Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: owo at discretion ??  (Read 5184 times)

Offline daviemac

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I dont know. Im guessing you and Misswolf are both right , there may be no need to wash it but if a mothers maternal instinct is to wash her kid, like wash his backside and everything then it seems reasonable give his cock a once over aswell.  It would be easy for you to just say the NHS say dont do it - end of arguement but what is natural , what happens in nature , do monkeys clean their offsprings genitals.  Personally id put as much significance on that as i would what the NHS say.  Obviously the NHS give that advice to help new mothers but at the same time mothers are at the coal face and if they think their kid kids cock looks like it could do with a clean and thats the best thing to do in their paternal judgement how can you argue with that  :unknown:
There's a vast difference between washing the general genital area and physically holding a child's cock to pull the foreskin back. Did your mother do it to you? I remember a great deal about my childhood and that is not one of them.  To be honest I've never heard of anyone doing it.

As long as the outside looks clean and there's no signs of infection what possible reason would anyone have to pull the foreskin back and have a look.

Offline cotton

Well its kindof immaterial but my earliest ever memory is of my mum putting some kind of cream on my cock , my dad was there as well and im guessing i must of had some kind of infection , it was obviously disturbing enough that i remember it.  But im happy to accept you may be right and baby infant cocks dont need any maintenance apart from if their is a clear problem that needs attending to.  They may not need it but that dosnt necessarily mean theres anything wrong in mothers doing it in a careful and sensitive way does it ? Or is it just wrong wrong to do it ?

Offline Doc Holliday

Only just seen this.

I dont know. Im guessing you and Misswolf are both right , there may be no need to wash it but if a mothers maternal instinct is to wash her kid, like wash his backside and everything then it seems reasonable give his cock a once over aswell.  It would be easy for you to just say the NHS say dont do it - end of arguement but what is natural , what happens in nature , do monkeys clean their offsprings genitals.  Personally id put as much significance on that as i would what the NHS say.  Obviously the NHS give that advice to help new mothers but at the same time mothers are at the coal face and if they think their kid kids cock looks like it could do with a clean and thats the best thing to do in their paternal judgement how can you argue with that  :unknown:

Incorrect. What happens in nature is that from birth the foreskin is 'stuck' to the glans by a protective adhesive membrane (synechial membrane) This should not be forced back (with the ironic exception of a child who has been circumcised) The age at which the foreskin can be safely, gently and gradually retracted is very variable, but rarely less than two years and more commonly 5 years, although it can be much later. It should ideally be retracted by puberty (say 10+ years)

Well its kind of immaterial but my earliest ever memory is of my mum putting some kind of cream on my cock , my dad was there as well and im guessing i must of had some kind of infection , it was obviously disturbing enough that i remember it. 

I'm guessing you are not a father? All babies bits get smothered in 'Sudocrem' from time to time due to 'nappy rash'. Its normal. It is applied to the skin though and not mucous membranes.