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Author Topic: Amber (Australian) - Outcall - Astonishing in not a good way.  (Read 2614 times)

Offline ragged

External Link/Members Only

I can't find her on AW, but please add the link if you know.

I am not a demanding man.  I don't ask for perfection, and am constantly delighted at the little courtesies, favours and unrequested extra effort that humans will do for strangers.
What I can't stand if half-arsedness - the sullen, "fuck it that will do" attitude that demonstrates a desire to tick boxes, to do the minimum one can get away will.  Let me take you with me as I reminisce about an evening of half-arsedness.

The Setup

I was in the hotel bar.  I don't spend a great deal of time in bars, as I don't generally enjoy them.  There's either doof-doof music, football on in the background, or a group of ladz doing bantz.

But this bar was really nice.  It had obviously had a lot of money spent on it recently.  The designer had gone for a middle-eastern theme, and had really pulled it off.  The furniture was good and well spaced.  The decor was attractive.  It had one of those fake firepit things with real flames.  Hell, it even smelled gorgeous - each table had a frankincense-scented candle.  It was classy.  There was no doof-doof or bantz.  I perused the snacks menu and the cocktail menu on the table and sat back to wait for someone to take my order.

And waited.

It gradually dawned on my that despire being set out for table service, with menus on the table, there were no staff actually taking orders.  They had spent god knows how much on refurbishment, but didn't want to pay some poor student 10 quid an hour to take drinks orders.

I wheel myself over to the bar where the barman is standing, endlessly cleaning the same glass. He was tall, well-styled and his uniform was immaculate.  He looked at me with that strange mixture of guilt and contempt that hotel staff in England manifest when they know they've been caught idling and may actually have to do some work.

"I'd like a Negroni, please" I say.

He shrugs.  He fucking shrugs! "Yeah, 'kay. I'll bring it" he replies.

Back at my table, I realise I have done the place a dis-service.  There IS someone taking orders.  Sort of.  Every 20 minutes or so a member of staff emerges from a back room to clear tables.  Then, he appears to select a random subset of tables by some arcane method that is still opaque to me, and walk up to them and grunt "You want drink?", and then disappear for another 20 minutes.

This could be a really nice bar.  Physically, it's there.  It just needs some trained staff who give the remotest of shits, rather than the half-arsed crew it is currently cursed with.

The Arrival

She turns up late, but that is forgivable, as I can see that it is raining heavily and the traffic outside is barely moving.

My first impressions are:
 - slimmer than her photos
 - but a LOT older - mid 40s at least
 - she has dressed down.  I know some SPs like to be inconspicuous, but this is a dinner date - she could have made an effort.

She leans in for a peck, and I immediately smell it - smoker's breath.  FFS.  It doesn't matter how many sprays or losenges you use, you can't hide it.  It clings to your skin and the tiny hairs on your face.  My heart sinks.  I order a second Negroni.

She's chatty and pleasant enough.  We talk about our jobs, escorting history, holiday plans, the agencies she's with etc.  It's perfectly friendly.

The Meal

We go through to the restaurant, which is attached to the bar.  The hotel website makes it sound like a cross between the Savoy Grill and El Bulli.  In reality, it's the same international hotel food that anyone who has ever stayed in these places can probably recite from memory - steak, salmon, chicken breast, sea bass, risotto, caesar salad.  She orders steak, well done with peppercorn sauce and extra peppercorn sauce on the side.  "Yeah, " I think, "smoking will do that to your tastebuds."

The food takes ages to arrive, despite the fact that we are one of only two tables in the restaurant, and the other table already has their food.

The good news is that it not half-arsed.
The bad news is that it is fucking terrible.

My steak medium-rare is identical to hers well done.  The peppercorn sauce tastes of flour.  The creamed spinach tastes of nothing (seriously guys - salt! nutmeg!)  The chips are cold.

I order another Negroni.

The Bedroom

After dinner, with her still waxing lyrical about how lovely the peppercorn sauce was, we retire to my room.

I point out the bathroom so she can wash and change.

"Nah, " she says "I didn't really bring anything."

I blythly assume she must be wearing some nice lingerie underneath her civvies.  I was wrong.

She peels off.  She's wearing tights and one of those one-piece things with poppers at the crotch.  I discover shortly that there's a plain black bra and thong underneath that.  That is it.  That is the effort she has made for the money she charges.  I literally did not know what to say.  I have never seen such a lack of effort on the part of an escort.

"Um, did you bring any toys?" I ask.  "Nah, " she says, "I travel light."  She produces a tiny bag containing condoms, lube and wipes.  That is what she brought.

Services are half-arsed.  Her flesh is oddly 'spongy', which suggests to me that she has lost a bumch of weight recently.  I start to wonder how old she actually is.

She offers a massage.  Her profile says qualified masseuse.  I agree.

"Nah, I forgot to bring any oil." she shrugs.

I offer her some powder to use.  She literally spends 30 seconds randomly rubbing it into my back before drifting off bored.

We chat.  She can do that.  Turns out she generally prefers batting for the other team with her mate, who is also an escort.

Eventually I let her leave 30 mins early.  I'm tired, have had 3 Negronis and half a bottle of wine, and this is going nowhere.  She skips off.

The Conclusion

Was anything BAD?  No.  Like I said - I'm not  a demanding person.  Was every single thing about the evening unsatisfactory.  Damn right.  It was even more unsatisfying because the poor service was delivered by a series of people who obviously couldn't care less.

Apparently she's back off to Australia in a few months.  I can't advise you to rush.

Offline tj87354

What did you pay and for how long?

Offline ragged

What did you pay and for how long?

My bad. 900 for 4 hours, as per the linked profile.

Looking at the post, I've also got her name wrong in the title.  She's Amber not Alex.

Maybe I shouldn't have so many Negronis
« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 10:20:32 pm by ragged »

Offline WKD123

External Link/Members Only

I can't find her on AW, but please add the link if you know.

Apparently she's back off to Australia in a few months.  I can't advise you to rush.

Thank you so much for making my evening!   Sorry to hear of such a poor experience but know, at least, that you have made me chuckle

Online rebelscum

Did you mean for the review to be a Neutral?  While it might be your money, your review, I'm not seeing anything you actually enjoyed in the 4 hours you paid nearly a thousand quid for to make this even close to a Neutral. 

Offline johnybravo

Sorry you had a lousy experience

Great writing though

Online Illya Kurakin

I am also sorry you wasted all that time and money but your posting was refreshingly amusing. I wish you better fortune next time. I am surprised the agency has not responded to you as you seem to be a regular.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 10:37:47 pm by Illya Kurakin »

Online Alexmck

Sorry for the shit experience. Brought back memories of bad punts and bad dates. Better luck next time!

Offline ragged

Did you mean for the review to be a Neutral?  While it might be your money, your review, I'm not seeing anything you actually enjoyed in the 4 hours you paid nearly a thousand quid for to make this even close to a Neutral.

I thought long and hard about whether to make this a Neutral or Negative, and it was certainly borderline, but ultimately I decided to give the benefit of the doubt because I felt I had become complacent.

I had a long string of excellent dinner dates with both agency and indie SPs (reviews pending) and each of them had bought into the concept without prompting (dressing up for dinner, bringing a variety of lingerie and toys for a multi-hour play session).  So when it came to arranging this one I just arranged the dinner date and assumed everything would fall into place.

I didn't ask the agency whether she was a smoker, because it has been years since I met a woman who is.
I didn't ask for her to dress up a bit because I assumed that was implicit in the concept of 'dinner date'.
I didn't ask for her to wear lingerie because even the most jaded of Roms in a basement flat will at least put on a pair of frilly knickers, won't they?

So, as I am not demanding, I decided to give the benefit of the doubt for not doing things I hadn't actually asked for.  Maybe I'm being over lenient.

Offline Ivor Hunch

Very good!

I am mildly amused by a long review complaining about half-arsedness that fails to include the price and gets the name wrong!

What were the actual services like?

Also, do you know who the mate is?

Offline doc friend

Thank you for a well written review.   It made my morning.  Are you a professional writer ?

I know it’s your review & your rating.  BUT if this was my review it would be a big fat Red Negative

Especially £900. X 4 hours.   But your review your rating.

Thanks for making me laugh this morning. Better luck next time.    :hi:

Offline Diggler fights back!

This just sounds like a shit show, one I don’t see the point in having dinner dates with skanks that you want to bang as you might aswel give that money to bloody charity if you have so much to squander 😂. Second take it easy on the booze so you actually can smash. Third tell her what you want from the off and do your best to ruin her, rather then her walking away with £900 of your hard earned without getting a sweat on. 

Online hendrix

This just sounds like a shit show, one I don’t see the point in having dinner dates with skanks that you want to bang as you might aswel give that money to bloody charity if you have so much to squander 😂. Second take it easy on the booze so you actually can smash. Third tell her what you want from the off and do your best to ruin her, rather then her walking away with £900 of your hard earned without getting a sweat on.

A quick read of the OP's previous review explains why he punts the way he does (not that he needs to justify it to anyone)

Great review ragged, sorry it was such a disappointment. Better luck next time!

Online rebelscum

I thought long and hard about whether to make this a Neutral or Negative, and it was certainly borderline, but ultimately I decided to give the benefit of the doubt because I felt I had become complacent.

I had a long string of excellent dinner dates with both agency and indie SPs (reviews pending) and each of them had bought into the concept without prompting (dressing up for dinner, bringing a variety of lingerie and toys for a multi-hour play session).  So when it came to arranging this one I just arranged the dinner date and assumed everything would fall into place.

I didn't ask the agency whether she was a smoker, because it has been years since I met a woman who is.
I didn't ask for her to dress up a bit because I assumed that was implicit in the concept of 'dinner date'.
I didn't ask for her to wear lingerie because even the most jaded of Roms in a basement flat will at least put on a pair of frilly knickers, won't they?

So, as I am not demanding, I decided to give the benefit of the doubt for not doing things I hadn't actually asked for.  Maybe I'm being over lenient.

Fair enough ragged, I'd have expected some of those things to be done without having to ask for them too, but still, feel you're being slightly generous and easy on the agency and her.  As someone else said, it's probably the easiest money them and her have made without breaking a sweat! 

Offline Stevelondon

A quick read of the OP's previous review explains why he punts the way he does (not that he needs to justify it to anyone)

Great review ragged, sorry it was such a disappointment. Better luck next time!

This 👍🏻

Offline shooter

Loved the hotel and restuarant review  :) Seriously though-there are very few good quality hotels in London for eating in - they are so used to catering to tourists who just want "Fish n Chips" and criminally underpay their staff and overcharge their customers.  :mad:

Probably better to find a hotel with a decent retaurant nearby if the quality of the meal is important...

Sounds like she was an awful punt, but thanks for sharing - Im amazed she didnt make more of an effort given the price etc.

Have you tried reverse bookings on AW? When you are spending that much on a punt, I would imagine you would have some signifficant interest  :thumbsup: :hi:

Offline Heph

A nicely written review - sometimes the best revenge is detailing just how low-effort and limp like boiled cabbage some experiences are

Offline Hobbit

This is exactly why I prefer not to use agencies. Most agencies have photoshopped pictures in my opinion. So it isn't easy to know what you are getting. £900 is a lot to pay out; if it doesn't go well, it's a tough swallow (excuse the pun).

I recently spent £400 on a girl from Seeking who was awful in bed and as enthusiastic as a rubber doll, let alone the driest pussy I have ever experienced. I left feeling quite disappointed and did not stay with her any more than I needed to. That was a tough hit to take but I always remind myself that's why it is called Punting!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2024, 09:25:37 am by Hobbit »

Offline BillT

Feel for you OP

Did you bother to contact the agency directly to express your displeasure?

Offline Analist

Sounds like a negative for the bar and restaurant and a neutral for Amber.
Out of my price range but paying more does not guarantee higher quality. And if you have expectations, it's a good idea to be explicit beforehand -about what she'll wear, toys, ll and what you like.