days.

If I get no reply I shan't hesitate to name and shame!

My plan B option is a regular who can virtually always fit me in if plan A goes tits up, i wouldnt book them as well as my plan A as i dont see that as fair to WGs who have offered me a good service to be good enough to become a regular.


  • Guest
I never have a Plan B, because i'm focussed on Plan A e.g. she is what i'm in the mood for that day...

Offline Boundless

Thats a good plan if local.

I was 50 miles away in bandit country!

I have compiled a list of half a dozen fairly local plan B's that are a reasonable shag, usually one of them is free.

My 2 favourite regulars do limited hours and are rarely available at short notice  :(

Offline Boundless

I never have a Plan B, because i'm focussed on Plan A e.g. she is what i'm in the mood for that day...

I can understand that, however, i was 50 miles away, had a legitimate excuse with the OH, a pocketful of dosh and horny as hell!

Offline SmackmaBitchUp

I wouldn't have set off until contact had been made first.... Better to be safe than sorry  :unknown:

Offline Boundless

I wouldn't have set off until contact had been made first.... Better to be safe than sorry  :unknown:

Yeah, with hindsight I agree.

The comms had all been good over last couple of days but she hadn't been turning her phone on till late morning so I wasn't unduly worried.

I'm sure most guys on here would say schoolboy error!  :(

This is the 2nd time it's happened, luckily last time the WG couldn't have been any nearer, 100 yards down the road!

Online threechilliman

A while back when plan A went tits up, I texted half a dozen plan B's to say I'd been let down and first to respond gets the booking. By the time I'd made a coffee, three had texted back. Saw them all in time but the first to respond did get the booking. It actually worked really well.



  • Guest

Unfortunately this is one of the biggest sins in punting and that is the working girl who timewastes or is known as a double booker. A double booker is simply a working girl who books in two clients in the same slot and the first to arrive she will see and tell the other she can't make it. A atrocious system of securing punts. Apparently advice from 'some' websites say it is a good way to deal with punters - unfortunately not.

This is one of the reasons I do not travel too far (most 10 miles) since if the working girl double books then I am left without a punt and the journey back is not too long to wait to write a negative on here.

Best thing you can do is do not double book but do as you've done and have a plan A,B,C and if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen - write a negative review on here so others can be warned.

- Contact on the day is advised. You may want to tell her on the phone you respect her time and like others to respect yours in a friendly way so you will definitely be making it at that time.

- Using the booking system can help but be advised that with untrustworthy girls they will leave a negative for a negative because you left one out of spite.

Offline smiths

I wouldn't have set off until contact had been made first.... Better to be safe than sorry  :unknown:

Same here though i wouldnt travel that far for a punt in the first place nowadays and dont have to fortunately.

I always seek confirmation before i leave my place as thats the best i can do. It also means that the odds of something genuine happening to a WG in the space of an hour or so must be huge against and why i dont believe any excuses. Whats far more likely is a newbie WG to me had a regular ring her after me and took his booking over mine as she knew he was a definite to show up whereas to her i was a maybe.

Offline Steely Dan

Even if plan A is 90% certain, and so is plan B, eventually both will go wrong.  It happens. I try to have brothel or agency as plan C as they are greater than 90%.  But this may not work either depends on the location.

But I would never double book. As Smiths says, you do your best, but that is all you can do.

I have had 2 memorable experience with plan C.  One is a now closed brothel, the other has a review posted on this site (Spangles)

Offline dboy74

90% of the time I just have a Plan A. However recently I was having doubts about my first choice so had a Plan B arranged as well.

Turned out Plan A was a no show and Plan B was a shite punt! Should have had a Plan C  :rolleyes:

Offline Jeremy

More often than not Plan B for me ends up being a frustrated wank. Cheaper in the long run though I guess

Offline Urban_G

I know that she had been concerned with the health of a close relative the last couple of days.
If she was that concerned why did she even entertain the idea of making arrangements with you or anyone else. Could she not have at least texted you to save you the aggro? That would have taken a couple of minutes at best. Don't fall for that one mate, she fucked you over, end of.

I often have a plan B up my sleeve, but never actually make a full booking. In fact I just thought that it's probably wise to make a full booking with B but for an hour or so after your booking with plan A. This gives you enough time to cancel plan B without problem should A go ahead and also gives you time to get to B if A falls through.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 11:26:53 pm by Urban_G »

Offline RedKettle

There was a suggestion made by somebody a few months back that your plan B could be a non punting one which was an interesting idea.  When my plan A fell through recently I went and saw The Imitation Game at the cinema.  Cost me less and the film lasted longer than I do on a punt!

I then arranged to see a regular a few days later.

Offline Boundless

If she was that concerned why did she even entertain the idea of making arrangements with you or anyone else. Could she not have at least texted you to save you the aggro? That would have taken a couple of minutes at best. Don't fall for that one mate, she fucked you over, end of.

I often have a plan B up my sleeve, but never actually make a full booking. In fact I just thought that it's probably wise to make a full booking with B but for an hour or so after your booking with plan A. This gives you enough time to cancel plan B without problem should A go ahead and also gives you time to get to B if A falls through.

I received an extremely apologetic text from her last night, saying that she thought she's lost her phone but found it at the hospital. She apologised profusely for my wasted journey and saying that she never messes anyone about and feels awful.

Not sure that I buy it totally. This implies she only uses one phone for business and pleasure, that's possible as her phone no has changed in the last few weeks. When I contacted her on Thursday though, the phone was off until lunchtime which sounds like a punting phone to me.
Anyway, it's happened and there's nowt I can do about it now.


  • Guest
I'm sure they do get a lot of timewasters, but if a punter's got good AW FB then it's not rocket science that he's going to turn up.  Some girls will just fit blokes in as and when they call, keeping the rest in 'aircraft holding patterns' if necessary till ready, so I would use one of those for my plan B, has never failed for me yet.

I'd never travel that far for a punt, either, in fact I always arrange them around other leisure activities - the exception being a special visit I made before Xmas as the WG might never have come back to the area - though she now is, next Tuesday!

Offline Blackpool Rock

Blackpool is shite for punting so i normally make a 100 mile round trip to Manchester and back to a parlour however if i've planned an AW punt I always have a couple of parlour girls lined up just in case as I've been let down too many times.
Often get the "family emergency" which can happen but FFS these girls aren't half unlucky or must have massive families!
On one occasion I got a text 3 hours after the booking saying she would give me a discount the following day, yeah right like i'm going to drive another 100 miles to see her and hope she wasn't flakey again. Worked out fine on the day as my plan B was Suzi at SS who is one of my 2 regular SS girls, was lucky to see her at short notice but had a C and D also in mind

Offline cueball

I must admit I don't usually have a plan b, I've had punts fail and that's that but I think I'm at least going to get the availability of a plan b and have her number ready, I wouldn't book her though, just a spur of the moment booking "hi, are you free?"

Offline smiths

I received an extremely apologetic text from her last night, saying that she thought she's lost her phone but found it at the hospital. She apologised profusely for my wasted journey and saying that she never messes anyone about and feels awful.

Not sure that I buy it totally. This implies she only uses one phone for business and pleasure, that's possible as her phone no has changed in the last few weeks. When I contacted her on Thursday though, the phone was off until lunchtime which sounds like a punting phone to me.
Anyway, it's happened and there's nowt I can do about it now.

Whats the odds on this bollocks being true would be what i would be thinking if it were me who had been fucked about. Very much against her telling the truth, probably had a regular ring her after you and took his booking over yours and couldnt be asked to let you know. Fucking low life scumbag. :thumbsdown:

Offline The_Don

I always confirm that they will see me before I leave and contact them before I turn up. I have turned around before (or walked) because they have made up some rubbish about not sticking to the agreement (start and amount of time, services, totally different W/G etc) 

Having a plan B and C are good. I don't call them until plan A mucks me about. Having regulars W/G helps. Some I can call and with in an hour or 2 I'm in a bedroom. Happy days

I never have a Plan B, because i'm focussed on Plan A e.g. she is what i'm in the mood for that day...

Good luck with that.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 12:16:54 pm by The_Don »

Offline Trevor12

Not a huge amount tbh, but all my punts so far have been in Birmingham. Before setting off for Plan A, I usually have a list of girls who are availabe today from the hotlist that I want to book at some point anyway, and they become my Plan B onwards depending on who takes my fancy on the day.

The girls on this list have been pre-researched to make it on the hotlist, and if none were available/picked up the phone, a girl I'd seen before and had a good punt with would be the next step.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 12:51:12 pm by Trevor12 »

Offline jake_6969

Plan B for me is usually a local parlour in the vicinity of the punt, I tend to look at what's available locally on the parlour scene on the day of the punt and give them a bell if I get let down. I used to just trawl AW with a raging hard on for other local girls but that fell down after a really bad panic punt.

If there's no local parlour then I head into Hull and pop to Seductions and see Sarah.


  • Guest
If you book the plan B at the same time as the plan A, then you can just cancel B as soon as A confirms on the day. That way you're covered and the trip hasn't been wasted, but you don't piss B off unduly as you've cancelled the appointment rather than not turn up.


  • Guest
Good research IME results in very few if any cancellations. Had three in total now. Always have my punting spreadsheet to hand which has plenty of options and so far every time I've had no problem getting plan B in action and having a great punt. No preparation required other than a decent hotlist.

Offline Boundless

Whats the odds on this bollocks being true would be what i would be thinking if it were me who had been fucked about. Very much against her telling the truth, probably had a regular ring her after you and took his booking over yours and couldnt be asked to let you know. Fucking low life scumbag. :thumbsdown:

I hear what you're saying.

Couple of things bug me, the fact that the day before the punt the phone was off until lunchtime, that sounds like a punting phone. When I rang at the time of the punt, it was off again, so if she had taken a regular, would have then had to turn it off again. I don't know, it's all speculation and water under the bridge.

If it's true, then as someone said some girls have awful luck. I've had a mobile, in fact several at once, for nearly 20 years and I've never come close to losing one, however, I've had this as an excuse 3 times now out of about 50 WG's.

As for my original post re Plan B, this does require an area with a good population (or copulation) of WG's.
Yesterday's debacle was in Hereford and I went through all the reasonable ones within a 10 mile radius, (about 4 or 5) and rang them all with no joy. Couldn't even find a fucking brothel in the godforsaken place!

Offline The_Don

If it's true, then as someone said some girls have awful luck. I've had a mobile, in fact several at once, for nearly 20 years and I've never come close to losing one, however, I've had this as an excuse 3 times now out of about 50 WG's.

As for my original post re Plan B, this does require an area with a good population (or copulation) of WG's.
Yesterday's debacle was in Hereford and I went through all the reasonable ones within a 10 mile radius, (about 4 or 5) and rang them all with no joy. Couldn't even find a fucking brothel in the godforsaken place!

Some just flat out lie, I had double booking (some W/G admit it directly) and all manner of excuses as to why (they don't keep to bookings / times / services etc)

As for not being able to get plan B / C / D going it can happen. Just try and get some (good) regulars  :thumbsup: