Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: How to keep erect when you can't feel anything.  (Read 1940 times)

Offline Bahubali1

So context

In my 30s, started sex in general very late(broke virginity with escort) I normally see older escorts and I gradually started to understand a lot of things. Including the cycle of the vagina during sex. I understand what the woman is feeling when its starts to feel loose and then starts to tighten to the point you can't really move it properly. But during a long session  I notice that I begin to go soft when it's loose when at that moment(around 15/20 min into my second pop) I am conscious that I can't feel anything for a good 2 minutes.
I suppose I am asking during that period how do you stay erect? Coz It would be akin to trying to practise on air which sounds stupid.

Online PepeMAGA

Sounds like you're overanalysing the situation for one.. All that stuff about cycles etc.
You could try an ED drug to keep hard or maybe accept you only have one orgasm in the tank and make it last longer the first time

Offline Stevelondon

It kind of begs the question as to why two pops.
Its not something I have ever felt the need of. Albeit a lot of my punts are perhaps tie and tease/roleplay sessions rather than just shags.
Is it a matter of getting more for your money. ?

I would rather fully enjoy a one pop session than a two pop where the second was just not all that good.

Once again. We are all different so I do understand where some blokes have the stamina and will to go more than one, two or three  :D

But back to the OP. I would agree with whats been said above.

Offline Bahubali1

Thanks for the response guys.
I can actually go 3/4 pops when im stimulated to some degree, but thats with viagra. I tried without it and i found that i am one pop and i cant get a hard on for days afterwards. (Nearly 2 decades of Porn messed me up big time)

An important thing i forgot to add is that i can get erect again after I lose the erection when I can't feel anything but I wanted to find how people can stay erect when they feel nothing. Because I find it annoying with viagra in a second pop that i can last a while but when i can't feel anything for 2 plus minutes that I lose my erection then I need to get stimulated again to get it back up.

Online JustaPunter

You could consider a different condom brand.

I struggle to feel anything with Pasante condoms for example.

Much prefer the ultra thin ones from Durex

Offline FiveKnuckles

you've rubbed 'da ting' for so long its grown a shell like a ninja turtle.  perhaps you need to posh wank into a fleshlight to regain some sensitivity?

Offline daverfc

Offline WelshClipper

The thing that stood out for me here is the OP is in his mid thirties. Its a long time since I was 35 but back then I just shagged when I wanted to.

Things dont get better as you get older mate. I would stop analysing, just let your cock decide for you.

Maybe just stick to 15 minute bookings with the achievable one pop.  :unknown:

But plenty of them i.e. save money and more orgasms  :dance:

Online LLPunting

I am not a mechanical fucker getting off on just the sensations transmitted from my knob so for me it's all about how involved the woman gets, whether real or convincingly feigned.  A good partner can keep me hard for hours a shit one can prevent any wood from happening.
Quit spending so long observing women's physiological reactions and inferring meaning and spend more time understanding what actually drives your sexual response rather than a chemical stimulant.

Offline mradventures

try to think erotic thoughts or move to different positions that might make her tighter?
but i have something similar, so i just try to enjoy being intimate with a woman, and be there for that rather than having a orgasm.

Offline Jayne_cobb

I only don't feel anything when the woman is excessively lubed.  Otherwise it all feels fine to me.  Maybe I'm missing something?  I don't think I've ever experienced what the op has described. 
Re the whole two pops thing - in my younger days with an escort I'd be over excited and the first pop came quite quickly, giving plenty of recovery time and then I could cum again for round two in an hour booking.
Now I just go for 30 min bookings and one pop as it takes me a lot longer to get there for the first one.  The problem I do find is that feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment after a one pop shag goes relatively quickly - an hour or so later i'm wanting to do it all over again.

Offline Marmalade

I hate the lube thing as well. I just find it a bit boring splashing about in a wet bucket.

I think the OP’s thing is probably psychological although it doesn’t seem to rhyme with his reviews (?) …

If she’s any good just focus on something else — her sexy ears or whatever; or if you you wilt just do something (or someone) else. I found parties good for this. Fuck one, cold shower, fuck another. A tadalafil the morning before can keep a back interest going…

Offline bobgobwick

OP if you are in your 30s and fit and healthy you shouldn't need viagra.
For me I don't masturbate a couple of days before hand, book an hours GFE session which will involve lots of foreplay. Once rock hard start penetration, but make sure you pull out of you feel your going to cum early or not feeling it, keep switching positions, eventually you'll get a rhythm and ejaculate.

Most of all, just empty your head and relax. It took me 3 punts with my current SP before I climaxed inside her (in a condom of course).
But with a good 45 minute build up you won't feel hard done by if you only cum once.