Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Friends of WG  (Read 1754 times)


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This shouldn't matter if a WG is a properly professional ~ it's only business....

Warning LONG!

This kind of applies more to the parlour scene. Particularly in Asia where they have line ups. But it also applies to indies as well, as indies form loose associations. They are friends with each other, they socialise and they talk to each other when it isn't busy.

Here is what happened:

I go to 8MK (a middle range 'sauna') and there is a line up. There is a really cute Korean girl. So I choose her. She wasn't bad, I go again a few days later and choose the same Korean girl. I go with her several times and each time the service gets better and better.

I take a week off and go back and in the line up there is the same Korean girl she smiles at me with an expectant look on her face.

But at the end of the line up there is another really shy smaller Korean girl who looks cute as a button. I choose her instead. The original Korean girl stomps off in a huff. Smaller Korean girl was terrible and inexperienced, she even put the raincoat on inside out. She went home shortly after as she wasn't cut out for this line of work.

So I return and the line up comes out and there is the original Korean girl. She sees me and turns around and goes back into the waiting area. I don't fancy any of the others so I leave. A week later I go and the only one working is the Korean girl who wants to turn me down but the mamasan says something to her and she takes me to the massage room. She gives me a work to rule service which was lousy considerably worse than the last time I'd tapped her.

Second time was with an indie.

She was a Taiwanese girl (28) who was my Hong Kong semi regular really good BJ skills, awful everything else. I'd been seeing her weekly for about 3 months. Then she went on holiday for 2 weeks for a UK shopping trip. She'd rented out her flat to one of her friends, this friend turned out to be her much younger sister. Who was good really good. I did her 3 maybe 4 times. The original comes back and I'm approaching her flat and I hear a cat fight from inside her flat. It goes on for a while but then stops as I assume she can see me on the CCTV camera. I back off to the stairwell and see the younger sister stomp out.

I slide into her flat and she's quite angry but I can see her suppress it. She does scrub me rather hard in the shower and gives me the usual service. But while bouncing on top of me in CG. She asks if I saw anybody else while she was gone. I said um yeah. She said who? Oh a couple of bad punts here and there. She then gets angry and starts slapping me on the face calling me a filthy liar and was angry that I had 'cheated' on her with her sister. I didn't finish, put the money on the table got dressed and walked out.

She never did answer the phone or open her door to me again ever.

A similar thing happened again but with a close friend of another WG. She was unhappy that I'd gone to see her friend as she'd some how put a claim on me. She did see me again but the service was lousy. Apparently with bargirls once you've picked a girl she 'belongs' to you and all others are NOT to touch you.

Men who drift from girl to girl are called butterflies.


I've seen a WG 5 times service gets better each time. This month I've not seen her at all. I hear her talk about her friends and I know who she is referring to as I've seen them on AW and she puts them down. I've been with others who turned out to be fairly good. Now on my hit list I have two of her duo partner friends. I was going to visit one of them on Monday. Out of the blue I get a couple of rather filthy texts saying I've not seen her for a while.

While I also visited one on Friday who is very good friends with the one I'm seeing on Saturday

I know I am not owned by any of them.

But at the same time I don't want to return and get bad service...

Offline mh

I did a Google search for "8MK Sauna" and your post from 30 minutes ago is the first relevant result! Howzat... So where is 8MK? UK? Overseas?

Anyway, this all sounds like bullshit (not your post, their attitudes). What do they expect to happen once they give you a shit service upon your return to them from other pastures? That you will recant and promise to be faithful? You're paying them to service you, not marrying them. Move on and be a butterfly. That doesn't sound right, but I know what I mean...

My approach is to plan to choose a different girl every time on principle but go back to previous girl if nothing else takes my fancy. That applies to my AW punting and lineup places, though I have considerably less experience of the latter.


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Anyway, this all sounds like bullshit (not your post, their attitudes). What do they expect to happen once they give you a shit service upon your return to them from other pastures? That you will recant and promise to be faithful? You're paying them to service you, not marrying them. Move on and be a butterfly. That doesn't sound right, but I know what I mean...

My approach is to plan to choose a different girl every time on principle but go back to previous girl if nothing else takes my fancy. That applies to my AW punting and lineup places, though I have considerably less experience of the latter.
I guess it depends what you're looking for. If you just want a warm pussy to fuck and couldn't give a damn about who's attached to it, then being a butterfly makes perfect sense.

Personally I find seeing someone new stressful, as it's by definition always a punt.  I'd rather have a bunch of reliable regulars I rotate through who, between them, do all the services I'm interested in.  There are very few things left on my sexual bucket list that couldn't easily be achieved with the list I have so I'd only look for new WG's if there's something different I need to try - like an asian lady e.g.

That said, all of my regulars seem to me consummate professionals and I can't imagine they would get attached to me or possessive in any way. Much as I might actually like that in a couple of cases. :) 

It does seem very odd behaviour from a WG.

Offline brightperv

justpin you punting life could be turned into a sitcom!

Online tel_house

I've had the opposite experience.

I saw one of my regulars a little while ago and she had obviously been looking at my feedback and commented on a WG I'd seen. We talked about that session and my regular thought the other girl was fit; I think she might have been hinting that I arranged a duo booking with them both. Unfortunately before I could do anything the other girl disappeared from AW. However, my regular did suggest another WG who I'm about to book and who knows a duo booking may be on the cards after that.


Offline thefoxman

I did get similar at Sandys, when my regular wasnt available I went with another WG
then went back to the regular next week, and she was very jealous that I'd been with another WG she knew.

Asking endless questions about how good the other WG was, and did she do this and that...
... must admit I over egged how good she was as she was eager not be outdone  :D


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OP, if you've spent time in Asia you should understand the concept of 'face'. In the first case it's very likely you caused the original girl to lose face in front of the other girls when you selected someone else, & that is a big issue for her. Had you alternated with other girls instead of focussing on just her you would have not put her in that position.

And yes, I know everyone is going to post that she's only a prossie & the OP can do what he pleases, but face is a very important concept in parts of Asia. I thought the Chinese were bad until I went to Korea.

Offline smiths

I have experienced this at EE WG group flats on ocassion. Always makes me laugh. The WG is sucking and fucking who knows how many other punters but actually expects me to only book her every time. Thats not going to happen in this lifetime.

The dirty looks i have had from some pissed off WGs when i have chosen her colleague hasnt put me off, i punt with who i wish to when i wish to, if a WG i have previously punted with gets pissed off bad luck.

Offline jsparky

You did the wrong thing by keep revisiting the regulars, they'll start to think they 'own' you.

The last time I meet Stacy, I couldn't come before times up, so she say I can see her sister. I don't have enough money so make a booking and come back after one hour for her sister. I don't think she is jealous at all! :D   

Offline the_exile

Had the opposite from a regular, who said as I was about to leave, "You used to like seeing xxxx, didn't you? Well, she'll be working here again tomorrow". Needless to say, I was back the next day for a session with the other girl! Another girl, who I saw for several years, was OK about me seeing other WGs, in fact she always wanted to know what I'd got up to since the last time I saw her. Bit different to choosing one girl over another at a "line-up" though, I could see why some could get their nose put out of joint there.

Offline AlTerminator

I'm new to the scene, I've always wanted to get with a korean or Hk girl, how did you find out about these parlours? Any recommendations?