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Author Topic: Owo the risks involved  (Read 35904 times)


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I have always gone owo where possible for the last 8-9 years and never caught a thing, that is a LOT of blow jobs, those stats will do me nicely so I will continue to do so.
The risk is minimal, im sure if I was picking up spaced out street walkers the risk would be much higher but I don't and never have done.

Fine if your single but if you arent then be prepared for the harteache if by that one miniscule chance that one day you catch something....its no risk cos you seem to think it will never happen.the scare was enough to stop me cos im not prepared for the aftermath, my experience has told me that

Daft attitude to be complacent

Offline Marmalade

I think it's up to every punter to work out what safe means to them. Years ago, I remember most "at home" parlours in Sydney Oz would actually do a "gonny test". They'd walk you to the washbasin, examine cock while washing it thoroughly, then do the "squeeze" from base to tip, pressing on the underside, to see if any gunk could be squeezed out. Similar to some GUM examinations. Once that was over they could be thoroughly charming. ("At home" was a newspaper ad definition to distinguish a setup of a house with several prossies living together, usually very relaxed, compared to a formal parlour situation. Very nice they were too.)

Gonny tends to show up by such manner within a few days to one week. Antibiotics (technically you should get them from GUM but you can buy the same ones online) is quite quick but they usually suggest a period of a week after the start of treatment and check it's clear. Occasionally I've heard them suggest longer but there's no medical reason I know of for that. (You'll find this confirmed in medical publications including online ones, but it's your body and your responsibility, so satisfy yourself of facts rather than trusting anything on a forum. If in doubt, do what the GUM clinic tells you.) Gonny is not that serious if treated quickly. It's serious if untreated or not properly treated (even if it "seems to go away".)

Just get familiar with facts until you can handle an emergency and are immune at least to those panic tingles down the spine.


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Cross referencing this thread

And particularly this post

Which confirms what I was told by a doctor in a GUM clinic - owo is not as safe as people think it is.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 08:27:30 pm by markw »


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The post I called attention to simply talks about the research in to orally-transmitted STIs. Other posts in the thread where someone won't name the girl, are irrelevant to this discussion - which is about the safety of oral.

Offline Shyboy

I am not sure about that post, if you read it the poster will not name the girl he claims could of given him an STI. there is something not correct about it  :hi:

Once I know for sure about said Girl.. and I will know.. I'll name all the girls I've seen in the last 3 months and await the stampede to get tested.. It could happen to you..


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Fine if your single but if you arent then be prepared for the harteache if by that one miniscule chance that one day you catch something....its no risk cos you seem to think it will never happen.the scare was enough to stop me cos im not prepared for the aftermath, my experience has told me that

Daft attitude to be complacent

Sorry fella but I think you're being a wee bit dramatic using words like "heartache" in your case there was nothing wrong, it was thrush, nothing to do with you, the "scare" was in your head, if your missus hadn't developed it you would still be out there getting your cock sucked bareback, you said you both got tested when it developed, were you not getting tested regularly anyway?
 If you cared that much you wouldn't be punting at all in a relationship as anything could happen to you whilst you're out having it away with a prossie.
Its easy to be captain hindsight after the fact isn't it?

I am certainly not complacent about anything, I am tested once every six months for peace of mind and I got tested early before committing to a relationship and didn't punt once during it but still got tested throughout in case anything cropped up or was missed, so I am very well aware that there is a possibility I could catch something but my point was that the chances are so small I am willing to risk it and if I do catch it I will deal with it like a big boy as there will be no one to blame but myself.

Offline Stealthy

Was at the GUM clinic and asked the nurse.

For owo, she said the male can get Chlamydia or Gonorrhoe if the female is carrying it in her throat. The female is more at risk of getting an std from the male due to fluids from the penis.
So, the female is more at risk when doing owo but the male can get an std.

Please note that I am writing what I remember being said and I am not a medical expert, just a pervert.

Offline Marmalade

I am not sure about that post, if you read it the poster will not name the girl he claims could of given him an STI. there is something not correct about it  :hi:

Are you sure it is a good idea? Unless you know the guy well enough . . . it is easy to make a mistake about who 'gave' you something, as has already been demonstrated by someone who made a medically impossible accusation. Geting in touch with people privately might be a better idea unless it's a cert.

Offline Daffodil

We are starting to rack up the number of punters here who have contracted something from owo, and this is a pretty small sample size.

Seems there is more than an insignificant risk involved.


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We are starting to rack up the number of punters here who have contracted something from owo, and this is a pretty small sample size.

Seems there is more than an insignificant risk involved.

Bear in mind there's a significant bias here. Generally speaking, the thousands of people who are reading this and have had unprotected oral with tens or hundreds of women and never contracted a thing, aren't going to bother mentioning the fact. Bloody good job too, this thread would get tedious pretty fast.


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Sorry fella but I think you're being a wee bit dramatic using words like "heartache" in your case there was nothing wrong, it was thrush, nothing to do with you, the "scare" was in your head, if your missus hadn't developed it you would still be out there getting your cock sucked bareback, you said you both got tested when it developed, were you not getting tested regularly anyway?
 If you cared that much you wouldn't be punting at all in a relationship as anything could happen to you whilst you're out having it away with a prossie.
Its easy to be captain hindsight after the fact isn't it?

I am certainly not complacent about anything, I am tested once every six months for peace of mind and I got tested early before committing to a relationship and didn't punt once during it but still got tested throughout in case anything cropped up or was missed, so I am very well aware that there is a possibility I could catch something but my point was that the chances are so small I am willing to risk it and if I do catch it I will deal with it like a big boy as there will be no one to blame but myself.

I get most of that, because i was complacent and like most attached men we think with our cocks and fuck the fall i didnt get tested regularly so yes i was wrong, but the punting scene is something i need to ween my self off as i dont want the bad stuff.

Offline Marmalade

Here's a good page from that down-n-dirty Channel-4 series of proggies, Embarrassing YouKNowWhatsis...
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The point being, yes, you should look out for terrible, terrible diseases, and also the mildy awful ones like the clap, but ffs if you are also shagging a partner then there are small almost forgettable things that are worth looking out for. If she repeatedly gets some female irritation after shagging you and goes to the doctor, you'll possibly be as fuckéd as if you'd given her the lurgy duh!

Offline Dani

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OWO does carry a small risk as does just about every fun activity in life.  However it is up to each person to decide the risk to reward factor.  Some men just hate OW and get no pleasure from it at all so for those I would expect the risk to reward ratio would be acceptable. 
I do OWO mainly because I hate the feel of condoms even non latex ones in my mouth. They make me gag. Im not sure if its the thought of them or the actual texture but either way I prefer to do OWO.  For me the risk to reward ratio is acceptable and in 5 years and 5months of doing this I have so far been very lucky and not caught anything and I ensure I have regular throat swabs.  The only STI I have ever caught was before prossying and I got Chlamydia in my eye from a facial off a fuck buddy.  Thankfully we used condoms for actual sex). 
However I know that even DFK carries a very small risk if one of you has an STI in the throat and mouth.  Now there is no way I am going to stop kissing as I cant work without it as it feels wrong to me to do anything sexual without kissing. So again I have to look at the risk to reward ratio.

If you deem the risk acceptable then go ahead with what ever it is that you enjoy.  If you feel the risk is too high then stop. I have stopped a few holiday hobbies that I have now found the risk to far outway the reward.  If it worries you don't do it.  You wont enjoy it if you are worrying. 

If unsure then sit down and work out what you get from it compared with what you wouldn't get if you stopped and then work out the risks involved.  If the risk is minimal compared to the reward you have your answer. again if the risk is too high stop

Offline punk

hopefully not as much in your eye as this,safety goggles may have help.
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« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 07:45:13 pm by punk »