Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Has anyone seen this young girl  (Read 1487 times)

Offline sky1234

Hope everyone is doing good.

Just discovered this profile and was wondering if anyone has seen this lady?

This is the profile External Link/Members Only

She checks all boxes for me good looking, small but curvy, looks like she might have a big ass too lol. Wondering if anyone has had a good or bad experience with her as I'm not too sure on spending 120 for HH...

Online Jasonk71

Just a shame about her rip off prices

Offline Pablo02

That’s quite a extensive likes list she’s got.
I’d prob enquire first about those if there is any specific ones you like
That’s off course if you book

Offline chadpitt

I'm not too sure on spending 120 for HH...

Then don't. Simples

Offline slimdude1

That’s quite a extensive likes list she’s got.
I’d prob enquire first about those if there is any specific ones you like
That’s off course if you book


Offline markeewould

Hope everyone is doing good.

Just discovered this profile and was wondering if anyone has seen this lady?

This is the profile External Link/Members Only

She checks all boxes for me good looking, small but curvy, looks like she might have a big ass too lol. Wondering if anyone has had a good or bad experience with her as I'm not too sure on spending 120 for HH...

its the phrase '... ive just arrived....' in Birmingham that worries me ....although she purports to be an Essex girl.....we'll see :drinks:

Offline JEH7376

its the phrase '... ive just arrived....' in Birmingham that worries me ....although she purports to be an Essex girl.....we'll see :drinks:

My punters radar says something is TGTBT and I’ve learned to trust that

Offline Availableinlarge

5’ 1” and 5’ 3” in heels.
She needs some sexier shoes.  :cool:

Offline BobbyMystic

I went to see her yesterday. She operates in the (Street name removed as per rule #22) BI5 area. Was drawn in by the pictures and the fact that she claims that she can deepthroat 10 inch max. SMH.

Anyhow, the girl is not as stunning as she appears  in the pictures. The usual fake tan, and lip fillers, facially she is above average but nothing to write home about. Her breasts are also small and slighty droopy for just a size B/C.

Her hair is unaturally black, which suggests it could be a wig or heavily dyed.

The most disappointing thing about her appearance though is that she has narrow hips which means that she comes accross as not as shapely and slightly ill-proportioned and I found myself caught in two minds at the the door in the limbo of : " Should I stay or should I go (leave)?". She also walks with a slight dragging motion which is not as feminine.

Because I had travelled some distance to see her based on the details and pics on her profile, sadly I chose to stay. Nothing could prepare me for what was about to happen next.

Parted with the cash, 120 quid but not before confirming my likes, OWO including ball licking, kissing if I wish to, sex protected.

Kissing started, very light and unerotic. Then she started to give me uncovered BJ. For that I give her a 5/10. Her action is not deep (ignore the deepthroat in her ad--thats just a part of her scam) but its past the tip. Its ok, but its too fast and light. I ask her to slow down. Basically it doesnt get better because everytime I tell her what I would prefer she has to stop for a extended period to see what I mean, ask questions and then proceed to give a substandard performance. To be honest I was struggling to continue being turned on throughout the experience.

She keeps telling my that my dick is the biggest one that she has seen so far and asking what is the length? I tell her I dont know because as men we dont measure dicks and certainly not against each others dicks. In reality I am just a little above average, but its all relative. She strokes my cock alot in between conversations too much while giving head..again its hard for me to keep turned on during these episodes. To me she was just trying to kill time.

Ok now to the sex. She keeps complaining that her condoms might be too small, there is great delay in her finding them and then a whole other song and dance to find the lube, which is out...which means more time to open the new one..she cant get condom open with fingernails..more delay...

By this time I know this punt is not going to be what I had imagined when I first saw her profile and contacted her while heading out. Anyway..the sex was ok. She is small so one has to be willing to adjust the positions to her height and given she had not managed to turn me on fully it was a bit difficult to begin with  but by sheer will I managed to penetrate her. We tried sex in various positions ..she seemed to enjoy it (but who knows?).

She refuses doggy, so we mostly do i) missionary, ii) standing missionary with her legs over shoulders off the bed and  I took her from behind in foetal position with me laying on my sude. I dont know what its called--spooning from behind--. But because she is small, you basically end up bouncing her on your dick and not too hard lest the condom breaks.. So on my way to climax and about 20 minutes into the  30 minute booking she is on her phone while I am fucking her , maybe typing messages to clients maybe just checking her Facebook or Insta and then she tells me that I have 5 minutes. I tell her that time is incorrect...and we are arguing mildly while fucking.

Next she then stops abruptly and says ..times up.. and starts referring to the last text message we exchanged which proved my point that we had not reached 30 minutes. I tell her that she should apologize since she was clearly wrong..she starts shouting getting hysterical.. Telling me she has other clients waiting.

She calls a friend into the room, a chubby dumb looking mixed girl into the room and both of them shout at me though there is clear evidence that I was right . It is clear based on the time of the message that if I am writing by text that "I am walking to your apartment" at 3:30 ..then we could not have had sex for 30 minutes , got into an argument, called girlfriend into the room and the time is still 3:55.

She offers 2 minutes more sex as a consolation prize, I tell her, I want some of my money back because she has now killed my vibes for sex (which was on life support already --I didnt tell her that though). She gets hysterical and threatens to call the police.

She does that, calls the police tells them that she is feeling threatened and that they need to come over. When she is off the phone she laughs at me , shouts rants, tells me she is gonna get me locked up. That I am a man and the police  are just going to lock me up. I tell her she is a scammer and should not do what she has done and that I have been respectful to her throughout.

I am waiting there, I dont know why I just felt wrong what she did.. I half hoped it was fake police that she called as part of a scam.. I know its lockdown and I shouldnt even be out. But the things this girl was saying as I was sitting there..threatening me..taking a kitchen knife and appearing to threaten me with it before putting it in her pocket.. Telling me how she will see her clients anyway while we wait for the police she will be fucking in the room. as I sat there quietly telling them to respect me like I was showing respect to them. That she should put away the knife for her own safety etc...

Eventually two cops arrived, I was sitting in the living room of the flat where I was interviewed by one of them, the other interviewed her in the bedroom her friend was observing the scene moving back and forth between the rooms. The cops asked for me details, I gave it to them showed ID. They did a check for any priors.  I calmly explained to them what happened in full.. I could hear her being hysterical from the bedroom and accusing me of being aggressive. Luckily she didnt follow through on her threat of claiming I raped her using my dna as evidence, which is what she had threatened to do earlier. I told the cops that I had recorded her rant and all her threats which I had sneakily done for my own protection. They did not want to hear that..saying .."its a civil matter", I should have been there in the first place, besides I am from out of town.

I agreed as much as I could with the cops but above all reacted very calmly and they escorted me downstairs, verified I had no priors and asked me to leave and not to contact her again and told me that "as far as they are concerned this event never happened"..

It was a horrible punting experience guys be warned. In the end I was lucky not to get locked up and fined for sub-standard sex and just a average masculine looking chick....

So many lessons to learn for me...still cant believe what I went through. This girl is a real scammer, disrespectful and drama queen and should be avoided at all costs.

She has now dropped her price to £100 instead of £120.. Still way too high for the abuse that she offers to clients

« Last Edit: March 07, 2021, 06:05:16 pm by daviemac »

Offline Londontiger

Did the police fine you 200 poind for breaking covid regulations. If not then looks like everyman can visit a whore
Banned reason: Multiple Profiles - James, James021, Londontiger, wearegreat
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diggingdeep

OMG - hope you’re ok after this

This should be a review to alert others

Online daviemac

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OMG - hope you’re ok after this

This should be a review to alert others
Do you actually believe it? come on, she's going to keep seeing punters while she waits for the police. Who in their right mind would kick up such a fuss over 5 minutes then sit waiting patiently for the police to come knowing full well there could be a £200 fine.  :wacko:

Offline Diggingdeep

I’m not sure I actually do believe it but why post all this info - must be at a loose end!!

Offline Diggingdeep

It’s first post too, more alarm bells!!

Offline petermisc

Good on BobbyM for having the balls to call her bluff, hopefully she won't be pulling that call the police threat on other punters.  But at the end of the day, he still ended up being shortchanged for a shit punt, so would be good if he could cut and paste this into the review section.

Offline BobbyMystic

Do you actually believe it? come on, she's going to keep seeing punters while she waits for the police. Who in their right mind would kick up such a fuss over 5 minutes then sit waiting patiently for the police to come knowing full well there could be a £200 fine.  :wacko:

Hey guys,

As I told the girl at the time, what she is doing is straight scamming people and taking advantage of the fact that noone would actually have the balls to stand up to her. Hence why I call her a scammer.

The threats she was making is what made me decide to resist and stand up to her no matter what the consequences. Call it bravado or call it stupidity. Luckily I did not bear all the least not yet.

If you don't believe the post, its up to you, from my perspective if I save one punter from going through that hell of a situation. I have made a small contribution.

If you go however and find that my descriptions are accurate in any way, feel free to post here.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2021, 11:33:23 am by BobbyMystic »