Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Are fat lips attractive?  (Read 3410 times)

Offline Legs4life

Depends on whether you have a Coy carp/ Trout fetish I suppose?

 :lol: :lol:

Sometimes its not that bad, but the ones that are overly blown up its just plain disgusting

Offline Pennine Rover

The whole "Kardashian" look is a turnoff, lip fillers, cheeks pulled in, huge eyebrows and and the greyish brown heavy make up.   A big turn off. When will girls learn.

Offline Conkers13

My youngest daughter got the fat lips look last year. When myself and the OH saw her we started laughing and she stormed off ! I think
they look terrible.

Offline Munter84

Large, NATURAL lips > small lips > large fake lips

This is one of those examples of weird fashion/surgery trends that women inexplicably feel pressured to buy into, despite very few men expressing a preference for ridiculous duck lips (and many vocally opposing them).  :unknown:

Offline contentguy

Google ‘Body Dysmorphia’.

The sad fact about cosmetic surgery is the result ‘improved’ tits, noses, lips, arse.
Doesn’t always make the “patient” any happier.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2022, 09:18:34 pm by contentguy »

Offline londonroad

No! I reckon they look awful. Sadly has become fashionable. Such a shame as can ruin a pretty face.

Offline contentguy

No! I reckon they look awful. Sadly has become fashionable. Such a shame as can ruin a pretty face.


Offline Kieslowski

No, they're awful. But isn't it incredible that the replies in this thread are almost a unanimous "no", and yet women still think it's something that will make them more attractive?

There was a WG who I started seeing quite regularly, in fact I would say I was in the early stages of EAS with her, and then she got her eyebrows tattooed on, and it totally burst the bubble for me. Couldn't take her seriously and have never seen her since. Just as well really, she could have bankrupted me...

Offline shagmore

No, bloody ugly, must be like kissing a trout. Such a put off, unless we are on about pussy lips then that is another mater

Offline Rapha

“REAL” fat lips yes

Fake - No, it’s disgusting and a boner killer

This  ☝

Offline meptalon

Fake blown up lips are vile in my opinion.  See many very attractive ladies completely ruin their appearance with fake lips.

+1000. A total turn-off for me

Offline yepitsmeagain

Hate them, and to be honest, I dont know one fella who likes them!!

Offline Cum_again

Think of the fake ones this way…..

Think of them as bumpers for face fucking.  When you think of them that way it makes you appreciate them more, stops you breaking her nose as you throat fuck her  :wackogirl:

Offline king tarzan

Ruus cluut boombacluut maan no no no no no no 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline magnetico

I dont know one fella who likes them!!

Same here, never met any men who liked it

Offline jayj301599

Those fakes ones hell no

But girls who have it naturally, yes!

Offline Torqy

Big fake lips are the single biggest turn-off in a woman for me, closely followed by the small waist thick thighs big bum look.

I agree…… body types seem to go through fashion phases, I much prefer the 90’s skinny look, a fat arse is a symptom of a girl that doesn’t look after herself!

Offline Lister

Definitely no! They look awful and kissing hard rubberised lips is so unnatural and weird it is a total turn off.

Offline Bonker

Yes, but only if they've tried to rob me!

Please note I'm not serious and don't advocate violence.

Offline myothernameis

Those fakes ones hell no

But girls who have it naturally, yes!

Why would you do this, to your self, they dont look nice, mind wonder what she is like when sucking cock   :D :D :D

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