Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Friendly advice for newcomers  (Read 2346 times)

Offline OGS20

Ah you see Clatty my man what you've actually ended up doing there is asking yourself a question, guess there's more than one of us attention seekers in here.

If you think I'm an attention seeker and a troll then why don't you just ignore? It's clear you're not up for changing your mind and nobody could disagree that you've said your piece. But that's why I call you Clatty with a bone after all.
Banned reason: Shit stirring walloper.
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline Clattypats

Ah you see Clatty my man what you've actually ended up doing there is asking yourself a question, guess there's more than one of us attention seekers in here.

If you think I'm an attention seeker and a troll then why don't you just ignore? It's clear you're not up for changing your mind and nobody could disagree that you've said your piece. But that's why I call you Clatty with a bone after all.
I'm afraid deflection doesn't work with me either...  :rolleyes:

I'll ignore you if I so choose, otherwise I can comment on any thread I choose to...  :thumbsup:

Members can question other members they find suss... The site is about giving accurate information in order to help other members... So I would say it defeats the purpose when certain members (namely you), lie - which you've admitted previously-  post comments which it's clear to see are malicious... only you will know the reason why you choose to do this... but it helps no one on here...

If anyone else had started this thread it would have been relatively useful and carried some weight... However its sole purpose is for you to backtrack yet again and play the victim card... You are however, very transparent, at least to me anyway...  ;)

Offline auldie63

Worm and weasel my way in to what?
Why do you come on here?
It seems you only do it to engineer an argument with someone and then draw that out ad infinitum. Why don't you just ignore this forum and get on with your sad life under whichever stone you inhabit. :hi:

Offline OGS20

Why do you come on here?
It seems you only do it to engineer an argument with someone and then draw that out ad infinitum. Why don't you just ignore this forum and get on with your sad life under whichever stone you inhabit. :hi:

You'd need to have a pretty warped view of reality to come to the conclusion that I'm the one seeking an argument or drawing anything out
Banned reason: Shit stirring walloper.
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline OGS20

Why do you come on here?

I come on here because I like to punt and this forum is useful for weeding out the fake profiles and the poor service providers from the good ones. I've also contributed to that end.
Banned reason: Shit stirring walloper.
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline Clattypats

I come on here because I like to punt and this forum is useful for weeding out the fake profiles and the poor service providers from the good ones. I've also contributed to that end.
It's useful with regards to decent punters/members that don't lie/backtrack and bullshit, of that there is no doubt... You however!... (Nice attempt at trolling though  :rolleyes:)

Best stay off the deludamol... :wacko:

Offline Courtney

It's useful with regards to decent punters/members that don't lie/backtrack and bullshit, of that there is no doubt... You however!... (Nice attempt at trolling though  :rolleyes:)

Best stay off the deludamol... :wacko:

OGS20 (more like OCD20) (Removed).the most irritating and infuriating twat ever to post in the history of UKP  :mad: (and that’s me being polite)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 02:22:49 pm by daviemac »

Offline Name Not Found

As fascinating as OGS20's contributions are, I can't help the nagging feeling that the real star of this thread is Mr. Clitlicker.

A member for 3 months; amassing a total of 3 posts (despite apparently logging on frequently and claiming to be a seasoned punter); two of which are practically begging for himself to be banned. The dig at other people's grammar was a classic pot/kettle moment  :D

Is this a new form of sado-masochism that I have previously been unaware of? (or, to satisfy the man himself, "of which I have been previously unaware")  :sarcastic:

« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 10:40:27 pm by Name Not Found »

Offline Courtney

Mr. Clitlicker.

punting for over 20 years

...punting for over 20 years and yet posts like a 14 year old. :wacko: :crazy:

Offline Clattypats

As fascinating as OGS20's contributions are, I can't help the nagging feeling that the real star of this thread is Mr. Clitlicker.

A member for 3 months; amassing a total of 3 posts (despite apparently logging on frequently and claiming to be a seasoned punter); two of which are practically begging for himself to be banned. The dig at other people's grammar was a classic pot/kettle moment  :D

Is this a new form of sado-masochism that I have previously been unaware of? (or, to satisfy the man himself, "of which I have been previously unaware")  :sarcastic:
The fact of the matter is we are all meant to be on this site to help one another out... I would think that would consist of being as accurate as one can, not misleading other members with bluster and bullshit for a start...

How does that help anyone?

Clitlicker is a one off troll, but the other poster in question is a blatant shit stirrer, knows exactly what he's doing. I can see it and so can others... Its not fantasy, it's there for all to see in the posts he (the emphasis being he) has made... No one else made they posts for him (unless he knows better)...Strange...  :unknown:

Offline Name Not Found

Clitlicker is a one off troll

But can you really be called a troll with only 3 posts?

I'm still saying "weirdo"  :yahoo:

Offline Clattypats

But can you really be called a troll with only 3 posts?

I'm still saying "weirdo"  :yahoo:
IMO you could possibly be a troll with one post, it would the context in which the post is written... I've seen people banned previously on here after one post with that being the reason I'm sure...

It just becomes rather confusing when someone can post bullshit/lies (which they admit), say they didn't mean it, then they did then they didn't... I mean WTF...  :wacko:

I suppose any new member wanting "friendly advice" would be more apt to be more confused than I am, and for that matter the author of the thread, who seems to be confused by his very self...

I've asked him the question : "why he has backtracked and done so many U Turns over the course on here?"

I await his reply... If you are going to make malicious comments at least stand by your convictions, he didnt/hasn't and whether that be forums, or any walk of life, that tells its own story...  :hi:

Offline Courtney

IMO you could possibly be a troll with one post, it would the context in which the post is written... I've seen people banned previously on here after one post with that being the reason I'm sure...

+1 Exactly ...doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 10,000 posts.

I’m sure I’ve also seen people banned after 1 post with the label “troll”

Offline Clattypats

+1 Exactly ...doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 10,000 posts.

I’m sure I’ve also seen people banned after 1 post with the label "troll"
Yip that's what I meant, just didn't phrase it correctly...

Offline OGS20

I await his reply...


That's the number of times you've posted on this thread.

You've made over a quarter of the posts on this single thread and not one has been a coherent question. If anyone else has questions they're most welcome but I won't be fielding any from yourself.
Banned reason: Shit stirring walloper.
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline Clattypats


That's the number of times you've posted on this thread.

You've made over a quarter of the posts on this single thread and not one has been a coherent question. If anyone else has questions they're most welcome but I won't be fielding any from yourself.
Sorry, is there a limit to how many times I can post on a thread and query things, don't think so...

Anyway, this is your typical response when you can't answer me... Wonder why 🤔

Well let's break it down...

You (pos) review a WG "Lizzie xox"
You mention there is a slight whiff from down below, "but nothing too bad" thereafter you comment on someone else's review, bearing in mind (and I asked you) you hadn't seen her again between your review and then... She had then become progressively worse; she was "boufin" and smelt like a "Tuna cave"... Malicious I would say...

Another WG you seen was "worse than a paperbag job" and "repulsive"... Now while looks are subjective, which I understand, nowhere in any reviews have I seen anything of the like mentioned, plus I've seen her myself (even though you stated I hadn't  :crazy:) ... Again malicious....

Not quoted the posts but it's all within the threads in the links I've posted earlier in this thread...

You posted all that drivel, backtracked on it, admitted it was lies...I didn't post it for you, and to my knowledge no one else on here did... you did...

Offline OGS20

17 and finally a coherent argument.

Sorry, is there a limit to how many times I can post on a thread and query things, don't think so...

No but it might make you wonder who the real attention seeker is...

You (pos) review a WG "Lizzie xox"
You mention there is a slight whiff from down below, "but nothing too bad" thereafter you comment on someone else's review, bearing in mind (and I asked you) you hadn't seen her again between your review and then... She had then become progressively worse; she was "boufin" and smelt like a "Tuna cave"... Malicious I would say...

You can assume intent as you like, but it's just an assumption. My initial review was a little kind. There was one meet in which the smell stuck with me afterwards. I should have said that in my review. And I shouldn't have said her tuna cave was absolutely boufin or whatever I said because it was gratuitous and I was being a billy big baws getting cheap laughs and Lizzie has always been absolutely spot on in her service otherwise so it makes it even worse I would say something like that. So yes, regrettably poor from me.

Another WG you seen was "worse than a paperbag job" and "repulsive"... Now while looks are subjective, which I understand, nowhere in any reviews have I seen anything of the like mentioned, plus I've seen her myself (even though you stated I hadn't  :crazy:) ... Again malicious....

I think you'll find I actually accused you of being much closer to her than you let on but admittedly I had no idea if it was true, just something one user messaged me. I'm happy to admit that. I was trying to find the source of your obsession with me, which literally started on day 1. It got stale pretty quickly for me but clearly you're still very much obsessed. It baffles me frankly that this is worth your time.

Now with regards to what I said about the WG you refer to, thank you very much for not mentioning her explicitly by the way... It was stupid, it was wrong. A simple 'I wasn't attracted to her' would've sufficed. Billy big baws at it again. There was no malicious intent but what a damned stupid thing to say. I think it speaks volumes about how bad an attitude I had about respecting the feelings of prostitutes. I would never have wanted to do anything that would bring them to harms way and would never say it directly. Yet, when I came online in this open forum I was stupid enough to think it was ok to say those kinds of things without consideration for the feelings of a person whose occupation makes them more vulnerable than most in an occupation that already attracts disadvantaged people.

I don't know how straight I've been able to convey what I mean, but there were no bad intentions on my part, just a lack of appreciation for the reach of this platform amongst other things I suppose. Forgive me for any difficulty you may have in reading this, I am not entirely sure what the shortcoming in me was that led me to those bad decisions, but I have tried to explain my perspective as best as I can. I don't seek to understate my mistakes, hence the OP actually. I would speculate that had you not turned up, this thread would've gone much differently. But you always turn up, don't you? I await your 18th post.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 12:41:58 am by OGS20 »
Banned reason: Shit stirring walloper.
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline Clattypats

17 and finally a coherent argument.

No but it might make you wonder who the real attention seeker is...

You can assume intent as you like, but it's just an assumption. My initial review was a little kind. There was one meet in which the smell stuck with me afterwards. I should have said that in my review. And I shouldn't have said her tuna cave was absolutely boufin or whatever I said because it was gratuitous and I was being a billy big baws getting cheap laughs and Lizzie has always been absolutely spot on in her service otherwise so it makes it even worse I would say something like that. So yes, regrettably poor from me.

I think you'll find I actually accused you of being much closer to her than you let on but admittedly I had no idea if it was true, just something one user messaged me. I'm happy to admit that. I was trying to find the source of your obsession with me, which literally started on day 1. It got stale pretty quickly for me but clearly you're still very much obsessed. It baffles me frankly that this is worth your time.

Now with regards to what I said about the WG you refer to, thank you very much for not mentioning her explicitly by the way... It was stupid, it was wrong. A simple 'I wasn't attracted to her' would've sufficed. Billy big baws at it again. There was no malicious intent but what a damned stupid thing to say. I think it speaks volumes about how bad an attitude I had about respecting the feelings of prostitutes. I would never have wanted to do anything that would bring them to harms way and would never say it directly. Yet, when I came online in this open forum I was stupid enough to think it was ok to say those kinds of things without consideration for the feelings of a person whose occupation makes them more vulnerable than most in an occupation that already attracts disadvantaged people.

I don't know how straight I've been able to convey what I mean, but there were no bad intentions on my part, just a lack of appreciation for the reach of this platform amongst other things I suppose. Forgive me for any difficulty you may have in reading this, I am not entirely sure what the shortcoming in me was that led me to those bad decisions, but I have tried to explain my perspective as best as I can. I don't seek to understate my mistakes, hence the OP actually. I would speculate that had you not turned up, this thread would've gone much differently. But you always turn up, don't you? I await your 18th post.
Another load of complete self pitying trash, but thanks for taking the time to post all of that...  :crazy:

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time...  ;) :music: