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Author Topic: The Full Menu  (Read 681 times)

Offline AffAlchemist

So has anyone looked at a like list and thought they’d book the SP just so they can try and tick everything off on that SPs  like list?
Also, if you tried and failed what was that one thing you just couldn’t do?

Offline mancsguy1975

Great post - although i'd take a punt that some likes on many SPs list aren't really available - would be interested to hear how prevalent this is too .

Offline AffAlchemist

Yeah there’s an SP Whose list I thought I could do but then out of the blue there’s fisting and that’s not gonna happen lol
Not sure the demand for fisting in the punting community but gutted it’s on there as I reckon I could check the rest of the list off lol even a few of the more kinkier likes haha

Online Punterperson1971

Same as this as well who has one or how many wg’s actually have one and use it.
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