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Author Topic: Longest gap between punts???  (Read 1699 times)

Offline threechilliman

Prompted by this thread.

14 years between my first and second punts.

Anybody had a bigger break than that?


Offline Trevor12

My longest gap so far was around 2 weeks caused by flu, but I only started punting last summer.


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14 years

Think of how much £££ you didn't spend on punting during that time!

Offline cueball

Aw got a lot to answer for, before aw days I probably punted no more than every couple of months, last few years been much more often. Coming on ukp had made me even worse, better, more trusted reviews etc. Every couple of weeks now feels about right ish.


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Prompted by this thread.

14 years between my first and second punts.

Anybody had a bigger break than that?


Think I only just top that - had a run of punts pre-marriage, two in the UK, then a bunch in Amsterdam RLD over a couple of years, the last one would have been around 16 years ago now.  Started civvy dating and didn't consider punting until again separating from the missus last summer.  So I had a 15 year break between punts.  Now struggling to manage 15 days!  :D

Offline bristolbcfc

A long story but 24yrs.

I've never really viewed my first foray into paid sex as a 'punt'.

After working for the British Antarctic Survey for 18 months in Antarctica i arrived in Montevideo, Uruguay. The first run ashore after a few drinks and a bit of edging on from other blokes that had previously done an 'overwinter' contract in Antarctica i found myself in a hotel room with what i can only describe as a stunning South American WG. Don't know what it was, whether the beer or nerves but couldn't get the old chap to play ball but after some fancy oral work he came to life!!


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Almost a month - I decided to have a "dry" January but a litle different from what most take this to mean


  • Guest
Almost a month - I decided to have a "dry" January but a litle different from what most take this to mean
You're only allowed to dry-hump the pro$$ies?  :D

Offline ik8133

Does this count, had a fumble in a brothel in Berlin round about 1982 and them met with an escort for years ago or so, a gap of about 28 years. 

Offline threechilliman

Does this count, had a fumble in a brothel in Berlin round about 1982 and them met with an escort for years ago or so, a gap of about 28 years.

If you paid on both occasions, it counts!


Offline socks

The gap between my first and second punt was the longest at nearly a year. Since the second punt I doubt I've gone a month without, even if that's just been a quickie handjob to tide me over. Impressed with myself that my third ever punt was a threesome! Good to jump in at the deep end, it's the only way to learn!


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35 years...from my first close encounter with a woman's genitalia until my first punt

Offline cueball

35 years...from my first close encounter with a woman's genitalia until my first punt

That's a fair old wait

Offline threechilliman

35 years...from my first close encounter with a woman's genitalia until my first punt

Was the first one paid for? If not, it'll be disallowed!



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First was a drunken blowjob from a street girl in 1982 (ish) & i didn't bother paying for it gain until 2013  :hi:
As far as gaps from when I really started punting I haven't punted yet in 2015 not due to lack of money or opportunity but because I can't be arsed. 


  • Guest
Was the first one paid for? If not, it'll be disallowed!


I was 35 when I had my first paid sex encounter!!1 I think I was trying to be too clever   ;)

Offline threechilliman

...but because I can't be arsed.

Yeah, I know what you mean on that one. Took me a couple of weeks to get out of the blocks...

I was 35 when I had my first paid sex encounter!!1 I think I was trying to be too clever   ;)

Gotcha! And disallowed...


Offline Malvolio

About three months - prompted by a break in employment of about three months.

Offline smiths

Prompted by this thread.

14 years between my first and second punts.

Anybody had a bigger break than that?


My longest is about 4 months in Autumn 2009 when i had a 6 month break from punting and the punting forum i was posting on at the time. At the 4 month point i couldnt resist going to a few parties.

When i returned to that punting forum it had somewhat changed, many had left and mods had changed. I rang Steve2 and he told me about UKP and i signed up straight away. That was in February 2011 and since then UKP has become THE premier punting site in the UK.

Offline Sonny Crockett